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Technical Specification 2040 SIA Energy Efficiency Path schweizerischer ingenieur- und architektenverein socit suisse des ingnieurs et des architectes societ svizzera degli ingegneri e degli architetti swiss society of engineers and architects selnaustrasse 16 postfach ch-8027 zrich www.sia.chPrice category 20 Edition 2011SIA 2040, Copyright 2011 by SIA Zurich 2 SIA-Technical Specifications The SIA publishes Technical Specifications in order to provide explanations and supplementary guidelines on special topics. The Technical Specifications part of the SIA’s body of standards. Technical Specifications are valid for three years following their publication. Their validity can be extended repeatedly by a further period of three years. Any corrections to and comments on this publication can be found at www.sia.ch/korrigenda. The SIA assumes no liability for any damages which might be caused through the application of this publication. 2011-06 1st Edition SIA 2040, Copyright 2011 by SIA Zurich 3 CONTENTS Seite Foreword .4 0 Scope5 0.1 Limitations .5 0.2 References 5 0.3 Advice on use 5 1 Terminology .6 1.1 Primary energy and greenhouse gas assessment.6 1.2 Relationship with the 2000-Watt-Society and derivation of the target values7 1.3 Definitions8 1.4 Symbols, terms and units 14 2 Calculation .15 2.1 General15 2.2 Construction 16 2.3 Operation.16 2.4 Mobility 20 3 Requirements.21 3.1 Guide values and target values .21 3.2 SIA Efficiency Path-compatible and SIA Efficiency Path-capable 21 3.3 Target values Residential .21 3.4 Target values Office22 3.5 Target values Schools 22 3.6 Target values in relation to the total population 22 4 Influencing factors.23 4.1 Basic principle .23 4.2 Construction 23 4.3 Operation.24 4.4 Mobility 25 Appendix A normative Primary energy factors and greenhouse gas emission coefficients26 B inative Publications 29 SIA 2040, Copyright 2011 by SIA Zurich 4 FOREWORD The objective of the SIA’s Energieleitbild Bau Energy Guidelines for Buildings [1] is to establish a consistent and sustainable basis for Switzerland’s building stock and encourage intelligent use of the resource energy. The long-term goal is to achieve a sustained primary energy use of 2000 watts per person and emissions of no more than one tonne of CO 2equivalent per person and year. This Technical Specification and the associated documentation SIA D 0236 2011 edition [2] the basis for the implementation of an intermediate goal for the year 2050. The 2000-Watt-Society takes into account the total primary energy use and total greenhouse gas emissions from all consumption sectors in Switzerland. This Technical Specification is limited to setting targets for non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for the three building categories Residential, Office and Schools. Due to their impact on climate, greenhouse gas emissions are an important environmentally relevant factor, as the ETH Board emphasises in its paper Switzerland’s Contribution to the Future of Energy [3]. In the 2000-Watt-Society, on which the Energy Efficiency Path is based, greenhouse gas emissions also represent the second target value after primary energy. They have therefore been included in this new edition of the SIA Energy Efficiency Path as a second assess- ment criterion. The objective of the 2000-Watt-Society is extremely ambitious. Social and economic influencing factors will play a decisi- ve role in achieving the intermediate goal of the 2000-Watt-Society within the building sector by the year 2050. This goal cannot be achieved without significant developments in these areas – there is a great need for both political and legal action. In this respect, the following assumptions have been made - The space requirement per person for Residential, Office and Schools remains constant. This will require a shift away from a long-term trend towards increasing space requirements. - In the year 2050 the average energy consumption of cars will be less than it is today by a factor of 3. - The daily distances travelled, in particular with cars, will not continue to increase. - All new buildings will meet the target values specified in this Technical Specification. This will require a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency in comparison with existing practice. - By 2050, all existing buildings will be modernised to meet the target values for conversions. This will require a multipli- cation of the rate of renovation and a striking improvement in the quality of the conversions in terms of energy efficiency. - In order to compensate for unavoidable deviations from the aforementioned targets e.g. in the renovation of listed buildings, greenhouse gas emissions and the primary energy content of the Swiss electricity mix will need to be signi- ficantly reduced. Only if these conditions become a reality can the intermediate goal of the 2000-Watt-Society be achieved with the target values postulated in