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中瑞低碳城市项目 – 广州市从化区试点项目报告.pdf

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中瑞低碳城市项目 – 广州市从化区试点项目报告.pdf

中瑞低碳城市项目 – 广州市从化区试点项目报告昆明 SSLCC 会议 / SSLCC Conference Kunming, 2019-05-22Pilot Project Report Presentation Guangzhou/Chengdu1.实例研究 – 报告结构2.规划方法3.低碳总体规划导则4.措施和指标5.总结1.Case Studies – Report Structure 2.Approach and ology3.LC Master Planning Guidelines4.Measures and Indicators 5.ConclusionsPresentation Agenda报告目 录Case Studies – Report Structure实例研 究 – 报告结 构Case Studies Wenjiang-Chengdu / Conghua-Guangzhou实例研究成都温江区 /广州从化区Development of Green Finance System绿色产业基金发 展ology方 法LC Sector Specific Action Plan低碳分领域行动计 划Project Area Situation Analysis项目区域情况分 析LC Masterplan Guidelines低碳总体规划指 引Swiss LC Development Reference Cases瑞士低碳发展 低碳参考案 例Major Sections in the Report报告主要章 节Approach ology2规划方法Multilevel Approach – Visualized in Wenjiang Context多层级方法 - 根据温江情况提供可视化展示Multilevel Approach – Visualized in Conghua Context多层级方法 - 根据从化情况提供可视化展示Multilevel Indicators多层级指 标层级Level单位Unit指标体系Indicator System项目涉及主题Included topics of project interest宏观层面 MacroLevel 区域 /区 /城市Region/District/City政府间气候变化专门委员会( IPCC)温室气体清单制定方法( 2006年)IPCC ology for GHG Inventories 2006低碳发展决策依据和行动导则Decision making basis and action guidelines for low carbon development基于中国和国际参考信息的定制区域指标体系Tailor-made regional indicator system based on Chinese Intl. Sources用于制定低碳区域总体规划的基于地域的指标集合Domain based set of indicators to develop LC regional master plans农业气候战略Climate Strategy for Agriculture有助于低碳和可持续农业发展的主要干预领域(交易、土壤和植物保护、粪肥管理)政策、目标和指标Policies, targets and indicators for main fields of intervention trades, soil and plant protection, manure management leading to low carbon and sustainable agriculture能源城市Energiestadt公共建筑相关政策和标准,仅展示代表性内容Policy and criteria regarding buildings of the public hand only thematically represented微观层面 MicroLevel社区Compound2000瓦地区2000 Watt Area能效、可再生能源、交通通达性、认证体系Energy efficiency, renewable energy, accessibility, certificationLEED标准LEED对广州而言在社区层面是有价值的标准For Guangzhou useful criteria regarding the compound level建筑BuildingMinergie标准Minergie楼房外围结构、气密性和遮阳性能的标准Criteria for building envelope, airtightness, shadingMinergie-Eco标准Minergie-Eco低碳材料、回收材料Low carbon materials, recycling materialsLEED标准LEED资源节约设施和材料Resource saving installations and materialsErlenmatt Ost社区Erlenmatt Ost能效、耐用性Energy Efficiency, DurabilityMultilevel Goal System with Indicators多层级目的体系及其指 标▪ SWOT guiding principles scenarios as basis for development of vision and multilevel goals system with indicators▪ ulation master plan goals G and objectives O▪ Identification of action/policy sectors and correspondent measures M1▪ Definition of indicators I1, criteria and benchmark for monitoring development▪ SWOT加上指导原则和情景方案是发展愿景和多级别目的体系及其指标的基础▪ 拟订低碳愿景和总体规划目的 G和目标 O▪ 确定相关行动 /政策领域和相应的实施措施 M▪ 定义指标 I、标准和基准,用于监测和控制已实现的发展LC Master Planning Guidelines3低碳规划导则LC Master Planning Guidelines for Wenjiang District At a Glance温江区低碳总体规划导则简 述目的加速温江区向低碳试点区的转型,着重发展“社会、环境和经济可持续性”Goal Accelerate transation of Wenjiang into a pilot LC district focusing on social, environmental and economic sustainability”目标Objectives导则Guidelines目标 1Obj01制定低碳政策和管理框架LC policy and management framework established1. 采用多级方法,涵盖宏观及微观低碳指标To adopt a multilevel approach covering macro as well as micro level LC indicators2. 中瑞专家合作明确低碳指标集,为温江区 /永宁镇选择最优的措施提供最大的支持Cooperative elaboration process Chinese Swiss experts to define set of LC indicators significantly supports the selection of preferable measures for Wenjiang/Yongning town 3. 温室气体现状和趋势评估应为低碳战略的制定提供支持。一套最优的、经济有效的措施清单是重要的工具GHG status and trend assessment shall support the LC strategy ulation. Important toolbox is a list of preferable, cost effective measures4. 制定一套机构协调机制,进行长期建设与改进。规划 – 执行 – 检验 – 反馈 – 改进Establish an institutional coordination mechanism supporting continuous improvement. Rome was not built in one day Plan – Do – Check – Act – IMPROVE目标 2Obj02落实低碳城市规划和建设LC urban planning and construction in place5. 