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前 言 近年来,中国汽车产业持续保持高速发展态势,汽车产销 和保有量连续多年快速增长,2010 年汽车产销量突破 1800 万辆, 成为世界第一大汽车产销国, 民用汽车保有量突破 7800万辆;由汽车消耗的燃料总量不断攀升,连续多年成为中国新增石油消耗的主体。 为应对汽车保有量不断增长所引起的能源和环境问题,实现中国汽车产业可持续、健康发展,中国从 2002 年开始先后制定实施了乘用车燃料消耗量限值、轻型商用车辆燃料消耗量限值、轻型汽车燃料消耗量标识等汽车节能领域的重要标准,建立起相对完善的轻型汽车燃料经济性标准体系。在汽车节能管理方面,工业和信息化部于 2008 年发布实施轻型汽车燃料消耗量标示管理规定,在我国首次建立了以服务消费者为目的的燃料消耗量标示和通告制度,自 2010 年 1 月 1 日起通过工信部网站每月向社会公开发布轻型汽车燃料消耗量信息,通过准确的燃料消耗量信息引导消费者购买低油耗节能汽车。 受工业和信息化部委托,中国汽车技术研究中心将以汽车燃料消耗量标识备案信息为基础,定期对我国汽车产品的技术状态、燃料消耗量水平及其发展趋势进行客观分析,对汽车燃料消耗量限值标准的实施效果进行评估,为政府部门决策、企业产品开发及科学研究提供参考。 作为尝试,我们首先从乘用车开始,依据 2010 年乘用车燃料消耗量备案数据,对车辆主要特征参数、车型燃料消耗量及其相互关系进行统计和交叉分析;梳理统计各类节能技术在乘用车上的应用情况,简要分析节能技术的应用效果;结合节能汽车(1.6 升及以下乘用车)推广政策实施情况,对比分析节能汽车技术状态和燃料消耗量水平;计算分析我国主要乘用车生产企业平均燃料消耗量、全国平均燃料消耗量和不同技术来源平均燃料消耗量。 本报告是在工业和信息化部的指导和能源基金会的支持下、由中国汽车技术研究中心编写完成的。本报告由金约夫负责, 王兆、保翔执笔;编写组成员 包括金约夫、王兆、保翔、郑天雷。 这是我们首次对中国乘用车产品技术状态和燃料消耗量进行综合分析。受基础数据历史积累不够所限,部分研究分析不够系统和深入,报告可能会存在不足和疏漏之处。希望关心汽车节能工作的领导、专家和社会各界提出指导和批评意见,以便我们在后续的工作中改进和提高。 二零一一年十一月 Foreword During the recent years, the Chinese automobile industry has kept its roaring growth, with the production, sales, and population of motor vehicles rising rapidly in many successive years; in the year2010, both auto production and sales outstripped 18 million sets, making China rank number one around the globe, and with the population of private vehicles exceeding 78 million sets; the total fuel consumption attributable to automobiles has remained increase, and the automotive sector has become, in many years, the new big petroleum consumer in China. For finding a solution to the energy and environmental issues arising from vehicle population and promoting the development of the Chinese auto industry in a sustainable, healthy manner, China has begun, since 2002, ulating and putting into effect some key standards with respect to automotive energy saving, including, among others, “Limits of fuel consumption for passenger cars”, “Limits of fuel consumption for light duty commercial vehicles”, and “Fuel consumption label for light vehicle”; consequently, a relatively complete system of standards has been set up for fuel economy of light-duty vehicles. As for the administration over automotive energy saving, Ministry of Industry and Ination Technology MIIT promulgated and implemented, in 2008, the “Regulations for Fuel Consumption Label of Light-duty Vehicles”, establishing, for the first time, the fuel consumption labeling and publicity system in China for the purpose of serving the consumers; after January 1, 2010, the official website of MIIT has monthly made public the fuel consumption ination of light-duty vehicles, such that the accurate ination could guide the consumers in purchasing the energy-saving vehicles featuring a low fuel consumption. As engaged by MIIT, China Automotive Technology and Research Center CATARC will unfold objective analysis to the technical state, fuel consumption level and its trends of the local auto products in a periodic manner based on the record ination of automotive fuel consumption label, in addition to the assessment on the implementation efficacy of the fuel consumption limit standards for motor vehicles, thus providing references for the policy making of governmental authorities, the product R based on the collation and statistics of the application of various energy-saving technologies in passenger cars, a brief analysis is conducted to the application results of the energy-saving technologies; in combination with the cution of the popularization policies concerning energy-saving vehicles passenger cars ≤ 1.6 liter, comparative analysis is unfolded to the technical state and fuel consumption level of the