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中国可持续能源项目 The China Sustainable Energy Program 能 源 基 金 会 The Energy Foundation 项目成果报告系列 Technical Report STUDY ON CONSTRUCTION MODEL OF GREEN ECO-DISTRICT 同济大学 2013.4 项目信息 项目资助号 G-1203-15823 Grant Number G-1203-15823 项目期 03/01/2012-02/28/2013 Grant period 03/01/2012-02/28/2013 所属领域 建筑节能 Sector Building efficiency 项目概述课题以绿色低碳生态城区为研究对象,基于绿色行动方案精神, 着眼于城市整体,明确绿色生态城区内涵,构建相应指标体系,编制指标体系导 则, 并探索指标执行的方法和措施。 研究结果将有利于规范中国低碳生态城建设, 提出有效合理的推进手段,提高城镇化发展与城市建设水平,改变城市粗放式发 展模式,改善城市环境,破解制约城市发展一系列难题,引导城市走向可持续发 展之路, 为中国政府规范绿色生态城区建设和管理提供合理化建议与支持。 Project Discription This program took green low-carbon eco-districts in China as a research object. Based on the spirit of Green Action Plan, with a view to the whole city, this work surveyed the domestic green eco-city eco-district demonstrations, specified the contents of Chinas low-carbon eco-district, developed eco-district relevant indicator system, drafted the guidelines of indicator system and explored the s and measures of implementing indicators. The result will be beneficial to standardize the core content of eco-city, to enhance the level of urbanization, to change current extensive developing model, to improve urban environment, to solve series of problems in city developing progress and to lead city to the way of sustainable development, to provide supports and rational suggestions to the Chinese government in the regulation of the construction and management of green eco-district. 项目成员同济大学 Project team Tongji University 关键词 绿色生态城区、指标体系、发展政策 Key Word Green eco-district、Indicator system、Development policies 摘 要 中国已进入工业化、城镇化的快速发展时期,人口、资源、环境的压力日益 凸显。日益突出的城市问题迫使我们反思城市建设理念和发展模式,为探索可持 续发展的城镇化道路,各地纷纷开展了绿色建筑和低碳生态城示范。随着低碳生 态城示范的不断深入,低碳生态城建设面临内涵不一,目标不明确;指标体系 冗杂,缺乏可实施性;管理体制不顺,责任不明,缺少有效管理的手段等问题。 针对上述问题,本项目以绿色低碳生态城区为研究对象(通常指低碳生态城 的核心区或起步区,如无锡太湖新城中的中瑞生态城,又包括新城区,如昆明呈 贡新城) ,基于绿色行动方案精神,着眼于城市整体,依托绿色建筑,按照“战 略指导、规划先行、指标落地、过程监管”的原则,形成“生态保护、绿色建筑、 绿色交通、绿色市政”的指标体系,并使之落实到规划、土地出让转让、设计、 建设、 运营和报废的全过程, 并制定相应管理办法, 明确各利益相关主体的责任, 使绿色低碳城区建设管理规范化,制度化。具体内容包括明确低碳生态城区建设 核心内容;制定操作可行的低碳生态城区指标体系导则;编制绿色低碳城区管理 办法。研究结果将有利于规范中国低碳生态城建设内涵,提出有效合理的推进手 段,提高城镇化发展与城市建设的水平,改变城市粗放式发展模式,改善城市环 境,破解制约城市发展一系列难题,引导城市走向可持续发展之路。 为确保项目组织和执行,课题组非常重视课题顶层设计和日常管理,同时充 分听取各方意见理。与住房和城乡建设部有关领导、美国能源基金会领导进行多 次探讨,明确课题研究内容和重点。建立定期检查和例会制度,每月召开一次研 讨会,汇报进展,总结经验,部署工作。邀请专家就研究方法和思路进行不定期 讨论。 及时向专家顾问组及国家相关主管部门汇报项目进展, 结合部委相关工作, 进一步明确研究重点和方向,丰富研究内容。 课题组先后对天津中新生态城、上海虹桥商务中心生态城、无锡太湖新城、 昆明呈贡新城等 8个国内生态示范区进行了调研, 掌握了目前国内生态城发展现 状和态势,了解各生态城进展、组织管理架构、存在问题,深入研究和比较各绿 色生态城区建设指标体系的框架、赋值以及指标落实情况。先后组织绿色生态城区建设指标体系编制研讨会三次,邀请住房和城乡建设部建筑节能与科技司领 导,天津中新生态城、无锡太湖新城、长沙梅溪湖生态城、青岛中德生态城、武 汉四新生态城、广州新城、昆明呈贡新区、广州知识城等相关部门管理者,中国 建筑科学研究院、上海建筑科学研究院等研究机构专家,就生态城区建设指标体 系框架、赋值进行深入探讨。同时,课题组与绿色生态城区规划编制技术导则 编制单位深圳市建筑科学研究院就绿色生态城区建设指标体系进行了三次研讨。 绿色生态城区建设指标体系编制导则征求了住房和城乡建设部城乡规划司、 城市建设司、标准定额司等相关司局意见,并将绿色生态城区建设指标在天津中 新生态城、无锡太湖新城、长沙梅溪湖生态城、青岛中德生态城等 8个低碳生态 城区进行测试与征求意见。 课题调查与分析的基本结论包括 (1)各地都在进行低碳生态城区建设示范,探索新型城镇化发展模式。但 其发展目标、重点内容、发展思路、技术手段、配套政策等差异较大,生态城内 涵不一,政府应尽快出台相关政策规范和引导低碳生态城建设。 (2)低碳生态城都很重视指标体系的构建,出台或正在编制各自建设指标 体系。但各指标体系冗杂,缺乏有效手段和措施确保指标落地,多数指标流于形 式,应尽快出台相关配套政策确保指标执行。 (3)低碳生态城内涵广泛,管理复杂,涉及各级发改、城乡规划、建设、 环保、国土资源、交通、水利、园林、环保、财政等政府职能部门,但目前管理 体制不顺,部门保护意识强,缺乏配合与协调,效率低,应出台相关政策,创新 体制机制,探索新的建设管理模式。 课题取得的成果和报告包括 (1) 国内外低碳生态城发展现状和态势分析报告 ,主要内容包括生态 城发展历程、国内外典型低碳生态城案例介绍,总结生态城发展现状和态势。 (2) 国内外绿色建筑和低碳生态城/区指标体系报告 ,主要内容包括国 外相关指标体系(欧洲绿色城市、美国 LEED ND、日本 CASBEE for an Urban Area、BREEAM Communities 等)分析、国内不同城市、不同部委、不同典型低 碳生态示范区相关指标的对比研究。 (3) 绿色生态城区指标体系构建和执行 ,主要内容包括指标体系构建 方法、指标体系导则、指标解读及指标的执行等。 (4) 绿色生态城区发展相关政策研究 ,主要内容国内绿色建筑与低碳 生态城的相关政策、绿色生态城区建设实施方案和绿色生态城区建设管理办法。 新政策选择面临的挑战和障碍包括 (1)指标适应性方面指标体系仅在天津中新生态城等 8个低碳生态示范 区进行了测试,各项指标选择及其赋值有待在全国更大范围进一步检验。 (2)利益相关主体方面绿色低碳生态城建设关系到各级政府、企业、居 民等各利益相关主体,如何协调各方利益,确保各项指标的实施,有待各方的积 极参与和配合。 (3)指标执行与管理方面绿色低碳生态城规划、建设、管理牵涉各级发 改、城乡规划、建设、环保、国土资源、交通、环保、财政等政府职能部门,各 部门职责尚待明确。 政策建议的主要内容包括 (1)中央政府应尽快出台绿色生态城区建设指标体系编制导则和相关 配套文件 (如 绿色生态城区规划编制技术导则 、 低碳生态城区建设管理办法 等) ,加强对低碳生态城区建设的规范和监管。同时,应尽快制定低碳生态城发 展目标、战略和建设路线图,建立低碳生态城规划、激励、运行、监管等政策制 度,加大激励力度,完善标准规范。 (2)省级政府主管部门应加强配套能力建设,制定省级低碳生态城(区) 发展规划,出台地方性条例或指导意见,因地制宜,编制适合各地的指标体系, 制定地方性财税激励政策,加强监管,对低碳生态城(区)的规划、设计、施工、 验收等阶段进行全过程监管。 项目下一步研究计划包括 一是根据低碳生态城的不断发展及各地的反馈意见, 适时修订现行的指标体 系,待时机成熟,形成相应标准规范。二是配合住房和城乡建设部出台相关配套 政策,如示范区建设管理办法等。三是加强指标实施。深入解读各指标内涵,确 定指标核心要素,明确各指标落实过程中控制环节、控制措施及其相应的职能部 门,形成规划、设计、施工、验收等全过程的闭合式管理。 Summary China is now in a period of rapid urbanization and industrialization. The issues of population, resources and environment are becoming more and more attention. Increasingly prominent issues in cities force us to rethink current urban construction concepts and development models. In order to explore the way of sustainable development, some cities are developing their green building and eco- district demonstration. With the development of eco-district, problems emerges like ambiguous objective and complicated content, miscellaneous indicator system and being lack of practicality, not well-organized management system, unclear responsibility, lack of effective s for eco-city’s construction and management. The program took green low-carbon eco-district as the target, usually refers to the core zones or pioneer zones of low-carbon eco-city such as Zhongrui eco-city in Wuxi Taihu New Town and the new district of the city such as Kunming Chenggong New Town. Based on the spirit of Green Action Plan, with a view to the whole city and relies on green buildings, the program obeys the following regulations strategic guiding, planning first, indicators implementing and process control. An indicator system including ecological protection, green buildings, green transportation and green municipal infrastructure will be established and it will link up the existing green building and low-carbon eco-city indicator system and be focused on the implementing and practicality of the indicator system. And the indicators is abided in the whole process of the construction such as planning, transfer of land sold, designing, construction, operation and scrapping. The construction and management of low-carbon city also will be standardization and institutionalization. Corresponding administrative regulations will be made to clear the responsibility of various stakeholders. Definite the detailed contents of the low-carbon eco-district construction. Set up the practical guidelines of the low-carbon eco-district indicator system and work out its management regulations. The research will help to specify the contents of Chinas low-carbon eco-city, to put forward reasonable and effective promoting s, to improve the levels of urban development and constructions, to change the extensive urban development model, to improve the urban environment, to solve a series of problems hindering urban development, to guide the city to take the path of sustainable development. In order to ensure project organizing and implementation, firstly, the top design was taken into serious consideration by discussing with the leaders from MOHURD and US-EF for several times to decide research contents and key points. Secondly, the management was strengthened through periodical inspection and regular meeting. A monthly meeting was hold to report the progress, summarize experiences and arrange work. Thirdly, the advices from each side were fully considered. Experts were invited to discuss on research , and project progress was reported to the consultative group of experts and national departments in time. Combined with works of relevant departments, the research point and research direction were