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中瑞低碳城市项目Sino-Swiss Low Carbon Cities 瑞士, 2019年 1月 9 -11日 Switzerland, 2019/1/9-11 中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院代表团行程SSLCC Study Tour Programme CABR Delegation瑞士格尼斯公司SSLCC微信公众号执行单位发起人中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour中国-瑞士低碳城市项目 SSLCC背景在历史性的巴黎协定中,世界各国领导人承诺到本世纪下半叶实现温室气体零排放。通过这一具有里程碑意义的协定,世界真正地朝更加可持续、气候更为良好的未来迈进。 然而,为了实现这一目标,全球必须以前所未有的速度和广泛的规模来实施行动。认识到这项任务只能通过全球合作来实现,瑞士和中国正在环境保护和减缓气候变化等诸多领域开展协作。作为瑞士发展与合作署(SDC)气候变化与环境全球项目(GPCCE)在中国的主要项目之一,中国瑞士低碳城市项目(SSLCC)旨在通过减少中国城市地区的温室气体排放来减缓气候变化。SSLCC项目见证了中瑞两国的良好关系。2016年4月,在中国国家主席习近平和瑞士联邦总统施耐德 阿曼的见证下,两国之间签署了中瑞创新战略伙伴关系。两国领导人在访问期间,也见证了SSLCC谅解备忘录这一低碳合作领域的里程碑项目的签署。中国建筑研究院(CABR)专家代表团即将对瑞士进行的考察旨在涵盖一系列主题,包括2000瓦社区、瑞士Minergie标准、以及低碳意识/生活方式的推广。它还将作为讨论2019年合作的平台,并讨论将于昆明举办的国家SSLCC会议,该会议将于5月/6月与所有SSLCC合作城市和国家级合作伙伴共同举行。国家访问2016年4月8日,中国国家主席习近平与瑞士联邦总统施耐德 阿曼CABR SSLCC考察团的目标此次考察旨在促进深入了解瑞士如何实现减缓气候变化的目标。行 程 包 括 访 问 几 个 城 市 的 高 校 机 构 和 公 司 ,在 此 期 间 ,瑞 士专家将会介绍一系列推动瑞士低碳目标和抱负的标准、应用和展示。中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study TourSino-Swiss Low Carbon Cities Project SSLCCBackgroundIn the historic Paris Agreement, world leaders have com-mitted to reach zero net greenhouse gas emissions by the second half of the century. Through this landmark Agree-ment, the world is truly embarking on a path towards a more sustainable and climate-sound future. However, this goal will only be achieved through global action implemen-ted at both an unprecedented rate and on an expansive scale.Acknowledging the fact that this task can only be under-taken through global cooperation, Switzerland and China are working together in many areas of environmental pro-tection and climate change mitigation. As one of the main pillars of the SDC Global Programme Climate Change Environment GPCCE in China, the SSLCC project is to con-tribute to the mitigation of climate change by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in Chinese urban areas. The SSLCC project is in line with the excellent relations between China and Switzerland.In April 2016 the official document on The Sino-Swiss In-novative Strategic Partnership between the two countries was signed by Chinese and Swiss presidents Xi Jinping and Johann Schneider Ammann. During the state visit the two presidents also witnessed the signing of SSLCC MoU, a mi-lestone in low carbon cooperation.The upcoming visit to Switzerland of an expert delegation from The Chinese Academy of Building Research CABR aims to cover a series of topics including the 2000-Watt Society, the Swiss Minergie Standard, as well as Low Car-bon Awarness/Lifestyle Promotion. It will also serve as a plat to discuss the 2019 cooperation including the National SSLCC Conference in Kunming, which shall take place in May/June together with all SSLCC partner cities and national level cooperation partners.State VisitApril 8th 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Swiss President Johann Schneider-AmmannObjectives of the CABR SSLCC Study TourThe current visit aims to promote a better understanding of how Switzerland is tackling its goals regarding climate change mitigation. The programme includes visits to several cities institutions and companies during which Swiss experts will introduce some of the standards, applications and showcases driving Switzerlands low carbon goals and ambitions.中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour第一天 - 可持续生活展示和2000瓦社区瑞 士 生 态 环 境 博 物 馆( Umweltarena)瑞士生态环境博物馆是世界上独一无二的展览馆和活动平台,为生活和自然、能源与移动出行、建筑及其现代化、以及可再生能源领域的产品和服务设立展示和活动平台。上百家公司及机构在45个引人入胜的展厅中提供产品和服务信息。这是一个对能源和环境问题进行切身体会的世界 – 不只是理论上的,更是可以接触、体验和尝试的。由于采用了创新的建筑技术以及瑞士有史以来最大的光伏板,瑞士生态环境博物馆生产的能量比其满足自身需求所需的能量多了大约40(不包括各展厅)。与普通的制冷系统相反,太阳能可用于夏季降温及冬季供暖 – 这使其成为碳中和建筑领域的标志性项目。苏黎世绿色之城(Greencity)从苏黎世市中心搭乘火车只需几分钟即可一睹小镇规划的愿景绿色之城(Greencity)是苏黎世第一个从始至终按照2000瓦社区目标开发的社区。