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践行低碳发展理念 建设低碳城市.pdf

践行生态文明思想 创建湾区低碳城市 Practice Ecological Civilization Concept Create a Bay Area Low-carbon City 广州市 生态环境局 Guangzhou Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau广州市总体情况 General situation of Guangzhou 广州市低碳发展目标 Guangzhou Low-carbon development goals 广州市低碳发展措施 Guangzhou Low-carbon development measures 一、广州市总体情况 General situation of Guangzhou 社 历史 经济 Economy GDP 22859亿元 GDP 2285.9 Billion yuan 人均GDP 15.34万元 Per capita GDP153,400 yuan 三次产业比重0.9827.2771.75 Structure of the industry0.9827.2771.75 能源 Energy 能源消费总量5962万吨标煤 Total Energy consumption59.62million tons of standard coal 能源消费结构油品41.7 , 煤炭 18 ,外购电28.7 ,天然气6.7 Structureoil 41.7 、coal 18 、external electricity import 28.7 、natural gas 6.7 (2017) 社会 Society 面积7434.4 平方公里 Area 7434.4km 2 常住人口1490万 Permanent residents 14,900,000 2200多年历史,古代海上丝绸之路的始 发地 History of more than 2200 years, the birthplace of the maritime silk road 环境 Environment 森林覆盖率42.32 Forest coverage42.32 国家园林城市、国家森林城市、全国绿 化模范城市、国际花园城市 National garden city 、national forest city 、 national green model city 、international garden city 排放 Emission 二氧化碳排放总量1.04亿吨 能源活动碳排放量占比超过85 Total CO2 emission104million tons CO2 emission of energy activities accounts for 85 (2017) 强度 Intensity 万元GDP 能耗0.28吨标准煤 Energy consumption per unit GDP 0.28 tons standard coal 万元GDP 二氧化碳排放量0.49吨 CO2 emission of per unit GDP0.49 tons2017二、广州市低碳发展目标 Guangzhou Low-carbon development goal 碳排放总量达到 峰值 Total carbon emission reach the peak 单位GDP 碳排 放量下降23 Carbon emission of per unit GDP decrease 23 单位GDP 能耗 下降19.5 Energy consumption of per unit GDP decrease 19.5 2020年发展目标  提高能源利用效率  降低碳排放强度  控制碳排放总量 By 2020 Improve energy efficiency Decrease carbon emission intensity Control total carbon emission(一)将低碳生态理念融入城市规划 建设 Integrate the low-carbon ecological concept into city planning (二)努力形成绿色低碳产业体系 Build a green low–carbon industrial system (三)加快构建低碳能源体系 Accelerate the construction of low-carbon energy system (四)全面发展绿色建筑和低碳交通 Develop green building and low-carbon transportation (五)提升城市绿化和资源化水平 Improve city greening and resource utilization level (六)积极参与国际交流合作 Participated in international exchange and cooperation 三、广州市低碳发展措施 Guangzhou Low-carbon development measures (一)将低碳生态理念融 入城市 规划建 设 Integrate the low-carbon ecological concept into city construction planning 规划引领 planning lead 低碳指引 Lowcarbo n guide 新城提升 New city promotion  坚持“ 生态优先,宜居为重” 理念 Adhere to the concept of “ecological priority, livable first”.  划定城市开发边界 Draw the boundary of urban development  编制生态低碳规划 Compile ecological low-carbon planning  提出低碳绿色指标体系 Put forward low-carbon index system  引入低碳生态规划技术 Introduce low-carbon ecological planning technology  搭建低碳生态新城 Built low-carbon ecological new city(二)努力形成节能低碳 产业体 系 Build a green low –carbon industrial system 发展现代服务业 Develop modern service industry 三次产业比重为0.9827.2771.75 Structure of the three industry 0.9827.2771.75 现代服务业增加值占服务业比重达66.5 The added value of modern service industry accounts for 66.5 of the total value of the service industry 发展先进制造业 Develop advanced manufacturing 先进制造业增加值占制造业比重达66.3 The added value of advanced manufacturing accounts for 66.3 of the total manufacturing 高新技术产品产值占规上工业总产值 