further defined, and research contents was enriched. Research group have surveyed 8 domestic eco-demonstration regions, such as Tianjin Sino-Singapore eco-city, Shanghai Hongqiao central business eco-city, Wuxi Taihu New Town and Kunming Chenggong New City etc. According to investigation, the developing situation and trend of the domestic eco-city have been known clearly. Also their progress, organization and management structure, existing problems have been known. An intensive study and comparison on each indicator system including their structure, assignment and implementation has been made. The group has organized three seminars and invited the officials and experts to discuss the GDISGED. They included the leaders from the U.S. Energy Foundation, Department of ST and Energy Saving on Buildings of MOHURD, the related governors from Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City, Wuxi Taihu New Town, Changsha Meixi lake Eco-City, Qingdao Sino-German Eco-City, Guangzhou Eco-City, and experts from China Academy of Building Research, Shanghai Academy of Building Research and related research institutes. At the same time, the group discussed GDISGED three times with Shenzhen Academy of Building Research, which completed Technical Guidelines for Drafting on Green Eco-city District Planning TGDGEDP.The group solicited public opinion on GDISGED from Department of Housing and Urban-rural development, Urban Construction Department, Standard Quota Department and related departments. The guide also had tested in 8 eco-cities including Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City, Wuxi Tai lake New Town, Changsha Meixi lake Eco-City, Qingdao Sino-German Eco-city, Guangzhou Eco-city . Basic conclusions of investigations and analysis can be decuced as follows 1 Many cities are constructing demonstrations of eco-city and are exploring new developing models of urbanization. However, their development goals, highlights, ideas, technical means and support policies are quite different. And, the connotations of eco-cities are diverse. Therefore, the government should set relevant policies to regulate and guide the development of eco-city. 2 In the process of constructing eco-city, indicator system is attached importance and it had been introduced or prepared. However, most indicator systems are miscellaneous. And they cannot be implemented because of the lack of effective means and measures. Most indicators exist in name only. Relevant supporting policies should be compiled as soon as possible to ensure the implementation of indicator system. 3 The connotation of eco-city is very extensive, and its management is also complicated, which involve many government departments including development and re, urban and rural planning, construction, environmental protection, land and natural resources, transportation, water conservancy, landscape, environmental protection, finance and related developments. However, management system is adverse, the sense of branch protection is too strong, and the relevant departments are not coordinated. These factors lead to low efficiency of the eco-city. Therefore, relevant supporting policies should be compiled. Innovative institutional systems and new construction management models should be explored. Policy achievements and reports to sumbit included 1 Development status and trend analysis report of eco-city at home and abroad. The main contents are introduction of the development history and typical cases of eco-city at home and abroad, summarization of the development status and trend of eco-city. 2 Indicator report of the green building and low carbon ecological city / area at home and abroad. The main contents are Analysis of relevant foreign indicator systems Europe green city, LEED ND in the United States, CASBEE for an Urban Area in Japan, BREEAM Communities etc., comparative study of relevant indicators of different cities, departments and typical low-carbon ecological demonstration zones. 