在绿色之城,人们的生活、工作已经和参与环境可持续发展的意识行动融合,创造了一种新型城市生活方式。为单身族、夫妻、家庭和老年人设计的公寓、众多商店和一所学校,与非常吸引人的服务大楼和谐组合 ,共 同 带 来 一 个 鼓 舞 人 心 和 面 向 未 来 的 社 区 。关于移动出行,绿色之城也提供环保生活方式与便捷交通的完美结合。从社区通勤火车站出发的火车仅需5分钟即可抵达市中心,8分钟便可抵达苏黎世主火车站。绿色之城是未来城市的模板和典范,其涟漪效应将远远超出该城市的范围。2012年秋季,绿色之城被能源城市(Energiestadt)协会认证为瑞士首个“2000瓦社区”并在2015年获得了第二项荣誉。瑞士生态环境博物馆 位于 斯普赖滕巴赫为下一代培养可持续生活方式苏黎世绿色之城 Greencity Zurich“2000瓦社区”灯塔项目中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study TourDay 1 Sustainable Living Showcase 2000 Watt SocietyUmweltarenaThe Umweltarena Switzerland is a world unique exhibition and event plat for products and services in the fields of life and nature, energy and mobility, construction and the modernization thereof, as well as renewable energy. Over 100 companies and organizations provide ination in 45 exciting exhibitions. A world of experiences for energy and environmental issues – not theoretical, but something to touch, experience and try out.Thanks to innovative building techniques along with Switzerland’s largest-ever photovoltaic panels integrated in a building, the Umwelt Arena Switzerland produces ap-proximately 40 more energy than it needs to suffice its own needs exhibitions excluded. As opposed to common cooling systems, the sun’s energy is used to cool in summer as well as heat in winter - making this a landmark project in the field of CO2-neutral construction.Greencity ZurichA vision of town planning is becoming a reality just a few minutes by train from Zurich city centre Greencity is the first site in Zurich to have been developed consistently in line with the objectives of the 2000-Watt Society. In Greencity, the ways in which people live, work and engage in sustai-nable environmentally aware action have blended to cre-ate a new of urban lifestyle. Apartments for singles, couples, families and senior citizens, plenty of shops and a school, in combination with attractive service buildings, all serve to bring about an inspiring and future-oriented site. In terms of mobility, Greencity also provides a perfect com-bination of environmentally aware lifestyle and conveni-ence. Trains departing from the on-site commuter train sta-tion whisk travellers to the city centre in just 5 minutes, and to Zurich’s main railway station in only 8 minutes. Greencity is a model and an example for the city of the future, one which will have a ripple effect reaching far beyond the city limits. Greencity was certified as Switzerland‘s first ‘2000-Watt Site’ by the ‘Energiestadt’ association. It received a Umweltarena SpreitenbachNurturing a sustainable lifestyle for the next generationGreencity ZurichA lighthouse project for the 2000 Watt Society中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour第二天 – MINERGIE研讨会及森德公司考察Minergie瑞士MINERGIE标准是一项全球公认的可持续建筑标准,无论何种建筑设计或类型,均可实现更低的能源和资源消耗以及更高的舒适度。这一自愿性建筑标准是瑞士能源政策的推动力量,得到了经济部门、建筑业和公共机构之间强大的公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)的支持。MINERGIE标准可以颁发给新建建筑或已有建筑。它将整栋建筑考虑在内,因此也对整体能耗进行审查。供暖、通风和热水作为在整体运行系统中协同工作的一个组件来考虑,而不是作为一系列额外的附加设备。已经有将近50,000栋建筑取得了MINERGIE认证。每栋建筑的能耗比常规建筑低60-100。MINERGIE也关注经济竞争力。新建MINERGIE建筑的建设成本不得超过传统建筑的10以上。森德(Zehnder)集团森德(Zehnder)集团是一家总部位于瑞士的公司,提供全方位的节能产品和解决方案,从而营造舒适健康的室内气候。森德集团在北美和中国设立了子公司,是业界的市场领导者之一。其产品和系统以成为各种畅销品牌。