低碳总体规划从国际最佳实践案例和参考指标体系中萃取精华。这些最佳实践和指标皆根据永宁镇的情况做本地化改进LC Master Planning draws sampling of international best practices and referencing indicator systems. Such best practices and indicators are localized for Yongning Town 6. 城市和地区 /社区管理系统(如欧洲能源奖, 2000瓦社区等)提供了此类参考指标集City Area/Community management systems such as e.g. European Energy Award, 2000-Watt based Areas offer such a sets of LC indicators目标 3Obj03实施现有产业和公共及住宅建筑集群的低碳和能效提升发展路径LC, energy-efficient development path for industry, public and residential building clusters in placeLC Master Planning Guidelines for Wenjiang District Continued从化区低碳总体规划导则简述(续 )目标Objectives导则Guidelines目标 3Obj037. 此外,为了达成 2020年的单位 GDP碳足迹降低目标,需要为解决流溪河带床位预定不足的问题制定一套有针对性的行动计划In addition, the 2020 target of reducing the carbon footprint per unit of GDP calls for a targeted action plan converting cold beds in warm beds in LRBR8. 涉及当地建筑遗产及自然资源(例如优美的风景及温泉),为高附加值的产品与服务创造基础(例如低碳旅游发展)Tap into local architectural heritage and natural resources e.g. unique landscape, hot springs to create the basis for high value products and services e.g. LC tourism development9. 新建商业和住宅楼,修缮现有建筑并协调资源高效的区域规划将引出一系列无悔举措 /短期可达目标的举措New commercial and residential buildings, refurbishment of existing buildings and coordinated resource effective area planning offer a set of no regret measures/low hanging fruit measures目标 4Obj04低碳交通导向系统LC transport oriented systems10. 协调资源高效的区域规划并优化交通规划将引出一系列无悔举措 /短期可达目标的举措Coordinated resource effective area planning and optimized transport planning offer a set of no regret measures/low hanging fruit measures目标 5Obj05低碳环境管理LC environmental management11. 改善固废管理并高效地进行水资源使用和保护也将引出一些列无悔举措 /短期可达目标的举措Improved solid waste management and increased efficiency in water resource utilization and protection also offer a set of no regret measures/low hanging fruit measures目标 6Obj06通过低碳农业和林业增强碳汇能力Enhance carbon sinks through LC agriculture and forestry12. 低碳农业概念( AgroCO2ncept)为温室气体减排引出大量的无悔举措LC agriculture concepts AgroCO2ncept offer significant amounts of no regret measures for GHG reduction13. 将混合景观与城市绿地、绿化带和淡水河道相整合,成为总体规划中的重点元素,由若干指标支持Integrate mixed landscaping with city green, green belts and fresh waterways as key characteristic supported by indicators into the master plan14. 涉猎高级、有机和智慧型农业,为高价值产品和服务打造基础(如蔬菜、吸引游客的淡水生态系统等)Tap into advanced, organic and smart farming to create the basis for high value products and services e.g. vegetables, freshwater ecosystems attractive for tourismMeasures and Indicators4措施及指标How to use the SSLCC Guidelines如何应用中瑞低碳城市导 则Selected Measures and Indicators4.1措施及指标精选LC Policy Measures and Indicators I低碳政策措施与指标 1▪ Increase government and PPP investments in LC policies and action plans–Budget allocations for low carbon policies and action plans RMB/1000 inhabitants –Low-Carbon funds raised through public private partnerships▪ 在低碳政策及行动计划领域提高政府及 PPP投资 ➔为低碳政策及行动计划拨划预算(人民币 /千人)➔通过 PPP模式募集低碳基金LC Policy Measures and Indicators II低碳政策措施与指标 2▪ Enhance communication and public awareness participation– Amount of public participation processes per year in determining goals and objectives, prime development direction and selection and modification of LC plans– Money spent per child and government staff on education and continuing education RMB per person and year▪ 加强沟通交流与公众意识及参与 ➔公众参与流程年度总量,用于对目的及目标的决定,基本发展方向,选择及修订低碳规划➔用于学生及政府工作人员在教育与再教育领域的支出LC Policy Measures and Indicators III低碳政策措施和指标 3▪ Establish monitoring energymanagement system for public buildings➔Energy consumption/m2 floor space of public buildings reduced annually by 1.5▪ 为公共建筑建立监控及能源管理体系 ➔每年降低 1.5的公共建筑单位平米能源消耗LC urban planning and construction I低碳城市规划和建设 1▪ Prioritize introvertive urban growth–Urban density p/km2–Annual redevelopment of brownfield sites in relation to new