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中瑞低碳城市项目 – 昆明公共交通解决方案 ,霍尔夫马丁贝 格昆明 SSLCC 会议 / Conference Kunming, 2019-05-22Public Transport Solutions for Kunming, Rolf Martin Bergmaier▪ 由于有其他事务,我无法参加此次会议。▪ 祝你们成功举办会议,希望下次来昆明时 再 见▪ 1984 - 1987 瑞士联邦铁路局,伯尔尼▪ 1988 - 1992 苏黎世交通局,苏黎世▪ 1993 - 1997 电力工程股份有限公司,苏黎世▪ 4年期间第一次担任昆明市公共交通专家▪ 1997 - 2000 Emch Berger AG,伯尔尼和苏黎世▪ 2000 - 2019 悉尼 BINARY顾问有限公司▪ 2013年至今, 7年期间 第二次在昆明(和成都)担任公共交通专家▪ Due to other obligations I‘m not able to attend this conference.▪ I wish you a successful conference and I hope to see you next time in Kunming▪ 1984 – 1987 Swiss Federal Railways, Bern▪ 1988 – 1992 Zurich Verkehrsverbund, Zurich▪ 1993 – 1997 Electrowatt Engineering AG, Zurich➢First 4 year-period as expert for public transport in Kunming▪ 1997 – 2000 EmchBerger AG, Bern and Zurich▪ 2000 – 2019 BINARY Consultants Pty Ltd, Sydney➢ Between 2013 and now, second 7 year-period as expert for public transport in Kunming and in ChengduTransportation Expert Rolf Martin Bergmaier关于 “ 昆明公共交通解决方案 ” 的演讲昆明地区城市聚落与交通 Chambered area between hills and lakes Few flat areas in vicinity of lake Dian e.g. city of KMG, Chengong and in the Northeast only airport– Ring roads around the city of KMG– Major arterials between the city of Kunming and regional cities in the neighbourhood motorways, railway lines 山丘和湖泊之间的区域 除 滇池附近 ( 例如昆明市 , 呈贡 )和东北 片 区 ( 例如 机场 ) 几乎没有平坦区域– 环绕昆明市的环形公路– 昆明市与邻近地区城市之间的主要干道(高速公路,铁路线 )Urban Settlement and Transportation in the Kunming Area▪ 主要交通运输流量在昆明主城区–市中心和城外 郊区–往返昆明市的 交通通廊▪ 主要交通是昆明与云南地区各城市之间的流动▪ 次要交通是昆明与中国其他都市和国际目的地的流动 Major transit flows within the Greater Metroplitan areaof Kunming–in the Inner and Outer City area–on corrdidors in the Metropolitan area from and tothe city of Kunming Medial transit flows between Kunming and regional cities in Yunnan Minor transit flows to other Chinese capital cities and tointernational destinations.Transport Demand运输需 求▪ 更高的城市密度和沿主要通廊的延伸▪ 政府 实施大力 发展区域 /卫星城镇的战略▪ 进一步分散不同的人类活动(住宅 - 工作 /教育 - 购物 - 休闲)▪ 通往其他国家 /省 级 交通网络的重要性增加–高速铁路( HSR)–飞机场 Higher urban densities and extensions alongthe main corridors Government‘s strategy to develop regional / satellite towns Further dispersion of different human activities residential – work/education –shopping – leisure Increased significance of gateways to othercountries / provinces Alinea High Speed Rail HSR AirportFuture Developments with Effects on Mobility影响交通的未来发 展客户对运输的要求▪ 旅行时间▪ 容量▪ 可用性▪ 可靠性▪ 安全性Customer requirements on transportation▪ Travel time▪ Capacity▪ Availability▪ Reliability▪ SafetyTransport Mode Choice Criteria交通运输模式的选择标准▪ 中短距离▪ 地形 、 天气▪ 在高密度区域之外▪ 旅行目的出行▪ 高密度和市中心区域▪ 动脉链接 交通干线▪ 外部和内部区域▪ 辅助 交通线,交通网络– Short to medium distances– Topography, weather– Outside of high density areas– Additional travel purposes– High density and inner city areas– Arterial links backbones– Outer and inner areas– Secondary links, also networkedAppropriateness of Modes恰当的出行模 式考虑到减少二氧化碳排放量的总体目标1. 针对昆明中心市区的 低碳 交通解决方案制定有效的建议和概念。2. 专注于与主要交通需求相关的公共交通,以最大限度地减少污染。➢公交导向发展Taking into account the overall aim to reduce significantlyCO2 Emissions1. To develop effective proposals and concepts forenvironmental-friendly mobility solutions in the GreaterMetropolitan Area of Kunming.2. Focussing on mass transit on links with major transitdemand to get a maximum benefit for pollutionminimisation.➢ Transit Oriented Development TODTargets for Environmental-friendly Transportation环保运输的目标汽车巴士− 内城密集网络和城区外围地铁− 昆明市内外城市之间的界线重轨线- 将云南省和邻近省份的主要城市与昆明连接起来高速铁路( HSR)- 连接到中国其他主要城市的 快速城际航空− 国际机场,连接中国其他主要城市和省内城市Motor bus− Dense network in the Inner city and regional lines outsideMetro − Initial lines between the Inner and Outer city ofKunmingHeavy Rail lines- Linking major cities in the province of Yunnan and in neighbour provinces with KunmingHigh Speed Rail HSR − Fast Intercity links to other major Chinese capital citiesAviation− International airport with links to other majorcities in China and Neigbour countries.Public Transport Modes in the Area of Kunming昆明 市 的公共交通模式▪轨道交通提供最大的运输能力- 