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„Knowledge Economy““知识经济 ”A driver for low carbon development in Yunnan Central Economic Region促进滇中城镇群低碳发展的一个驱动力量SSLCC Conference中瑞低碳城市项目大会May 22, 20192019年 5月 22日Contents / 内容1. Why Knowledge Economy为什么要发展知识经济2. What is the Knowledge Economy什么是知识经济3. The Role of Kunming in the Knowledge Economy昆明在知识经济中发挥的作用4. The Way Forward前景展望May 22, 2019Why Knowledge Economy为什么要发展知识经济May 22, 2019Industrialisation and Global CO2 Emission工业化和全球 CO2排放1st Industrial RevolutionMechanical production by hydro and steam powerMay 22, 2019 Source https//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/CarbonCycle/page4.phpGlobal Carbon Dioxide Emission Gigatons of CO2 per Year2nd Industrial RevolutionAutomatization through electric power3rd Industrial RevolutionFurther automatization through electronics and IT4th Industrial RevolutionBased on Cyber Physical Systems第一次工业革命用水力和蒸汽力进行机械生产第二次工业革命通过电力实现自动化第三次工业革命通过电子和 IT进一步实现自动化第四次工业革命以“网络实物系统”为基础全球二氧化碳排放量 ( 每年排放量 , 单位 10亿吨 )Industrial Decline 工业的式微Industrial decline and rise of service sector in the USMay 22, 2019Manufacturing 制造业Finance, insurance, real estate 金融、保险、房地产Professional Snellman, Kaisa 2004. “The Knowledge Economy“ PDF. Annual Review of Sociology. 30 199–220Source https// World Examples 来自真实世界的实例Academic institutions, companies engaging in research and development R2 An educated and skilled population to create, share, and use knowledge well;知识经济框架的四大支柱1 一个经济和制度体系 , 这个体系激励人们高效使用既有知识和新知识,并激励人们创业;2 受过良好教育的、具备相应技能的人口,能够很好地创造、分享并使用知识;May 22, 2019Soruce https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_Economic_IndexKnowledge Economiy Index 知识经济指数 I / IIIFour pillars of the Knowledge Economy framework3 An efficient innovation system of firms, research centers, universities, consultants and other organizations to tap into the growing stock of global knowledge, assimilate and adapt it to local needs, and create new technology;4 Ination and communication technology to facilitate the effective creation, dissemination, and processing of ination.知识经济框架的四大支柱3 企业、研究中心、高校、顾问和其他组织机构组成一个高效的创新网络,汲取日益增长的全球知识存量,予以吸收并调整,以适应本地的需求并创造新的技术 ;4 信息通信技术,以促进有效地创造、推广并处理信息。May 22, 2019Soruce https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_Economic_IndexKnowledge Economy Index 知识经济指数May 22, 2019Source https//knoema.de/atlas/topics/Weltrankings/Weltrankings/Knowledge-Economy-IndexRole of Kunmingin the Knowledge Economy昆明在知识经济中发挥的作用May 22, 2019Antenna Function for Knowledge Economy 知识经济的天线作用Kunming can take an antenna function within the knowledge economy for Yunnan Central Economic Region− receiver function− transmitter function− foundation function昆明可在知识经济中为滇中城镇群发挥 天线作用− 接收功能− 发送功能− 基站功能May 22, 2019 17Receiver Function 接收功能− Links to national and international universities− Links to national and international companies with strong research and developmentRequirements− Hub-Airport− High quality universities in Kunming− 与国内外的高校衔接− 与国内外拥有强大研发能力的企业衔接要求− 枢纽机场− 昆明具备优质的高校May 22, 2019 18Transmitter Function 发送功能− Provide links between research and production− Provide knowledge base for economy in the regional cities− Role of regional cities provide experience from productionRequirements− High quality regional public transportation− Regional education centers linked to companies− 在研究和生产之间牵线搭桥− 为区域性城市的经济提供知识基础− 区域性城市的作用提供生产经验要求− 优质的区域公共交通− 区域性的教育中心与企业对接May 22, 2019 19Foundation Function 基站功能− Provide high quality urban environment for knowledge workers− Provide environment for knowledge intensive companies − Provide supporting services for knowledge economy lawyers, marketing experts, finance industry etc.Requirements− People focused strategic regional and urban planning− 为知识工作者提供优质的城市环境− 为知识密集型企业提供相应的环境− 为知识经济提供支持性的服务(律师、营销专家、金融产业等)要求− 以人为本,进行战略性的区域和城市规划May 22, 2019 20Regional Strategic Planning Approach区域战略规划方法May 22, 2019Key Projects 关键项目Focus Areas 重点地区昆明多中心都市区高品质城市发展的重点地区枢纽功能旅游景点智慧春城的关键项目People Focused Planning 以人为本进行规划May 22, 2019Biasca Switzerland, Photo by Robert SalkeldNational Library, Paris, Photo by Robert Salkeld位于巴黎的国家图书馆 。摄影罗伯特 萨凯尔德The “human scale” is within the distance we can recognise people. That’s the scale we feel comfortable with.“人性化尺度”是我们能够看清他人的距离。这个尺度令我们感到亲切舒适。瑞士 Biasca小镇。摄影罗伯特 萨凯尔德May 22, 2019“Life, space, buildings – in that order”Jan Gehl, Cities for People“生活、空间、建筑物必须遵从这个顺序。 ”杨 盖尔 人性化的城市 Barcelona, photo by Robert Salkeld


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