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Sampling and analysis of samples in the power sector.pdf

Sampling and analysis of samples in the power sector Introductions by Supporting the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Systems in China - 中欧碳交易能力建设项目 This project/programme is funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICF International together with Sinocarbon, SQ Consult and Ecofys, and contributions from Umweltbundesamt Austria and TBL UK Hubert Fallmann, NKE, Umweltbundesambt, Austria Huaneng representative Shenergy representative Tang Jin, KE2, Sinocarbon Agenda item 8 0900 – 1100 Shanghai , 23 rd January 2015国家核算指南有关于采样与测 量的要 求 Sampling and measurements of national MRG 项目 Item 监测要求Requirement 标准Standard 燃料消费量 Fuel consumption 根据能源消费台账 GB 17167-2006用 能单位 能源计 量器具 配备和管理通则 低位热值 Net calorific value 煤Coal 每天一次 Daily 油Oil 每批次 Per batch 气Gas 每月一次 Monthly GB/T 213-2008煤 的发热 量测定 方法 DL/T 567.8-95燃 油发热 量的测 定 GB/T 11062-1998 天然气 发热量 、密度 、 相对密度和沃泊指数的计算方法 单位热值含碳量 Carbon content per energy 煤每天缩分,每月混合测 量 Coal reduce sampling, measure monthly GB/T 476-2008煤 中碳和 氢的测 定方法 氧化率 Oxidation rate 煤通过灰渣的含碳量计算 Coal calculate from carbon content in ash and slug GB/T 212-2001煤 的工业 分析方 法上海采样与测量要求 Sampling and measurements 项目 Item 监测要求Requirement 标准Standard 燃料消费量 Fuel consumption 通过购买量与销售量确定 Calculate from procurement and sale 测量工具确定 Measure GB 17167-2006用 能单位 能源计 量器具 配备和管理通则 低位热值 Net calorific value 每批次 Per batch GB/T 213-2008煤 的发热 量测定 方法 GB/T 384石油产品热 值测量 法 GB/T 22723天 然气能 量的测 定 单位热值含碳量 Carbon content per energy 每年至少6 次 At least 6 times a year GB/T 476-2008煤 中碳和 氢的测 定方法 SH/T0656石油产品及 润滑剂 中碳、 氢、 氮测定法 GB/T13610天然 气的组 成分析 氧化率 Oxidation rate 至少每年1 次 At least once a year DL/T5142火力发电厂除 灰设计 规程 GB/T11653 除尘机 组技术性 能及测 试方法 GB/T10180 工业 锅炉热工 性能试 验规程Data flow, quality control and assurance system EU ETS examples and Chinese situations Introductions by Supporting the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Systems in China - 中欧碳交易能力建设项目 This project/programme is funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICF International together with Sinocarbon, SQ Consult and Ecofys, and contributions from Umweltbundesamt Austria and TBL UK Machtelt Oudenes, NKE, SQ Consult BV Huaneng representative Shenergy representative Tang Jin, KE2, Sinocarbon Agenda item 9 1115 – 1215 Shanghai , 23 rd January 2015数据获取流程 Data flow 活动水平 排放因子 数据 采集 部门间流动 每年月汇总 数据 汇总 核算方法 计算排放 数据 处理 排放汇总 报告 排放 核算 Data collecting Data processing Emission accounting Data aggregation数据质量管理 Data quality requirement  国家核算指南关于数据质量的要求 MRG Requirements regarding data quality  原则性、指导性 In principle; guidance  数据质量保证与优化 Data quality assurance  建立健全的监测计划 Sound monitoring plan  建立健全的碳排放与能源 消耗台 账 Sound GHG emission and energy consumption statistics  建立数据文件保存与归档 管理数 据 Data recording and document archive  建立内部审核制度 Internal review数据质量管理对比 Data quality requirement- China and EU experience  欧盟数据管理与控制 EU Data management and control  数据流活动 Data flow activity  控制体系 control system  质量保证 Quality assurance  信息技术的质量保证 Quality assurance of ination technology  职责分离 Segregation of duties  数据的内部审核和验证 Internal review and validation of data  纠正和矫正措施 Correction and corrective action  外包流程 Out-sourced process  数据缺失的处理 Treatment of data gaps  记录和文档 Records and documentation  中国数据质量保证与优化 ChinaData quality assurance  建立健全的监测计划 Sound monitoring plan  建立健全的碳排放与能源消耗台 账 Sound GHG emission and energy consumption statistics  建立数据文件保存与归档管理数 据 Data recording and document