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海洋保护区( MPAs )_ 保护海洋气候韧性的工具.pdf

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海洋保护区( MPAs )_ 保护海洋气候韧性的工具.pdf

Marine Protected Areas MPAs areRole of large MPAs in addressing climate changeClearly defined geographic areas in the ocean that are dedicated to and managed for the long-term conservation of nature, together with the ecosystem services and cultural values they provide.MPAsMarine Protected AreasA Tool to Safeguard the Oceans Resilience to Climate ChangeHuman Sustainable DevelopmentMarine EcosystemCurrent change further impact climateSea level riseProtect coastlines and coastal communities from storm impacts e.g., wetland, mangrove, and coral reef buffers.Fish stock changeAcidificationHabitat lossHypoxic areasHeat wavesCoral bleachAtmosphereHeat AbsorptionCO2 AbsorptionCO2Large MPAs can ③Large MPAs can ①Large MPAs can ②Facts(Source the IPCC Fifth Assessment report)Ocean temperature rise More than 90 of heat generated by CO2 emission from 1971-2010 is stored in the ocean and the temperature has been rising accordingly. Cryosphere shrinking Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been losing ice over the past 20 years, while Arctic sea ice and spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere continue to shrink.Sea-level rise During the 1901-2010 years, the global mean sea level rose by 0.19[0.17 to 0.21] m. Ocean acidification The ocean has absorbed about 30 of its carbon dioxide emissions, leading to ocean acidification. Ocean oxygen Medium reliability indicates that the oxygen content in the high sea thermocline has decreased in many areas since the 1960s.Reduce harmful impacts from non-cli-mate stressors, so that healthier ecosystem can better withstand climate impacts and sus-tain lives and livelihoods.Protect “blue carbon“ habitats such as seagrasses, man-groves, and salt marshes that store huge amounts of carbon.Large MPAs can safeguad the oceans resilienceExisting International MPAs processes About Greenovation HubGreenovation Hub GHUB is a Chinese environmental Think-Do organization with a global outlook. We promote the development and imple-mentation of sound climate and environmental friendly policies through conducting in-depth analysis and research, as well as fostering dialogue among stakeholders, in order to drive Chinas green transition towards a sustainable, equitable and climate resilient future, while contributing to the reduction of global ecological footprint. GHUBs Ocean ProgramGHUB is a partner of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, an international NGO coalition committed to conserve Antarctica. Since 2012, GHUB has been working on the campaign to establish a representative network of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean. For six years, we have been tracking the process of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CCAMLR MPAs process and facilitating relevant multidisciplinary debate in China. Since 2016, GHUB has also been following the Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction BBNJ process and contributing to the domestic and international debates.Percentage of species projected to gain winners green, or lose losers blue representation of their range in large MPAs, under a climate change scenario by 2100. Data are shown for all species found within designated large MPAs All, for the five largest phyla, with Chordata split by its six largest classes. Tammy E Davies, et al. 2017 To fulfill the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Cli-mate Change (UNFCCC)are in need to work together in all international fora, to build a large representative MPAs network in global oceans.ALLArthropodaChordateActinopterygiiAscidiaceaAvesElasmobranchiiMammaliaReptiliaCnidariaEchinaodermataMollusca-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 100806040200WinnersLosersReommendationRoom 309,Wanbo Office Building,No.53,Ganyu Hutong,Dongcheng District,Beijing,China86 10 8447 7697policyghub.orgwww.ghub.org/enFollow us on WeChat气候与金融面面观GHUBs WeChat守望冰海大洋Ocean WatchAREAS OF PARTICULAR ENVIRONMENTAL INTERESTAPEIsInternational Seabed AuthorityWORLD HERITAGE SITESWHSVULNERABLE MARINE ECOSYSTEMSVMEsPARTICULARLY SENSITIVE SEA AREASPSSAsECOLOGICALLY OR BIOLOGICALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS EBSAsSpecialized AgenciesOSPAR CommissionSecretariat Office of Legal AffairsProgrammes Funds UNEPCBD SecretariatCMS SecretariatRegional Seas SecretariatDivision of the Ocean and the Law of the Sea DOALOSUNICPOLOS“ Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction”BBNJMARINE PROTECTED AREASMPAsVULNERABLE MARINE ECOSYSTEMSVMEsMARINE PROTECTED AREASMPAsCommission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources CCAMLRThe Regular Process“A regular process of global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment, including socio-economic aspects“RFMOsUNESCOFAOIMOUnited NationsGeneralAssemblyOther Regional Bodies


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