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中国 建筑节能标准 -成果及展望Building Energy Efficiency Standard in China – Development and Outlook建筑环境 与节能研究院Institute of Building Environment and Energy2019.0522 昆明 Kunming目录 Outline1 国内建筑节能标准发展Development of Building Energy Efficiency Standard and Codes in China2 建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China3 建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept 上世纪八十年代初原建设部开始组织开展建筑节能 工作 BEE work starts from 1980’s by Ministry of Construction 地区、建筑类型考虑 原则 Prioritize development by climate zone and building type 先北方(严寒和寒冷地区),然后中部(夏热冬冷地区 )和南方 (夏热冬 暖 /温和地区 ) Cold climate towards warm 先居住建筑,后公共建筑 ; Residential building towards public 先新建,后改造 。 New towards existing 已建立覆盖 5个气候区、工程建设全过程的节能标准 体系BEE standardization cover all 5 climatezones and construction stages我国建筑节能标准发展历程Development of BEE standard and codes in ChinaClimate zones in China发展初期 Early Stages基准 100BaselineGB50189-2005EE 50GB50189-2015EE 65Future未来( 小步快跑 /快速提升) 近零 /零Small steps/Fast pace towards NZEB历史 History50657582.595JGJ26-95EE 5030JGJ26-2010EE 65居住建筑 节能 标准Residential building BEE standards公共建筑节能 标准Public building BEE standards1980 1985 1995 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030JGJ26-86EE 30JGJ26-201*EE 75我国建筑节能标准发展历程Development of BEE standard and codes in China建筑节能“三步走”战略完成 Strategic goal achieved by 2015 严寒和寒冷地区 居住建筑 节能设计达到相对于上世纪 80年代建筑节能 65的 水平 Building energyconsumption reduced by 65 for residential building in cold climate zones 全国范围公共建筑节能设计达到相对于上世纪 80年代建筑节能 65的 水平 Public building energy consumption reduced by 65 nationwide 除强制性标准继续不断提升,还需要有引导性标准,面向 未来 Call for guiding and leading code我国建筑节能标准发展历程Development of BEE standard and codes in China我国更高目标建筑节能 标准 Higher BEE standards in development 2015年住建部颁布 被动式超低能耗绿色建筑导则 (居住建筑 )Publishing of ‘ Technical guidelines for passive ultra-low green building’ in 2015 2019年 住建部 颁布 国家标准 近零能耗建筑技术标准 GB/T51350Publishing of ‘ Standard of technical requirement for Nearly Zero EnergyBuilding of China’ GB/T51350 in 2019 强制性标准继续不断 提升 -2015年 严寒和寒冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准 JGJ26-2010修订 Continuous strengthening and development ofcompulsory building standards适应气候特征和自然条件,通过被动式技术手段,最大幅度降低建筑供暖供冷需求,最大幅度提高能源设备与系统效率,充分利用建筑物本体及周边或外购的可再生能源,使可再生能源全年供能大于等于建筑物全年全部用能的建筑。适应气候特征和自然条件,通过被动式技术手段,最大幅度降低建筑供暖供冷需求,最大幅度提高能源设备与系统效率,利用可再生能源,优化能源系统运行,以最少的能源消耗提供舒适室内 环境 。适应气候特征和自然条件,通过被动式技术手段,大幅降低建筑供暖供冷需求,提高能源设备与系统效率,以更少的能源消耗提供舒适室内环境的建筑零能耗建筑 ----可再生能源大于等于建筑自身用 能Zero energy building- generated energy no less than consumption近零能耗建筑 ----利用 可再生能源Nearly zero energy building NZEB – with renewable energy超低能耗建筑 ----不借助可再生能源,主被动技术能达到的 水平Ultra low energy building ULEB – Best BEE level without using renewable energy5060-75100我国建筑节能标准发展历程Development of BEE standard and codes in China超低能耗、 近 零 能耗、零能耗建筑定义Definition of Nearly Zero Energy buildings of China日本 2030建筑节能路线图Japan 2030 Roadmap of ZEB欧美等发达国家相继提出了 2020、 2030年近 /净零能耗建筑发展目标,并开展了技术集成专项研究与 示范Developed countries in Europe and North America proposed their NZEB development goals for 2020/2030 推动 建筑迈向近零能耗是全球的发展 趋势Advancing BEE towards NZEB is a global trend欧盟 20-20-20英国 2019年公共建筑达到零碳;德国 2020年 新建建筑达到近零 能耗European Union-EPBD 20-20-20美国 2030年达到净零 能耗USA Net Zero by 2030丹麦 2020年后居住建筑全年冷热需求降低至 20kWh/m2Denmark Heating and cooling demand reduced to 20kWh/m2 by 2020韩国 2025年居住建筑达到零 碳Korea Zero-carbon house by 2025我国建筑节能标准发展历程Development of BEE standard and codes in China全球发展趋势Globaltrend 发展 趋势 Global trend 更高目标的近零能耗、零能耗建筑是建筑节能发展的 必然趋势 Towards