energy-saving vehicles; and calculations and analysis are carried out as to the company average fuel consumption CAFC of the local main passenger car makers, national average fuel consumption NAFC, and average fuel consumption of technical source TSAFC. This report is ulated by CATARC under the guidance of MIIT and supported by Energy Foundation. As led by Jin Yuefu, it is written by Wang Zhao and Bao Xiang; and the compilation team constitutes Jin Yuefu, Wang Zhao, Bao Xiang, and Zheng Tianlei. This report represents our first all-round analysis to the technical status and fuel consumption of the passenger car products in China. Whereas the historically accumulated fundamental data are not quite sufficient and some researches and analysis are not quite systematic and deep-going, weak points and omissionswould be inevitable in this report. It is expected that the officials, experts and various social circles who care about the auto energy-saving could put forward guidance and criticism opinions, so as to encourage our improvement in the subsequent work. November, 2011 目 录 1 数据来源和数据处理 . 1 1.1 数据来源 1 1.2 数据处理 1 2 车辆技术状态 3 2.1 排量分布 3 2.2 变速器型式及档位分布 . 7 2.3 驱动型式分布 . 11 2.4 燃料及动力型式分布 13 2.5 功率分布 15 2.6 最高设计车速分布 23 2.7 可比燃料消耗量因子分布 . 27 2.8 质量分布 35 2.9 脚印面积分布 . 45 3 乘用车燃料消耗量总体分析 . 47 3.1 乘用车燃料消耗量限值标准概况 . 47 3.2 燃料消耗量与技术参数 . 51 4 车辆节能技术应用状态 67 4.1 节能技术应用情况统计 . 67 4.2 节能技术对燃料消耗量的影响 71 5 节能车燃料消耗量及技术状态分析 71 5.1 节能车 /非节能车燃料消耗量对比 73 5.2 节能车 /非节能车节能技术应用情况对比 . 73 5.3 节能车性能特点分析 75 6 按销量加权的平均燃料消耗量 . 77 6.1 企业平均燃料消耗量 77 6.2 全国平均燃料消耗量 79 6.3 按技术来源的平均燃料消耗量 83 7 结论 . 85 7.1 2010 年我国乘用车主要技术参数特点 . 85 7.2 2010 年我国乘用车燃料消耗量水平 87 7.3 节能新技术应用状态 . 87 7.4 2010 年我国乘用车 CO2排放水平 . 89 7.5 前四批节能车技术状态 . 89 8 参考文献 . 89 附录 A 节能技术描述 91 附录 B 变速器与驱动型式说明 . 99 Content 1 Data Sources and Processing 2 1.1 Data source 2 1.2 Data processing . 2 2 Technical Status of Vehicles 4 2.1 Distribution of engine displacement 4 2.2 Distribution with respect to type of transmission and number of gear ratios 8 2.3 Distribution with respect to type of drive system 12 2.4 Distribution with respect to type of fuel and powertrain . 14 2.5 Distribution with respect to power 16 2.6 Distribution with respect to max. designed vehicle speed 24 2.7 Distribution of comparative fuel consumption factor . 28 2.8 Distribution with respect to mass 36 2.9 Distribution with respect to footprint 46 3 Overall Analysis of Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars . 48 3.1 Highlights of the standard of Limits of fuel consumption limits for passenger cars 48 3.2 Fuel consumption vs. technical parameters . 52 4 Application Status of Automotive Energy-saving Technologies 68 4.1 Statistics of application status of energy-saving technologies 68 4.2 Effects of energy-saving technologies on fuel consumption . 72 5 Analysis of Fuel Consumption and Technical Status of Energy-saving Vehicles . 72 5.1 Comparison of fuel consumption between energy-saving and non energy-saving vehicles . 74 5.2 Comparison between energy-saving and non energy-saving vehicles with respect to the application status of energy-saving technologies . 74 5.3 Analysis of perance characteristics of energy-saving vehicles 76 6 Sales Weighted Average Fuel Consumption 78 6.1 CAFC . 78 6.2 National average fuel consumption . 80 6.3 Average fuel consumption per technical source 84 7 Conclusions . 86 7.1 Characteristics of main technical parameters of local passenger cars in the year 2010 86 7.2 Fuel consumption level of domestic passenger cars in 2010 88 7.3 Application status of new energy-saving technologies . 88 7.4 CO2emissions level of passenger cars in China in 2010 90 7.5 Technical state of the first four batches of energy-saving vehicles . 