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全国碳市场建设进度 及配额分配方案解读 Progress in China ETS Introduction on Allocation Tong Qing Tsinghua University 2016 1 覆盖范围 Scope Coverage 2 全国碳市场第一阶段覆盖的行业 3 Sectoral categories Sub-categories Electric power supply Power generation Grid companies Petroleum processing Crude oil refinery Chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing Ethylene manufacture Synthetic ammonia manufacture Calcium carbide manufacture Methanol manufacture Other chemical products Non-metallic mineral products manufacturing Manufacture of cement clinker Flat glass manufacture Ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing Steel smelting Steel rolling processing Non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing Manufacture of electrolytic aluminum Copper smelting Paper and paper products manufacturing Pulp making, paper and board manufacturing Aviation transport Air passenger transport air cargo transport Airports 行业 行业代码 行业子 类 ( 主营产品统计代码) 石化 2511 2614 原油加工( 2501) 乙烯( 2602010201) 化工 261 262 263 265 电石( 2601220101) 合成氨( 260401) 甲醇( 2602090101) 其他 建材 3011 水泥熟料( 310101) 3041 平板玻璃( 311101) 钢铁 3120 3140 粗钢( 3206) 钢压延加工 有色 3216 电解铝( 3316039900) 3211 铜冶炼 ( 3311) 造纸 2211 2212 2221 纸浆制造 ( 2201) 机制纸和纸板 ( 2202) 电力 4411 纯发电 热电联产 4420 电网 航空 5611 5612 5631 航空旅客运输 航空货物运输 机场 排放 类别 Emission Sources Fuel Combustion  72 of China’s total GHG emissions  90 of China’s total CO2 emissions Industrial Process  Chemical manufacturing None Energy use  Cement manufacturing Calcination of limestone Electricity and Heat Consumption  Consistency with China’s statically mechanism, energy conservation policy and MRV guidelines 4 化石燃料燃烧导致的 CO2排放  全国温室气体排放总量 72  全国 CO2排放总量 90 过程排放  化工行业能源做原材料  水泥行业煅烧石灰石 电、热消费所对应的排放  与统计制度、节能政策、企业核算与报告指南的一致性,将此部分排放计入消费侧 核算与报告指南的补充 Improvement on MRV 5 已有核算报告指南不能完全满足 ETS的需求 Gap between existing MRV guidelines and ETS 6 Issue Existing MRV guidelines ETS Sectors All national economic sectors 8 key sectors 20 sub-sectors GHG types CO2 non-CO2 6 GHGs Only CO2 Thresholds 13000tCO2eq or 5000tce 10000tce Accounting boundaries Enterprise black box Integration of an enterprise and its main facilities Emission sources All sources within an enterprise boundary Small sources and sources with big uncertainty are not included in Phase I 文件 已有指南 全国 ETS 行业范围 全口径 八大重点行业 20多个子类 温室气体 CO2、非 CO2( 6种) 仅 CO2 报告门槛 13000tCO2eq或 5000tce 1万 tce 核算边界 企业黑箱 企业与主要生产设施相结合 排放类别 燃烧、过程、电力消费、热力消费 抓大放小,暂不纳入排放占比较小或不确定性大的过程排放 16个补充数据报告模板( Reporting ats for ETS) 7 总量设定 Cap setting 8 自上而下 Top down C-GEM Model Framework 9 税 收 体 系 T a x s y s t e m代 理 人 R e p r e s e n t a t i v e A g e n t投 资 I n v e s t m e n t要 素 市 场F a c t o r M a r k e t s产 品 市 场P r o d u c t i o n资 本C a p i t a l劳 动 力L a b o r碳 排 放 空 间E m i s s i o n r i g h t s要 素 投 入F a c t o r i n p u t能 源 投 入E n e r g y I n p u t非 能 源 产 品国 内 市 场D o m e s t i c M a r k e t( A r m i n g t o n g o o d s )消 费C o n s u m p t i o n居 民 与 政 府H o u s e h o l d s a n d G o v e r n m e n t储 蓄S a v i n g s自 然 资 源R e s o u r c e s其 他 中 间 投 入I n t e r m e d i a t e I n p u t碳 排 放 空 间E m i s s i o n R i g h t s国 际 贸 易G l o b a l T r a d e出 口E x p o r t国 际 运 输I n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a n s p o r t进 口I m p o r t税 收 收 入T a x R e v e n u e国 际 G l o b a l R 1 R 1 9能 源 产 品自下而上 Bottom up r e t s ε j r cijNj 1Improvement of total carbon productivity in ETS Improvement of sectoral carbon productivity/Allocation criteria 交易体系总碳生产力提高幅度 子行业碳生产力提高幅度 /配额分配松紧程度 配额分配 Allowance Allocations 11 主要的免费配额分配方法 Free Allocation ologies Benchmarking ologies Historical emission intensity reduction ologies 行业基准 法 简介 Introduction on benchmarking ologies  Enterprise Allowances ∑ Emission benchmark Output  Compliance boundary main production system rather than a complete enterprise level, energy consumption and other allocation supportive data within which could be accurately measured and verified  Products and technologies are homogeneous and thus comparable within the same industry  Benchmarks are under construction based on sample enterprise benchmarking analysis taking into account the differences between existing and new production system  企业配额 ∑(行业基准 履约年度实际 产量 )  履约边界主产品生产系统(工序、分厂、装置),能耗可以单独计量,计量准确性高,易于核查  产品和工艺具有同质性,行业内横向可比  确定基准值 行业二氧化碳排放强度 对标 研究  既有 生产系统碳排放基准相对宽松,例如行业平均  新增 生产系统碳排放基准相对严格,行业先进 0.0000.0500.1000.1500.2000.2500.3000.3500.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0Emssion intensity Accumulated share in total outputs Weighted average of top 10 Weighted average of top 20 行业二氧化碳排放基准对标研究示意图 Sample enterprise benchmarking analysis 碳排放强度 产量累计占比 企业历史 碳排放强度 下降法 Historical emission intensity reduction ologies  Enterprise Allowances Historical emission intensity Reduction factor Output  Compliance boundary enterprise or plant level  Complexity diversity of production process Different production technologies copper smelting Multiple products pulp and paper making Incomparable in emission intensity within the industry category  Inaccuracy of energy measurement on installation level Secondary energy reallocation between workshops iron steel enterprises, pulp and paper making enterprises  企业 配额 企业历史强度 履约年度实际 产量 减排 系数  履约 边界企业或主产品生产 系统 ( 工序 、 分厂 、 装置 )  生产工艺复杂 铜 冶炼和造纸单个工序的生产技术有多种 、 产品多种 钢铁 生产在轧钢之后的下游工序技术和产品也很多 子 行业横向可比性差  分工序能源计量准确性低 钢铁 和造纸企业涉及大量二次能源再利用 分 工序能源计量的准确性不高 配额试分配 Trial allowance allocation  analyze potential synergies/interactions between existing sectoral policies and the ETS  analyze compatibility between energy reporting and benchmarking approaches and allowance allocation ologies  finalize the design of the ETS allocation ologies with respect to existing sectoral approaches. 碳市场与已有产业政策的兼容性 数据报告情况、可靠性、可核查性 各个子行业配额 分配 方法和具体参数取值、适用性 基于 试点企业 的反馈优化方法 谢谢 Thank you 17


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