this ination sheet. These factors lie outside of the influence of the SIA. In contrast, the aim of the Energy Efficiency Path is to create the best possible preconditions for achievement of the targets for the building sector; the idea is to set a course for the future which ensures that developments in the area of building keep moving in the right direction. As the most important sector in Switzerland in terms of energy consumption, the building sector takes on a pioneering role here, showing that it is already possible to embark on the path towards the 2000-Watt-Society today. It is up to developers and investors to integrate the objective of the 2000-Watt-Society in the phase of strategic planning. Pioneering buildings which have already been realised show that achievement of the goal is not only feasible and affordable, it also allows the necessary freedom in terms of architecture and urban planning to react to project-specific circumstances using creative and ap- propriate means. With the publication of the Technical Specifications SIA 2032 Embodied Energy of Buildings and SIA 2039 Mobility – Energy Use depending on the Location of the Building, for the first time a basis has been provided for calculating energy use in these two important areas according to generally accepted and comparable s. The two areas embodied energy and mobility are given equal consideration along with the energy required for operation. The calculation of the total energy balance and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with this Technical Specification allows the comparison of a project value with the target values contained in this Technical Specification. This Technical Specification can thus be used for project optimisations. The documentation SIA D 0236 Documentation on the SIA Energy Efficiency Path 2011 issue documents the back- ground to this Technical Specification and how it relates to the objectives of the 2000-Watt-Society. This documentation also includes measures which need to be taken in order to achieve the target values. Commission SIA 2040 SIA 2040, Copyright 2011 by SIA Zurich 5 0 SCOPE 0.1 Limitations 0.1.1 This Technical Specification applies to buildings for which an assessment of non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions needs to be carried out. 0.1.2 The balance of non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions can be calculated for new buildings and conversions of entire buildings and of parts of buildings. 0.1.3 The assessment of the non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of a building co- vers the aspects of construction, operation divided into heat, ventilation/air conditioning, lighting, operating equipment and mobility. It covers the entire life cycle, i.e. construction, operation, any replacement investments and disposal. 0.1.4 Target values for non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are specified for the three building categories Residential, Office and Schools. Non-binding guide values are stated per building category for construction, operation and mobility. 0.2 References Reference is made in the text of this Technical Specification to the publications listed below, which also apply, in full or in part, in the sense of the references. In the case of undated references, the most recent issue applies, in the case of dated references the corresponding issue of the relevant publication. Regulation SIA 112 Perance Model Standard SIA 380/1 Thermal Energy in Buildings Standard SIA 380/4 Electrical Energy in Buildings Standard SIA 382/2 Air-conditioned Buildings – Power and Energy Use Standard SIA 385/2 Hot Water Supply for Drinking Water in Buildings – Calculation Me- thods in preparation Standard SIA 416/1 Characteristic Data for Technical Building Systems Technical Specification SIA 2031 Energy Certificate for Buildings Technical Specification SIA 2032 Embodied Energy of Buildings Technical Specification SIA 2039 Mobility – Energy Use depending on Building Location Technical Specification SIA 2044 Air-conditioned Buildings – Standard Calculation for Power and Energy Use 0.3 Advice on use Key decisions affecting the balance of non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of a building are made in the early planning phases preliminary studies and preliminary project. The criterion “energy efficiency” must therefore be incorporated in the planning from the outset. An assessment of the non-renewable primary energy use and an assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions should, in particular, become standard in the uation of competition projects and study commissions. The calculation aid SIA 2040 [4], which can be downloaded from www.energytools.ch, can be used for calculation in the preliminary study/preliminary project phase. The most important influencing factors and the planning phases in which they need to be taken into consideration are described in Chapter 4. The effective assessment may differ from the