higher goal of Net/Nearly Energy is a global trend of BEE development 规定 方式 Perance requirement 近零能耗建筑定义不 统一 Different definitions 不同国家根据自身情况定义边界、包含的 范围 等 Definition varies by country, in term of building energy boundary and energy coverage建筑构件 /设备的规定 指标Parts规定指标 整体性能 要求 Parts and holistic 建筑整体性能要求 holistic 建筑节能起步阶段 建筑节能发展阶段 更 高目标( 近零能耗 /零 能耗 )Early stage Well-developed Towards NZEB我国建筑节能标准发展历程Development of BEE standard and codes in China目录 Outline1 国内建筑节能标准发展Development of Building Energy Efficiency Standard and Codes in China2 建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China3 建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept 建筑 能效标识指按照建筑节能相关标准和技术要求、以及统一的测评方法和工作程序,通过对建筑物能源消耗量进行检测或评估等手段,进行标识的活动 。Building Energy Label label of building energy level by prescribed rules and procedure.建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China建筑能效标识的基本概念 Fundamental of Building Energy Label加拿大新建建筑节能认证Energy Guide of Canada 明示建筑能耗状况 ,加强市场透明度Disclose building energy consumption, and increase market transparency 建筑节能的 助推器 , 促进高节能建筑的发展Enhance BEE by showing discrepancy and promote higher perance 对开发商起到 管理、监督和激励 作用Provide incentive to real estate developers, along with management and supervision by government entities 实施建筑节能 经济激励 政策的 基础Establish basis to implement economical measures, e.g. subsidy, allowance建筑能效标识的作用 Benefits 2010 年发布 建筑能效标识技术导则 Technical guide of ‘Building energy label’, issued in 2010 2012年发布行业标准 建筑能效标识技术标准 JGJ/T 288 National standard ‘Technical standard of building energy label’ published in 2012 只 提供评级 ,不做技术 建议 Labelling only, with no recommendation of technical measures for renovation 建筑 能效标识为 非强制标准 ,示范项目推广 起步较 慢 Non-compulsory standard, piloting projects slowly showing its impact 近年来 建筑能效 标识在 广东、山东等 地结合绿建标识 推广成效 显著 Significant advancement achieved in developed coastal provinces, in conjunction with implementation of Green Building Three-star Label建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China建筑能效 标识国内经验 Building Energy Label in China三星等级Three-star rating必要性 Why NOW 三十年 建筑节能 工作 基础 如绿 建 标识和 可再生能源推广, 近零能耗 建筑国标发布等Foundation laid by 30 years experience of BEE building in China, e.g. ‘China Green Building Label’, Piloting of building renewable energy, publishing of NZEB standards 既有 建筑 量大面广,能效和室内环境 提升潜力 巨大, 将成为中国 建筑能效提升主要领域Transit towards renovation of massive existing building due to its great potential of improvement of building energy efficiency and indoor environment. 需要 提高改造 投资有效性 -改造技术建议的重要性Call for weightoff between technical and economical considerations and increase of capital investment effectiveness, therefore the need of recommendation for technical measures. 发达 城市经济水平能够支撑大规模城市更新 -下一个经济增长点 Possibility of scaling up of district-level renovation from rising economy of well-developed cities-leading to next focal point for boost of local economy建筑能效分级的必要性 Why Building Energy Certificate-BEC now建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China 工具uation tools 建筑 类型Building category 气候区Climate zones特殊关注点 Items to note建筑能效分级 的特殊性 How to BEC now 计算范围Building energy to be included 应用范围Scope of implementation建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China目录 Outline1 国内建筑节能标准发展Development of Building Energy Efficiency Standard and Codes in China2 建筑能效标识国内经验Building Energy Label in China3 建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept数据 收集Data collection能耗 计算Building energy calculation评级 方法Building energy certification改造 建议Technical measures方法主要基于建筑图纸信息,辅助调研 。