3 Construction and implementation of Green Eco-district Indicator System. The main contents are of constructing the indicator system, guideline of the indicator system, indicator analysis and cution. 4 Study of relevant development policies of Green Eco-district. The main contents are the relevant policies for green eco-city in China, implementation plans and construction management approaches of green eco-city in China. Political challenges and other barriers to new policy options can be summed 1 The adaptability of indicators Indicator system was only tested in 8 eco-cities demonstration areas like Tianjin Sino-Singapore eco-city etc., the indicator election and weight coefficients should be further nationally tested in a wide range. 2 From the main stakeholders Green eco-city involves the stakeholders of central and local governments, enterprises and residents. The implementation of the indicators require the active participation and cooperation of all the involved. 3 From cution and management The planning, construction, management of green eco-city involves of the development and re department, urban and rural planning department, construction department, environmental protection department, land resources department, transportation department, finance department and other government departments of all levels, the duties of each department would be cleared. Policy recommendation details can be advsised 1 In order to strengthen specification and supervision of eco-city district construction, the central government should issue GDISGED as soon as possible as well as relevant supporting documents, such as TGDGEDP, Management Measures on Green Eco-city District Construction, etc. Meanwhile, the central government should ulate the roadmap of eco-district as soon as possible, development goals and strategies, establish policies and systems of eco-district on planning, encouragement, operation, supervision, etc. Besides, it is necessary to increase incentives intensity and improve the standard specification. 2 Related departments of provincial government should strengthen the construction of supporting capacity and ulate provincial plans for the development of low-carbon eco-city district. At the same time, according to circumstances, the government should issue local regulations or guidance, drawing up indicator system suiting for various regions, establishing local fiscal and taxation incenting policy, strengthening supervision on the whole process of eco-city district involving different stage, such as planning, design, construction and acceptance. The further researches will focus on the following subjects 1 Revising the GDISGED timely according to the development of eco-city and the feedback from different regions and issuing the corresponding standard and specification eventually. 2 Cooperating with MOHURD to draft relevant supporting policies, like management measures on demonstration area construction. 3 Strengthening the implementation of indicators the indicator will be expatiated to understand the connotation of each index deeply, determine the core essential index, understand clearly controlling steps, control measures and corresponding functions in the process of implementation of each indicator. 目 录 第一章 国内外低碳生态城发展现状和态势分析“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““ 1.1城市化及其挑战“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““


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