planning values, since deviating occupation densities and/or user-specific behaviour can have a major influence. SIA 2040, Copyright 2011 by SIA Zurich 6 1 TERMINOLOGY 1.1 Primary energy and greenhouse gas assessment 1.1.1 This Technical Specification focuses on the assessment of the use of non-renewable primary energy and the corresponding assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of a building over the course of construction, opera- tion and disposal. The energy flows are shown in Figure 1. The calculation takes place, contrary to the energy flow, from right to left. Figure 1 Energy flow from primary energy up to use 1.1.2 Construction includes the construction, any replacement investments and the disposal of a building. The embodied energy and the embodied greenhouse gas emissions of the building components and technical buil- ding systems are converted into values per year on the basis of their amortisation period. This means that the energy use for construction is directly comparable with the energy use for operation and mobility. 1.1.3 Operation is divided into the building services heat, ventilation/air conditioning, lighting and operating equip- ment. The building service heat includes the energy used for space heating and domestic hot water, including the electrical auxiliary energies. The heat requirements for space heating and for domestic hot water are calcula- ted on the level of useful energy and are converted into final energy by means of the efficiency ratio, which ta- kes into consideration conversion losses. The useful energy requirement can be covered in full or in part through on-site production of renewable energy solar thermal energy, use of ambient heat within the as- sessment boundaries. The building service ventilation/air conditioning includes the energy used for ventilation, cooling, dehumidi- fication and humidification. The air cooling requirement is calculated on the level of useful energy and is con- verted into final energy by means of the efficiency ratio of the cooling generator. SIA 2040, Copyright 2011 by SIA Zurich 7 The building services lighting and operating equipment incl. various technical building systems include the electrical energy used for lighting, operating equipment and various technical building systems. This ener- gy is final energy. If, within the assessment boundaries, electricity is generated from renewable energies, for example through photovoltaic technology or wind energy, the electrical energy for operation supplied across the assessment boundary is reduced by the corresponding yield. The net delivered energy for operation supplied across the assessment boundary is converted, for each ener- gy carrier, into non-renewable primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions. 1.1.4 Mobility includes the energy used for building-location-dependent everyday mobility and the associated infrastructure vehicles, roads and rail systems. Everyday mobility includes all changes in location associated with everyday activities up to a travel time of 3 hours within the usual environment. 1The non-renewable prima- ry energy use for mobility and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions are calculated on a per capita basis and converted into area-related values by means of a standardised area per person. 1.1.5 The total non-renewable primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are then compared with the target values of the SIA Energy Efficiency Path, which are then also expressed in these values. 1.2 Relationship with the 2000-Watt-Society and derivation of the target values 1.2.1 2000-Watt-Society This Technical Specification is based on the definition of the 2000-Watt-Society in the document “Basis for a Concept for Implementing the 2000-Watt-Society” [5]. It supplements the objectives of this document with va- lues for non-renewable primary energy as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Average annual use of primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions 2005, as intermediate goal 2050 and in the 2000-Watt-Society 2150 Year 2005 2050 2150 Average annual power of total pri- mary energy use renewable and non-renewable W per person 6300 3500 2000 Average annual power of non- renewable primary energy use W per person 5800 2000 500 Greenhouse gas emissions t per person 8,6 2,0 1,0 The primary energy considered in the 2000-Watt-Society takes into consideration all the final energy consu- med within the country. It does not take into account the embodied energy of the import-export balance of goods and services, with the exception of the embodied energy of imported energy carriers, which is included in their primary energy. In addition, the primary energy considered in this Technical Specification takes into consideration the embodied energy of the imported building materials and vehicles. Greenhouse gas emissi- ons are treated analogously. 1.2.2


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