Based on drawings, assist with survey.软件比对正确后采用相同软件进行 计算One tool after validated results采用参照 建筑法Reference-building 输入信息负荷计算结果能耗计算 结果 → load → energy工作内容Work Scope收集建筑物理、围护结构、暖 通空调 系统、照明 系统信息Collect ination of building, envelope, HVAC, Lighting etc.计算建筑累计冷、热负荷以及供暖 、 空调、照明能耗Heating/cooling demand and energy consumption确定参照体系推荐采用相对定级方法,基于 20栋建筑的计算 结果Based on 20 buildings, propose BEC certification level按照输入结果,推荐改造 建议Based on calculation results, recommend technical measures备注Note内热设置按照统一 设置Internal gain from unified setting参照 GEAK评级 系统Refer to GEAK system建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept建筑能效分级技术路线 Technical approach of BEC参照 标准 Reference 节能 率 BEE Rate近零能耗 建筑 NZEB η≥30超 低能耗建筑 ULEB 30> η≥20绿色 建筑 Green Building 20> η≥10JGJ134-2010、 GB50189-2015 10> η≥0JGJ134-2001、 GB50189-2005 0> η≥-3080年代 建筑 Building from 1980s η< -30建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept中国建筑能效分级 (初步建议 )Proposal of BEC concept preliminaryABCDEF建筑名称 project name 建成 年代 year of construction项目地点 project location 建筑面积 building floor areaNote 仅 为初步 概念 Preliminary concept only。三医创新 中心 Sanyi Innovation Center项目 名称 Name 成都医学 城 Chengdu Medical Campus建筑 类型 Type 办公建筑 Office建筑 位置 Location 四川 -成都 Chengdu建筑面积 Floor area 5,600m2建筑 使用面积Conditioned floor area 6731.34m2建筑外表 面积Building surface area 4132.44m2建筑层 数Floor 5层 Five stories项目基本 信息 Building ination围护结构 信息 Building envelope ination内容Items传热系数 Heat transfer coefficient W/㎡ K 遮阳系数 SHGC外墙 External wall 0.35 n/a屋面 Roof 0.20 n/a外 窗 Fenestration 2.0 0.15建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept建筑能效分级 -案例研究 Case study of BEC concept标准 Code 单位建筑面积累计热负荷 accumulative heating load ( kWh/m2)单位建筑面积累计冷负荷 accumulative cooling load ( kWh/m2)一次 能耗Primary energy consumption( kWh/m2)节能 率Energy saving Rate( )能效 分级BEC近零能耗建筑技术标准 GB/T51350-2019近 零能耗建筑Design Code for nearly zero energy buildings GB/T51350-2019 NZEB2.44 37.24 40.41 37 A近零能耗建筑技术标准 -超低能耗建筑Design Code for nearly zero energy buildings GB/T51350-2019 Ultra-low energy building4.76 37.55 43.74 32 A设计 建筑( 绿建三星)Real building Green Building 3 stars)9.27 44.09 56.14 12 C公共建筑节能设计标准 GB50189-2015Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings GBGB50189-201511.73 48.86 64.11 0 D公共建筑节能设计标准 GB50189-2005Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings GBGB50189-200518.06 54.15 77.63 -21 E三医创新 中心 Sanyi Innovation Center建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept建筑能效分级 -案例研究 Case study of BEC concept中国建筑能效 分级ABCDEF名称三医创新中心地点四川 成都建成年代 2019建筑面积 5600m2三医创新 中心 Sanyi Innovation Center建筑能效分级概念方案Building Energy Certificate( BEC Concept建筑能效分级 -案例研究 Case study of BEC conceptproject name Sanyi innovation center year of construction 2019project location Sichuan-Chengdu building floor area 5600 m21 提高 建筑能效是节约能源,改善人居环境的需要,也是促进科技创新,创造新的就业机会,培育新的经济增长点的重要 契机 Further advancing building energy efficiency is demand of building energy conservation and built environment improvement, as well as fostering new economic boosting area.2 近 零能耗建筑是建筑节能发展的更高目标和 必然趋势 Towards higher goal of Net/Nearly Energy is a global trend of building energy efficiency development.3 建筑 能效 标识 /分级有助于加速中国 城市更新,提升 建筑能效和室内环境 水平 Building energy label and certification would potentially facilitate city renovation of china.4 结合中国现行建筑节能标准,本研究给出了建筑能效分级方法初步建议,试算结果显示结果基本合理 Preliminary BEC concept is proposed based on current building energy efficiency standards, and case study shows reasonable results.总结Concluding remarks谢 谢 Thanks


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