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R-1308-18696 Grant Number R-1308-18696 08/01/2013-08/01/2014 Grant period 08/01/2013-08/01/2014 Sector HVAC Project Discription With the fund of Energy Foundation,this research find the basic status of Hot Summer and Cold Winter zone by a large scale of investigation and measurement. And through analyzing different scenario, the research try to point the appropriate technical and policy measures. Project team Da Yan, Shan Hu, Siyue Guo, Ying Cui Key Word Hot Summer and Cold Winter zone, heating, scenario analysis This report is funded by Energy Foundation. It does not represent the views of Energy Foundation. III IV Summary With the develop of the economy and living standard in China, the heating problem of hot summer and cold winter climate zone in China has got more attention. In recent years, suggestions that district heating should be developed were made by many people, and some surveys by net show that more than 80 people are agree with these. But once the district heating had been developed, the energy use in this part should be aroused a lot. So how to improve the indoor thermal comfort as well as avoid a large increase in energy consumption through appropriate technic and policies, is in urgent need of solution. V 1 . 9 9 1.1 . 9 1.1.1 . 10 1.1.2 11 1.2 . 11 1.2.1 . 12 1.2.2 13 1.2.3 . 13 1.3 14 1.4 2 . 15 15 2.1 . 15 2.1.1 . 15 2.1.2 . 17 2.1.3 . 21 2.1.4 . 23 2.1.5 . 24 2.2 . 24 2.2.1 24 2.2.2 . 27 2.2.3 . 30 2.2.4 . 35 2.2.5 . 37 2.2.6 37 2.3 3 . 38 38 3.1 . 39 3.2 VI . 39 3.2.1 41 3.2.2 43 3.2.3 . 45 3.2.4 46 3.2.5 . 48 3.3 49 3.4 4 . 50 50 4.1 51 4.2 53 4.3 “ ” . 54 4.4 5 . 56 . 57 5.1 . 58 5.1.1 . 60 5.1.2 . 60 5.1.3 . 64 5.2 . 64 5.2.1 65 5.2.2 67 5.2.3 . 67 5.3 68 5.3.1 \ 68 5.3.2 68 5.3.3 . 69 5.4 6 . 70 70 6.1 . 70 6.1.1 70 6.1.2 VII . 76 6.1.3 77 6.2 7 79 TBPM 79 7.1TBPM -HSCW Heating 82 7.2 . 85 7.3 85 7.3.1 87 7.3.2 . 87 7.3.3 88 7.4 88 7.4.1 90 7.4.2 91 7.4.3 . 93 7.5 8 . 95 988 9 1 1.1 1.1.1 GB50176-93 010 2530 [1] ““ 180 5.5 48 [2] 83 11 6 [3] 2013 [4] 2011 1.53 tce 10 1996 0.72 kWh 2001 77 kWh 2011 414 kWh 2001 2011 4.4 8 ““’““ 1.1.2 2012 [5] [6] 0.72 1.04 2 31 37 77 120 141 161 207 263 308 345 370 393 414 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 kWh 11 [7] [8] 2005 “ ” 500 160 2010 8 [7] [9][10] 1.2 1.2.1 45 kWh/m 2 .a [11] 14 3.58 kWh/m 2 .a 0 14 kWh/m 2 .a [12] 5.33 KWh/m 2 .a 1.85 KWh/m 2 .a [13] 3 kWh/m 2 .a 4.2 kWh/m 2 .a 3.96 kWh/m 2 .a 914 [14] 1013 ASHRAE Huibo Zhang [15] 12 13.6 9.1 11.9 Hiroshi Yoshino [16] 1017 [17] [4][1820] - [21] 1.2.2 - [22] 8 15 17 16.1 18.3 18.65Wh/ [23] 612 3 7.3kWh/ 24 90 52kWh/ [24] - 1618 32kWh/ [25] 4kWh/ 6.1m / .a 1622 [26] 30min 45.6 8090min 30min 4.1 97min 13 [27] [28] [29] 1.2.3 1 2 3 4 5 1.3 14 “ 1.4 15 2 2.1 2.1.1 2013 1 2 3 4 5 2.1.2 834 819 2.1 “ “ ’ “ ’ 3.12 2.1 16 “ 40 2000 63 2.2 2.3 17 109.5m 2 35.1m 2 18m 2


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