比重达48 The output value of high-tech products accounts for 48 of the total industrial output value 发展绿色制造和循环经济 Develop green manufacturing and circular economy 工业园区全面实施循环化改造 Industrial parks transed to circular ones 全市一般工业固体废物综合利用率超 过96The comprehensive utilization rate of the general industrial solid waste exceeds 96 企业资源产出率较2012年提高近20 The enterprise resource output rate increased by 20 compared to 2012 开展碳排放权交易 Carry out carbon trading 2018年广州碳排放权交易所配额成交量2836万吨, 成交金 额3.5 亿元 In 2018, The quota volume of Guangzhou carbon trading was 28.36million tons, with a transaction amount of 350million yuan (三)加快构建低碳能源 体系 Accelerate the construction of low-carbon energy system 41 29 18 7 5 2017年能源消费比重 Energy consumption structure in 2017 油品 外购电力 煤炭 天然气 其他 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2010年 2015年 2017年 煤炭消费量(吨标准煤) Coal consumptionton standard coal oill External electricity coal NG others(四)全面发展绿色建筑 和低碳 交通 Develop green building and low-carbon transportation 建筑节能标准的范围拓展 到工业 建筑 The scope of building energy efficiency standards extended to industrial buildings 民用建筑全面实施绿色建 筑标准 Full implementation of green building standards for residential buildings 2015-2018年新增绿色建筑标识约5500万平方米 About 55 million square meters green buildings were added between 2015 and 2018 绿色建筑示范工程、示范 区 Green building demonstration project, demonstration area 绿色 建筑 Green building 国家公交都市示范城市 National public transportation demonstration city 轨道交通运营总里程485.7公里 ,位居 全国第 三 Total mileage of rail transit is 485.7km, the NO.3 of the whole country 公交全面电动化,纯电动 出租车 、物流 车 Full electrical bus, pure electrical taxi 、logistics car 建成充电桩约2.6万个、换 电站13座 Build 26000 charging piles and 13 electrical exchange stations 低碳 交通 Low-carbon transportation(五)提升城市绿化和资 源化水 平 Improve city greening and resource utilization level 2018年相比2014年 2018 compared to 2014 建成区绿地率由35.68 提 高到39.22 The greening rate of built-up areas increased to 39.22 from 35.68 绿化覆盖率由41.5 提高到45.13 Green coverage increased to 45.13 from 41.5 人均公园绿地面积由16.1平方 米提高 到17.3平方 米 Green area of per capita increased to 17.3 m2 from 16.1 m2 森林覆盖率由41.96 提高到42.32 Forest coverage increased to 42.32 from 41.96 城市绿化 提升 Improve city greening 全面实施垃圾分类 Full implementation of garbage classification 实施生活垃圾强制分类 Implement compulsory 建立可回收物转运体系 Establish recyclable transport system 建设生活垃圾处理设施 Establish garbage treatment facilities 资源热力电厂,生活垃圾 焚烧处 理能力1 万吨/ 日 Resource thermal power plant, garbage incineration capacity is 10 thousands tons per day 餐厨废弃物综合处理厂, 小型餐 厨垃圾 处理站 Kitchen waste comprehensive treatment plant, small kitchen waste treatment station 垃圾资 源化 Garbage recycling(六)积极参与国际交流 合作 Participated in international exchange and cooperation C40 城市气候领导联 盟 Cities Climate Leadership Group C40 国际固体废弃物处理研讨会 International seminar on solid waste disposal 资源化利用研讨会和低碳社区(正气 候)研 讨会 Resource utilization Seminar and low-carbon communitypositive climate seminar 中瑞低碳城市项目 Sino-Swiss Low Carbon City Project 2016年签署合作备忘录 The memorandum of cooperation was signed in 2016 从化区流溪河带的低碳总体规划和从 化区低 碳优选 路径研 究 The general low-carbon planning of Liuxi river band and low-carbon development path of Conghua谢谢大家 Thanks For Your Attention


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