archive  建立内部审核制度 Internal review数据质量管理欧盟经验 Data quality requirement- EU experience  中欧数据质量管理的差别 Difference of data quality management between EU and China  详细程度不同 Level of detail  涵盖范围不同 Span of coverage  包含内容不同 Difference of content  监测计划作为质量管理的一部分 Monitoring plan as part of the quality management  排放与能源台账作为单独的一条要求 Corporate emission and energy report as an independent entry试点数据质量管理对比 Data quality requirement- China’s pilots  北京数据质量保证与优化 Beijing Data quality assurance  测量仪器定期校准检定 Regular calibration of devices  明确管理部门与专门人员 Designate dept. personnel  建立数据管理规章制度 Rules for data management  制定数据缺失等的应对措施 Plan for data gaps  建立文档管理规范 Rules for archive  上海数据质量保证与优化 Shanghai Data quality assurance  应对数据进行复查验证 Review data  应定期对计量器具进行校准 Regular calibration of device 北京的数据质量规定更系统;上海的数据质量规定简化、实操 Data management requirement of Beijing is systematic while that of Shanghai is simplified and operationalUsing Monitoring Plan templates - EU ETS MP template - Chinese MP template Introductions by Supporting the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Systems in China - 中欧碳交易能力建设项目 This project/programme is funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICF International together with Sinocarbon, SQ Consult and Ecofys, and contributions from Umweltbundesamt Austria and TBL UK Hubert Fallmann, NKE, Umweltbundesambt, Austria Huaneng representative Shenergy representative Tang Jin, KE2, Sinocarbon Agenda item 10 1330 – 1530 Shanghai , 23 rd January 2015试点监测计划模板对比 Comparisons of pilots’ monitoring plan template 北京 Beijing 上海Shanghai 排放主体基本信息 General ination 排放主体基本信息 General ination 排放主体的边界 Boundary of reporting entity 基本排放情况 Boundary and total emission 核算方法的选择和相关说明 Choice of accounting and detail 化石燃料实物消耗量监测计划 Monitoring plan for fossil fuel consumption 监测体系 Monitoring position and personnel 化石燃料低位热值监测计划 Monitoring plan for NCV, CPE, OX and other specification of fossil fuel 直接测量法监测计划 Plan for Measurement-based 不确定性说明 Uncertainty analysis试点核算指南监测计划模板 MRG template of monitoring plan in pilotsAER template - EU ETS AER examples, Chinese templates - challenges/ success stories with respect to AER Introductions by Supporting the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Systems in China - 中欧碳交易能力建设项目 This project/programme is funded by the European Union Project implemented by ICF International together with Sinocarbon, SQ Consult and Ecofys, and contributions from Umweltbundesamt Austria and TBL UK Machtelt Oudenes, NKE, SQ Consult BV Huaneng representative Shenergy representative Tang Jin, KE2, Sinocarbon Agenda item 11 1545 – 1630 Shanghai , 23 rd January 2015报告主体基本信息 Ination of reporting entity 温室气体排放量 GHG emission 活动水平及来源 Activity data and its source 排放因子及其来源 Emission factor and its source 年度排放报告模板 AER template 排放主体基本信息 Ination of reporting entity 监测实施情况说明 Implementation of monitoring 温室气体排放核算 GHG emission 不确定性说明 Uncertainty 国家核算指南 National MRG 上海核算指南 Shanghai MRG年度排放报告模板 AER template  国家报告模板与上海模板的差异 Comparison of National and Shanghai MRG  上海的基本信息更详细,包括了生产 信息与 基本排 放情况 说明 General ination more detailed in Shanghai  上海包含了监测实施说明 Status of monitoring is required to report in Shanghai  上海排放量报告包含分设备的排放报 告 Emission by equipment is required to report in Shanghai  上海排放量提供了直接测量方法 Direct emission may be measured via direct measurement  上海排放总量报告包含上年度排放 Total emission reporting including number of previous year  上海要求报告不确定性 Uncertainty is required to report in Shanghai


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