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中瑞低碳城市成都发展合作Marco Rhyner, CEO Generis AG and Mandate Leader SSLCC2018.09.12The Sino-Swiss Low Carbon Cities Chengdu Development Cooperation演讲目录Content 瑞士成就与试点项目Sw i s s A c h i e v e m e n t s a n d Pi l o t Pr o j e c t s中瑞低碳城市成都合作SS L C C C o o p e ra t i o n i n C h e n g d u12“Energy City Programme Switzerland” A low carbon success story“瑞士能源城市项目”成功的低碳案例 Established 1991 and grown to over 400 cities with a total of 4.5 Mio citizens Award for result oriented municipal low carbon policies including transport, energy and environment Model for European Energy Award 创立于 1991年,发展到 400多个城市,涵盖 450万居民 为 涉及交 通、能源和环 境的结果导向型市政低碳政策颁发奖项 欧洲能源奖雏形日内瓦洛桑伯尔尼苏黎世巴塞尔温特图尔Energy City Reference Case First Energy City Schaffhausen能源城市案例首个能源城市沙夫豪森 1992-2012 GHG emissions but e.g. LEED gold not compliant with Swiss mandatory code Swiss Minergie standard with 25 market share 全球有几十 种 绿色建筑 标 准 国际上最知名的是 LEED;然而即便是 LEED金标也达不到瑞 士强 制标准 瑞 士 迷 你能源标准 占 有 25以 上的市场份额050100150200250Minergie AStandardMinergie PStandardMinergieStandardSwiss publicbuildingaverageUS commercial[kWh/m2/a]美国商业建筑( 2012) US Commercial Buildings252千瓦时 /平方米年64 LEED金标LEED GOLD162千瓦时 /平方米年0 瑞士迷你能源 A级标准Minergie A Standard0千瓦时 /平方米年15 瑞士迷你能源标准Swiss Minergie Standard38千瓦时 /平方米年美国商业建筑瑞士公共建 筑平均能耗19 瑞 士强 制 标 准Swiss Mandatory Code47千瓦时 /平方米年迷 你能源标准迷 你能源 P级标准迷 你能源 A级标准Example Ecocell A disruptive building technology案例 Ecocell 一种颠覆 性建 筑技术 CO2 emission optimization can be achieved in building planning, operation and material selection New innovative materials can generate multiple advantages e.g.- lower cost- higher insulation capacity- multiple usage- and CO2 reduction 通过优化建筑规划、运营 以及 材料选择实现二氧化碳减排 新 型创新材料具有多重优点,如– 成 本低– 隔 热性能高– 多用途– 减少二氧化碳排放Swiss Low Carbon Reference Projects Overview Map瑞士低碳参考项目总览地图“Umweltarena” Zero emission edutainment and conference center瑞 士生态环境博物馆 零排 放寓教于乐和 会议中心Climeworks Capturing CO2 from airClimeworks 从空 气中捕 集二氧化碳Brtten World’s first energy self-sufficient building no power grid connection布呂滕 世界首 个实现能 源自给自足的住宅 楼(未连接电网)演讲目录Content 瑞士成就与试点项目Sw i s s A c h i e v e m e n t s a n d Pi l o t Pr o j e c t s中瑞低碳城市成都合作SS L C C C o o p e ra t i o n i n C h e n g d u12About Sino-Swiss Low Carbon Cities project关于中瑞低碳城市项目 SSLCC is an SDC funded bilateral project, with city cooperation agreements signed during the Sino-Swiss state visit in April 2016 Low Carbon knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and dissemination through pilot projects 中瑞低碳城市是由瑞士发展与合作 署 提 供资金支 持的双边项目,城市合作协议于 2016年 4月瑞 士国家领导人访华期间签署 通过试点项目进行低碳知识交流、技术转移和传播SSLCC Pilot Project Wenjiang District, Chengdu中瑞低碳城市试点项目成都市温江区 Led by Chengdu DRC and the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency SDC  Pilot Project under implementation Results the basis to engage in a multilevel policy dialogue on low carbon development 由成都市发改委和瑞士发展与合作署牵头 试点项目正 在 实施 中 项目成果为 多级 低碳发展政策对话奠定了基础Outcome I LC Master Planning Guidelines成果 1低碳总体规划导则 First Phase aimed at creating a set of guidelines for LC master planning A tailormade set of indicators and measures were produced These were incorporated into the Wenjiang District Low Carbon Master Plan 第一阶段的目标 是 为低碳总体规划 制 定一 套 导则 量身定 制 了 一 整套 指 标 体系 和 措施 已 被纳入温江区低碳发展总体规划Outcome II Low Carbon Demonstration Building 成果 2低碳示范建筑 Joint cooperation on the construction of a low carbon demonstration building with the expertise of the Swiss green building pioneers in China Main goals are energy efficiency, comfort and cost effectiveness Overall development costs not higher than average local construction budgets 与在中国的瑞士绿色建筑先锋 合 作建设一座低碳 节能 示范建筑 具 备 节 能、 舒适 和 成 本效 益 高等 特 色 总 开发 成本 不高于 当 地 普通 建 筑 成本Next Step Establish Building Energy Audit后 续工作建立建筑能耗评估体系 Collect building energy data based on parameters of existing public buildings compared to demonstration building Develop a supporting software tool for building energyaudits Build building energy categories and makerecommendations of a set of measures policies, incentive programme, communication tasks, etc. 依托 现有公共建筑,收集建筑能耗数据,与示范建筑进行能耗对比 开 发一套支持软件作为建筑能耗评估工具 建 立建筑能耗目录,并提出一整套措施(包括政策、激励手段、任务沟通等)GEAK Swiss National Building Energy Consumption uationGEAK 瑞士国家建筑能 耗 评 估体系 Successful tool to train the industry and reduce carbon footprint in building stock 50000 GEAK certified buildings today 15’000 GEAKs carried out annually Over 1’200 certified GEAK experts 培 养行业专家和减少建筑物碳足迹 的 有效工具 已 有 5万座 建筑 通过 GEAK认 证 每 年进行 15000个 GEAK认证项目 超过 1200名 专 家取得 GEAK认证资格Systematic approach of the SSLCC cooperation in Wenjiang/Chengdu中瑞低碳城 市成都温江项目系统方法SSLCC Broad support and encouragement中瑞低碳城市广泛的支持和鼓励Thank you谢谢Follow SSLCC WeChat Official Account关注中瑞低碳城市微信公众号Download the training material下载培训资料https//


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