瑞士Minergie标准瑞士能源政策的推动力量森德(Zehnder)集团瑞士节能产品和解决方案供应商中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study TourDay 2 - MINERGIE Workshop Zehnder Company VisitMinergieThe Swiss MINERGIE standard is a sustainable building standard recognized globally for its effectiveness in achie-ving lower energy and resource consumption and a higher level of comfort, regardless of building design or type. This voluntary building standard is a driving force in Switzerland’s energy policy and is supported by a strong public private partnership between the economic sector, the building industry and public agencies. The MINERGIE label can be awarded to new or older pro-perties. It takes the entire building into account and the-refore its energy consumption as a whole. Heating, venti-lation and hot water are seen as a group of components that work together in a holistic way, rather than a series of additional extras.Close to 50,000 buildings are already MINERGIE certified. Each building consumes 60 - 100 less energy than con-ventional buildings. MINERGIE is designed to be economically competitive. Construction costs for new MINERGIE buildings are not al-lowed to exceed those for conventional buildings by more than 10. Zehnder GroupZehnder Group is a Swiss based company providing a full range of energy efficient products and solutions to create a comfortable and healthy indoor climate.Zehnder Group is among the market leaders in its seg-ments with subsidiary company set-ups in North-America and China. Its products and systems are sold under various popular brand namesSwiss Mindergie StandardA driving force for Swiss Energy PolicyZehnder GroupSwiss provider of energy efficient products and solutions 中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour第三天 – 琉森应用科技大学琉森应用科技大学由瑞士中部的六个州提供支持。拥有6,200名学生参加学士和硕士学位课程,大约4,600名学生参加继续教育和高管教育课程,并有着416个新的研发项目,它是瑞士心脏地带最大的教育机构。建筑技术与能源研究所(IGE)建筑技术与能源研究所(IGE)负责能源转型的关键学科。教学和研究的核心是研究如何能以功能完善、居住舒适、节能且安全的方式建造和运营建筑物。该研究所将建筑物视为一个系统。它是传统工程学与建筑学之间的交叉学科。建筑技术实验室 建筑技术实验室主要侧重于对建筑技术中使用的部件和设备进行热学、空气动力学、声学和卫生测试。除了在得到认证的实验室进行测试,也可进行实地测量。实验室提供的其它服务包括在产品开发、继续教育和高管教育、调研及专家报告方面提供支持。琉森应用科技大学瑞士七所区域公立大学之一,建立于1997年。建筑技术实验室侧重于建筑技术中使用的部件和设备的测试中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study TourDay 3 - Lucerne University of Applied SciencesThe Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is an institution that is supported by the six cantons of Central Switzerland. With 6,200 students attending bachelor‘s and master‘s degree programmes, almost 4,600 students at-tending continuing and cutive education programmes, and 416 new projects in research and development, it is the largest educational institution in this region, the heart of Switzerland.Institute of Building Technology and Energy IGEThe Institute of Building Technology and Energy IGE deals with the key discipline for the energy transation. At the heart of teaching and research is examining the issue of how buildings can be built and operated in a functio-nal, comfortable, energy-efficient and safe manner.The In-stitute considers the building as a system. It works as an interface between traditional engineering disciplines and architecture.Building Technology Laboratory The Building Technology Laboratory primarily focuses on thermal, aerodynamic, acoustic and hygienic testing of components and equipment used in building technology. In addition to testing in the accredited laboratory on-site measurements can also be carried out. Other services of-fered by the laboratory include support in product deve-lopment, continuing and cutive education, surveys and expert reports.Lucerne university of applied sciencesOne of seven Swiss regional, public-funded universities of applied sciences founded in 1997. Building Technology LaboratoryFocus on testing of components and equipment used in building technology 中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour代表团行程星期三 , 1月9日Noon 抵达后 – 前往斯普赖滕巴赫(Spreitenbach)1400 – 1415欢迎致辞,瑞士格尼斯股份公司CEO及SSLCC项目负责人马瑞1415 – 17001. 带领参观瑞士生态环境博物馆(清洁技术及低碳生活方式参考案例(60分钟)2. 中瑞低碳城市项目介绍 (30分钟)3. 对绿色之城(2000瓦社区、MINERGIE及城市连通性参考项目)进行演示介绍 (60分钟)1700 – 1900前往巴塞尔星期四 , 1月10日0830 – 0900前往Radisson Blu酒店会议室0900 – 1200MINERGIE研讨会1. CABR (60分钟)2. 瑞士Minergie (60分钟)3. 讨 论(4 5 分 钟) 1215 – 1400午餐1400 – 1500参观巴塞尔老城区Minergie案例星期五 , 1月11日0830 – 0900前 往 琉 森 应 用 科 技 大 学 ,欢 迎 致 辞0900 – 0915欢迎致辞 Uwe W SCHULZ 教授0915 – 0945建 筑 环 境 与 能 源 研 究 所( B E E )中 长 期 目 标 BEE学院成员0945 – 1030标准及规范和认证介绍1. 