construction land ha/–Investments in brownfield sanitation plans RMB per 1000 inhabitants and year▪ 优先城市向内发展 –城市密度(人 /平方公里)–每年棕土地区再开发较新建设用地比重(公顷 /)–棕土净化计划投资(人民币每年每 1000居民)LC urban planning and construction II低碳城市规划和建设 2▪ Increase mixed land use– of total city land zones for mixed use–Land use around business centers – areaunder mixed use within 500m▪ 增加土地混合使用 –混合用地占城市总面积的百分比–商业中心周围的土地使用 500米内混合用地百分比Energy Efficiency and renewable energy能效和可再生能 源▪ Generation of local renewable energy heat/cooling at site of buildings or within city area contributes to increased production and utilization of renewable energy▪ Energy produced in municipal sewage treatment plants contribute to electivity production and to heating/cooling▪ 建筑物或城市区域内生产本地可再生能源(供暖 /制冷),提高可再生能源的生产和利用量▪ 市政固废燃烧厂生产电力 并提供 供热 /制冷Energy Efficiency in Hotels酒店能 效▪ Baseline assessment through expert energy auditfor hotels▪ Moderate improvement of building insulation–Modelling by Swiss Experts shows potential of 26 GHG reductions in Conghua District through improved insulation alone▪ Efficient use of water▪ 专家对酒店能源进行审计,建立基准评估▪ 对建筑隔热性能进行改进–瑞士专家建模显示,仅改进隔热性就有潜力减少从化区 26的温室气体排放▪ 高效使用水资源Resources Savings in Buildings建筑内的资源节 约▪ Resource-saving building systems and use of materials for construction percentage ofmandatory use of recycled materials and products ▪ Define mandatory reduction of potable water usein buildings▪ 资源节约性建筑系统及建筑材料的应用(明确回收材料和产品的规定利用比例)▪ 明确减少建筑内饮用水的规定比例LC Transport Measures and Indicators低碳交通措施和指 标▪ Favour Transit Oriented Development–Public transportation penetration rate in relation to total city area– of built areas within 500m of public transit nodes▪ 优先进行以公共交通为导向的开发 –全市区域公共交通渗透率–公交站 500米范围内的建成区所占百分比LC Environmental Management Measures and Indicators低碳环境管理措施和指 标▪ Monitoring and reducing of domestic waste▪ Biomass foliage, garden waste and leftovers etc. from the separate collection of the area is fed to an energetic use biogas. The quantities are monitored.▪ 监控(并减少)家庭垃圾▪ 从区域内不同地点收集的生物质(落叶、花园垃圾和厨余垃圾等)被用于能源生产(沼气)。能源总量得到监控LC Environmental Management低碳环境管 理▪ Sponge city, efficient water use devices–District water consumption intensity L/capita/day–Industrial water consumption per industrial GDP liter/annual 10000RMB –Energy intensity of drinking water kWh/l – of municipal water sourced from water reclamation▪ 海绵城市、高效用水装置 –区用水强度(升 /人 /日)–单位工业 GDP的工业用水(升 /年万元)–饮用水能源强度(千瓦时 /升)–回收水占城市用水的百分比LC Agriculture Measures AgroCO2ncept低碳农业理念“ AgroCO2ncept”的 39个核心措 施▪ Project objective ula “20/20/20”– 20 CO₂-emissions reduction– 20 cost reductionthrough efficiency enhancement– 20 added yield▪ 39 Core Measures▪ Identification and selection with farmer participation▪ 项目目标公式“ 20/20/20”–减少 20%的二氧化碳排放–通过提高效率降低 20%的成本–产量提高 20%▪ 39个核心措施▪ 农民参与措施的鉴定与甄选Carbon Sequestration/Land Management – SmartAgriculture碳固定 /土地管理 – 智慧型农业部 分▪ Build a functional carbon sink system in land management➔Increasing soil carbon, reducing loss of soil and increasing woody biomass production– Agricultural land carbon sink system through improved agricultural practice– Use of biomass for enhancing soil fertility and soil carbon– Minimize soil disturbance ▪ 在土地管理中建立实用性碳汇系统➔增加土壤碳、减少土壤流失并增加木质生物质生产–通过改良农业实践形成农业用地碳汇系统–使用生物质增加土壤肥力和土壤碳–减少土壤干扰Process and responsibilities of controlling system控制系统的过程与责 任▪ Municipal Controlling Agency responsible for– Objective controlling report every 5 years– Implementation/impact controlling report every 1-2 years▪ Conghua Urban Planning Bureau proposes revised and newobjectives and measures▪ Conghua Planning Construction Commission checks revisedobjectives and measures▪ Conghua District Government requests approval of revisedobjectives measures by District People‘s Congress▪ 市政管理机构负责–目标管控报告(每 5年)–实施 /影响控制报告(每 1 - 2年)▪ 从化区规划局提出修订后的新目标和措施▪ 从化区规划和建设委员会检查修订的目标和措施▪ 从化区政府要求区人大批准修订的目标和措施


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