90 8 Bibliography . 90 Exhibit A Description of Energy-saving Technologies 92 Exhibit B Description of Transmission and Type of Drive Model . 100 2010 年中国汽车燃料消耗量技术状态报告-乘用车 1 中国汽车技术研究中心 1 数据来源和数据处理 为准确、客观地反映我国乘用车产品的技术状态及燃料消耗量水平,本章简要介绍了报告中所用数据的来源以及对数据进行前期处理的方法。 1.1 数据来源 本报告数据全部来源于国产车生产企业及进口车经销商按照 轻型汽车燃料消耗量标示管理提交并经工业和信息化部确认的汽车燃料消耗量标识备案信息。数据截止至 2010 年12 月 30 日,仅涵盖乘用车备案数据,共计 10,653 条,对应 4486 个车辆型号[1]。 1.2 数据处理 按照轻型汽车燃料消耗量标示管理规定 、 “汽车燃料消耗量标识备案信息”及其填写说明的要求对同一型号的车辆,如果整车整备质量、最大设计总质量、额定载客人数、前/后轴距、 轮胎规格、 燃料消耗量等任何车辆参数具有不同数值或不同配置的应分别单独备案;对已备案车型的车辆参数或燃料消耗量进行更改的,按如下原则进行处理 已备案车型除燃料消耗量以外的其它参数发生变化的,按照新增数据发布; 已备案车型的燃料消耗量变化但其余参数不作调整的,需要企业提供相应文件及证明,对申请燃料消耗量变化情况予以说明。 基于上述原因, 在汽车燃料消耗量标识备案数据库中存在一个车型对应多条数据的情况。 为方便后续分析,对照乘用车燃料消耗量限值标准并根据数据分析需要,将 1)生产企业、 2)车辆型号、 3)是否越野车、 4)发动机型号、 5)燃料类型、 6)排量、 7)座椅排数、 8)驱动型式、 9)变速器型式、 11)档位数、 12)综合工况燃料消耗量和 13)整车整备质量所处的质量段等 13 项参数作为表征车辆技术状态和燃料消耗量水平的主要参数。对上述参数全部相同的数据进行合并;对上述参数中任何一项存在差别的,则作为单独的有效数据予以保留。 如表 1 所示,依照上述原则,将 2010 年 12 月及以前的 10,653 条备案信息,简化合并为 5,726 条有效数据(为方便描述,以下将“有效数据”称为“车型” ) ,涵盖了国内外共 131家生产企业和制造商,其中包括 90 家国内生产企业和 41 家国外制造商(涉及 27 家进口经销商) 。 表 1 本报告所用数据概览 数据条数 企业数 国内 国外 合计 国内 国外 合计 5073 653 5726 90 41 131 China Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Technology Condition Report 2010-Passenger Cars China Automotive Technology And Research Center 2 1. Data Sources and Processing In order to correctly, objectively reflect the technical status and fuel consumption level of the local passenger cars, this Chapter introduces the sources of the data employed herein and the pre-stage processing s of these data. 1.1. Data source All the data of this report comes from the filed ination of fuel consumption label of motor vehicles as furnished by the local vehicle manufacturers and the dealers of imported vehicles as per the “Regulations for Fuel Consumption Label of Light-duty Vehicles” and confirmed by MIIT. The data are up to Dec. 30, 2010, merely involving the filed data of passenger cars in total 10,653 data pieces, with 4468 vehicle models [1]. 1.2. Data processing According to the requirements of the “Regulations for Fuel Consumption Label of Light-duty Vehicles”, the “Filed Ination of Fuel Consumption Label of Motor Vehicles” and its fill-out instructions for a same model of vehicles, separate filing is required if any vehicle parameter e.g., curb mass, gross vehicle weight, authorized number of passengers, Front/rear wheel base, tyre size, etc. presents different values or the configurations are different; if an already filed vehicle type involves any change in vehicle parameter or fuel consumption, the following principles shall be followed for the processing If an already filed vehicle type involves change in any parameter other than fuel consumption, it shall be made public as newly added data; If an already filed vehicle type involves change in fuel consumption only without regard to any other parameter, manufacturer shall furnish related documents and certificates, explaining the conditions as to the change of fuel consumption. Due to the aforesaid facts, one vehicle type may correspond to several pieces of data in the database of the filed ination of fuel consumption label of motor vehicles. For the convenience of subsequent analysis, with reference to the standard of “Limits of fuel consumption limits for passenger cars”, and in consideration of the demands for data analysis, the following 12 parameters are picked as the main variables in characterizing the technical status of vehicles and the level of fuel consumption 1 manufacturer; 2 vehicle model; 3 off-road vehicle or not; 4 engine model; 5 fuel type; 6 engine displacement; 7 number of seat rows; 8 type of drive model; 9 type of transmission; 10 number of