瑞士工程师与建筑师协会节能之路, ALTENBURGER教授2. 中国标准 – 现状及计划,BEE学院成员3. 探讨合作方式1030 – 1100茶歇案案1500 – 1600前往Graenichen1600 – 1800参观森德集团1800 – 1900前往琉森中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour案案1100 – 1200前沿技术介绍1. 介 绍 中 国 现 状 ,B E E2. 琉森应用科技大学活动Gianrico SETTEMBRINI新 建 及 已 有 建 筑 的 可 持 续 建 设 及可 再 生( 关 注 建 筑 技 术 )节 能 方 案Ludger Josef FISCHER教授建筑储能系统 建筑储能新方案Andreas LUIBLE教授楼宇维护施工、能源与建筑结构 3. 探讨 1200 – 1330午餐1330 – 1500参观实验室– 建筑技术 - (包括Suurstoffi项目介绍) https//www.hslu.ch/en/lucerne-school-of-engineering-ar- chitecture/research/competence-centers/building-technolo- gy-and-energy/building-technology-laborato-ry/– 使用相变材料进行热存储 https//www.hslu.ch/en/lucerne-school-of-engineering-architecture/research/competence-centers/thermal-ener-gy-storage/cctevt-sstes-english/1500 – 1600SSLCC总结并考察正式结束中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study TourProgrammeWednesday, January 09thNoon After arrival – Transfer to Spreitenbach1案案案400 – 1415Welcome and short Introduction by Mr. Marco RHYNER , CEO Generis AG and Mandate Leader SSLCC1415 – 17001. Guided tour through Umweltarena Reference Case for cleantech low-carbon lifestyle plat 60 min2. Introduction to SSLCC by Marco Rhyner 30 min3. Presentation on Greencity Reference Project for 2000 Watt Society, Minergie urban connectivity by Mr. Jrgen FRIEDRICHS, Head Spatial Development Eastern Switzerland, Loosinger-Marazzi AG 60 min1700 – 1900Transfer to BaselThursday, January 10th0830 – 0900Transfer to Radisson Blu meeting room0900 – 1200Minergie Workshop1. CABR 60 min2. Minergie 45 min3. Discussion 60 min 1215 – 1400Lunch1400 – 1500Visit to Basel Old TownFriday, January 11th0830 – 0900Transfer to Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts 0900 – 0915Welcome and short introduction by Prof. Uwe W SCHULZ Head of International Relations0915 – 0945Mid to long term goal of Institute of Building Environment and Energy BEE by BEE faculty member0945 – 1030Standards and codes and certification now a. SIA Energy Efficiency Path by Prof. ALTENBURGERb. China Standard – status and plans by BEE faculty memberc. Explore options for collaborations1030 – 1100Coffee break1500 – 1600Transfer to Graenichen1600 – 1800Company Visit Zehnder Group1800 – 1900Transfer to Lucerne中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour1100 – 1200Leading edge technologiesa. Introduce what’s happening now in China by BEE faculty memberb. Selected activities at HSLU by– Mr. Gianrico SETTEMBRINI Sustainable Construction and Renewal focus on building technology Efficient solutions for new and existing buildings– Prof. Dr. Ludger Josef FISCHER Thermal storage systems for buildings New solutions for heat storage in buildings– Prof. Dr. Andreas LUIBLE Building envelope construc-tion, energy and architecturec. Explore options of collaborations1200 – 1330Lunch1330 – 1500Visit to the laboratory– Building Technologies - incl. Suurstoffi introduction https//www.hslu.ch/en/lucerne-school-of-engineering-ar- chitecture/research/competence-centers/building-technolo- gy-and-energy/building-technology-laborato-ry/– Heat Storage using phase change materials https//www.hslu.ch/en/lucerne-school-of-engineering-architecture/research/competence-centers/thermal-ener-gy-storage/cctevt-sstes-english/1500 – 1600Debrief and conclusion of SSLCC CABR Study Tour中瑞低碳城市项目中国建筑研究院行程 | SSLCC CABR Study Tour参加人员瑞士专家Ruedi KRIESI博士,高级项目负责人,森德集团国际公司Jrgen FRIEDRICHS先生,空间发展主任,Losinger Ma -razzi公司Robert MINOVSKI先生,首席技术官,MinergieUwe W SCHULZ教授,国际关系主任,琉森应用科技大学代表团成员徐伟先生,研究员,中国建筑科学研究院张时聪先生,教授,中国建筑科学研究院杨芯岩女士,副研究员,中国建筑科学研究院刘 子 嘉 女 士 ,工 程 师 ,中 国 建 筑 科 学 研 究 院康 一 亭 女 士 ,工 程 师 ,中 国 建 筑 科 学 研 究 院孙 立 新 先 生 ,工 程 师 ,中 国 建 筑 科 学 研 究 院赵文忠先生,博士,河北曲港高速公路开发有限公司邢永征先生,学院副院长,山东城市建设职业学院牛彦磊先生,科长,


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