分担现有和潜在的主干道流量▪总行程时间(从门到门的行程时间)是选择首选模式的最重要因素- 包括了等待 、出行、交通 和离开等 环节 因素 Maximum transport capacity is provided by RailTransit➢To be allocated on existing and potential arterials Total Travel Time‘ Travel time from door to door isthe most important factor for choosing a preferredmode➢Combination of access, travel, transfer single or double decker Different service types; all-stopping or limited stopping services Diameter lines Efficient operation mentality and control 途旅行时间 短 高频 率 模块化列车组配置 多 车厢 或单 车厢 ; 单层或双层 列车 不同的服务类型 ;全 站 停 靠 或有限的 停靠站 交通线路直接通达 高效经营与控制 理念铁路网络 的潜在乘客集水区Potential Passenger Catchment for S-Bahn铁路网络 的潜在乘客集水区未来中部地区人口数量城市地区 人口数量中心城区呈贡晋宁昆阳海口安 宁合计3,000,0001,300,000550,000650,0005,900,000400,000Key Questions关键问题Sharing use of CR tracks with S-Bahn making the best use of existing or planned CR infrastructure➢ Available capacity for S-Bahn in co-operation with passenger and freight trains on same sections➢ Possible initial service pattern for S-Bahn与 国家 铁路系统 共享轨道,充分利用现有或计划的 轨道交通基础设施 ➢ 铁路网络 在同一区段与客货列车合作时的可用容量 ➢ 铁路网络 可能的初始服务模式 大部分为双线电气化线路 核心区为四 线 。 柔和的 转弯 半径和坡度允许合理的最大速度 平均最小站间距大于 10公里,即使是重型列车也能平稳行驶。 车辆 平均 间距 1.2公里 , 最适合给定的最大速度和容量 。 Mostly double tracked electrified lines – in the core area quadrupled Gentle radii and gradients permitting reasonable maximum speeds Average minimum station spacing with above 10 kilometres permitting smooth rides even for heavy train sets Average block distance 1.2 kilometres suiting the best for given maximum speeds and capacity.Assessment of CR’s Rail Infrastructure around Kunming昆明周边铁路基础设施评价S-Bahn Service Concept铁路网络 服务概念- Kunming Station – Kun Yang- An Ning – Kun Yang- Kun Yang – Chang Shui Airport- 昆明站 昆阳- 安宁 昆阳- 昆阳 长水机场Proposed S-Bahn Routes拟议 铁路网络 路线 卫星城与昆明的联系 近郊铁路与国铁车辆在路段和车站线路上共同使用同一轨道线 从一开始就有足够的 行运量 以及得到 中国铁路 部门 的支持 Link between satellite city and Kunming Co-operation of S-Bahn with Heavy Rail on sections and in stations Sufficient patronage from the beginning on Support from Chinese Railways CRS-Bahn Demonstration Line瑞士苏黎世市市中心步行街购物区禁止机动车通 行Alignment Anning – Kunming Main Station – Kunming South安宁 -昆明主站 -昆明南 Reasonable length for a pilot line 72 km Linking a satellite town with Kunming CBD and Kunming South at Chenggong Conversion of a freight branch line to S-Bahn 12 km Test for co-operation of S-Bahn and long distance heavy rail services on same tracks and stations. 试点线路 的合理长度( 72 km) 将 呈贡卫星城与昆明 商业中心 和昆明南部 城区 连接起来 将货运支线改为 南线 ( 12公里) 在同一轨道和车站上进行长距离重型铁路服务合作测试 。 期待充足的全天行运量- 混合通勤 旅行– 商业旅行– 娱乐旅行➢ 每 半小时全天服务➢ 合适的机车车辆(如双层列车) Sufficient all day patronage to be expected– Cross commuting trips– Business trips– Leisure trips➢ Half-hourly all-day services ➢ Suitable Rolling Stock e.g. double decker train setsDemand and Supply on S-Bahn Demonstration Line南线示范线路供需情况Connection of different Rail Modes at Kunming Airport昆明机场不同轨道交通方式的衔接Current Allocation of Railway Lines at Kunming Airport昆明机场现有铁路线路配置情况- High Speed Line- Heavy Rail- Metro-高速线路- 国铁- 地铁Rail Transit Hubs at T1 and T2T1和 T2的轨道交通枢纽Future Rail Transit Hubs in Kunming昆明未来的轨道交通枢纽Kunming Main Station / Kunming South Station/Kunming Airport昆明站 /昆明南站 /昆明机场通过以下方式减少大城市地区的汽车行驶里程 促进城市分散化– 创建子中心– 将住宅区与分中心连接起来– 将分中心与核心区域联系起来 发展郊区铁路 ,将其 作为距中央商务区超过 25公里的新兴都市区的首选公共交通方式 机场区域内包括重铁和高铁车站 在各转 乘 站,铁路与地铁之间有方便的换乘设施 让市 公 交部门 能够与铁路服务提供者 直接联系 ,从而做出选择 。Reduction of vehicle km travelled by car in Greater Metropolitan areas by Promotion of urban decentralisation by− creating sub centres− linking residential areas with sub centres− linking sub centres with core areas Development of Suburban Rail S-Bahn as the preferred mode for public transport in growing Metropolitan areas in a range of more than 25 km from a CBD Inclusion of stations for Heavy Rail and High Speed Rail in the Airport area Convenient interchange facilities between different rail lines and metro at transfer stations Enabling public authorities to deal with rail service providers CR to make options happen. Proposed future Procedure拟议的未来程序谢谢THANK YOU


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