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10.3 million jobs in 2017 Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 20182 KEY FACTS Annual Review 2018 10.3million jobs in 20175.3 growth43 of all RE jobs are in China3.4million jobs are in the solar industry1.5x job growth from 2012 excl. large hydro Key Numbers3 R Global renewable energy employment reached 10.3 million jobs in 2017, an increase of 5.3 compared with the number reported in the previous year. R An increasing number of countries derive socio-economic benefits from renewable energy, but employment remains highly concentrated in a handful of countries, with China, Brazil, the United States, India, Germany and Japan in the lead. R China alone accounts for 43 of all renewable energy jobs. Its share is particularly high in solar heating and cooling 83 and in the solar photovoltaic PV sector 66, and less so in wind power 44. R The PV industry was the largest employer almost 3.4 million jobs, up 9 from 2016. Expansion took place in China and India, while the United States, Japan and the European Union lost jobs. R Biofuels employment at close to 2 million jobs expanded by 12, as production of ethanol and biodiesel expanded in most of the major producers. Brazil, the United States, the European Union and Southeast Asian countries were among the largest employers. R Employment in wind power 1.1 million jobs and in solar heating and cooling 807 000 jobs declined as the pace of new capacity additions slowed. R Large hydropower employed 1.5 million people directly, of whom 63 worked in operation and maintenance. Key job markets were China, India and Brazil, followed by the Russian Federation, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iran and Viet Nam. R Employment remains limited in Africa, but the potential for off-grid jobs is high, particularly as energy access improves and domestic supply chain capacities are developed.RENEWABLE ENERGY AND JOBS – ANNUAL REVIEW 2018 4 Annual Review 2018 The renewable energy sector, including large hydropower, employed 10.3 million people, directly and indirectly, in 2017 1 . This represents an increase of 5.3 over the number reported the previous year. Renewable energy employment worldwide has continued to grow since IRENA’s first annual assessment in 2012. During 2017, the strongest expansion took place in the solar photovoltaic PV and bioenergy industries. In contrast, jobs in wind energy and in solar heating and cooling declined, while those in the remaining technologies were relatively stable Figure 1. 1 Data are principally for 2016-17, with dates varying by country and techno- logy, including some instances where only earlier ination is available. The data for large hydropower include direct employment only. RENEWABLE ENERGYAND JOBS


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