gear ratios; 11 fuel consumption in combined mode; and 12 segment of curb mass. The data with totally identical parameters mentioned above are combined together; if any parameter above is different, the data will be retained as separate, effective data. As shown in Table 1, the 10,653 data pieces field till up to Dec. 2010 are simplified and combined into 5,726 pieces of effective data according to the principles above for the convenience of depiction, the “effective data” is called “vehicle type”, involving 131 local and foreign manufacturers, i.e., 90 local ones and 41 foreign ones 27 dealers of imported vehicles. Table 1 Overview of data used in this report Number of data pieces Number of manufacturers Local Foreign Total Local Foreign Total 5,073 653 5,726 90 41 131 2010 年中国汽车燃料消耗量技术状态报告-乘用车 3 中国汽车技术研究中心 2 车辆技术状态 车辆质量、燃料类型、发动机排量和功率、驱动型式及变速器型式是表征车辆技术状态的重要特征参数,与车辆燃料消耗量水平密切相关。为全面客观评价车辆技术状态,本章对这些关键技术参数及其相互关系进行了分析和比较。 2.1 排量分布 图 1 排量段分布 如图所示,对照我国小汽车消费税率设置将乘用车划分为 9 个不同的排量段,其中, 1.0 L-1.6 L 进一步细分为 1.0 L-1.3 L、 1.3 L-1.6 L 两个排量段。 我国乘用车发动机排量呈现较为明显的橄榄形分布,大约 65.2的车型集中在 1.3 L-1.6 L、 1.6 L-2.0 L 和 2.0 L-2.5 L 这三个排量段,其车型数量分别占车型总数的 23.8、 23.1和18.3;排量在 1.0 L 以下、 1.0 L-1.3 L 以及 2.5 L 以上车型分别占车型总数的 10.1、 12.2和 12.5。 图 2 各排量段车型分布 如图 2 所示,从产地分布来看,国产车和进口车在 1.6 L 以下和 2.5 L 以上分化明显。 101224231871234.0L570700132911859832571424116331396711351591850 500 1000 15004.0L车型比例排量段国产进口China Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Technology Condition Report 2010-Passenger Cars China Automotive Technology And Research Center 4 2. Technical Status of Passenger Cars Vehicle mass, fuel type, engine displacement and power, type of drive model, and type of transmission are the main characteristic parameters utilized to depict the technical state of a vehicle, immediately correlated with the vehicle’s fuel consumption level. For the purpose of assessing vehicle’s technical state in a comprehensive, objective manner, this Chapter analyzes and compares these critical technical parameters and their interrelations. 2.1. Distribution of engine displacement Figure 1 Distribution of engine displacement segments With reference to the set-up of consumption tax rates for small motor vehicles in China, the passenger cars are classified into 9 different segments of engine displacement; see Figure 1. Concretely, the segment of 1.0 L 1.6 L is further divided into two sub-segments, i.e., 1.0 L 1.3 L, and 1.3 L 1.6 L. Clearly, the engine displacements of the local passenger cars are distributed in olive shape; roughly 65.2 vehicle types are concentrated in three segments, namely, 1.3 L 1.6 L, 1.6 2.0 L and 2.0 L 2.5 L, taking up 23.8, 23.1 and 18.3, respectively, of the total quantity; the vehicle types with engine displacement below 1.0 L, within 1.0 L 1.3 L and above 2.5 L are 10.1, 12.2 and 12.5 respectively. Figure 2 Distribution of vehicle types in each segment of engine displacement As shown in Figure 2, in view of place of origin, the domestic vehicles differ from their imported counterparts 101224231871234.0L570700132911859832571424116331396711351591850 500 1000 15004.0LShare of vehicle typesDisplacementsegment国产进口Domestic Imported 2010 年中国汽车燃料消耗量技术状态报告-乘用车 5 中国汽车技术研究中心 国产车发动机排量在 2.5 L 以上的车型只有 306 个,占国产车车型总数的 6; 94的车型发动机排量在 2.5 L 及以下,其中,发动机排量在 1.0 L 及以下的车型和 1.0 L-1.3 L 的车型分别为 577 和 700 个,占国产车车型总数的 11.2和 13.8。进口车发动机排量分布恰好相反,94的车型发动机排量在 1.6 L 以上,其中,发动机排量在 4.0 L 以上的车型数量为 185 个,占进口车车型数量的 28.3;而在 1.6 L 及以下车型比例只有 39 个,仅占 6,特别是在 1.3 L及以下总共只有 6 个车型, 全部集中在 1.0 L 及以下排量段, 分别是戴姆勒股份公司的 Fortwo(四个车型)和通用大宇科技公司的 Spark(两个车型) 。 图 3 各排量段燃料类型分布 如图 3 所述, 95.5的柴油燃料车型集中分布在 1.6 L-2.0 L、 2.0 L-2.5 L、 2.5 L-3.0 L 三个排量段,只有个别车型零星分布在其它排量段。 为方便分析,按照我国消


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