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1 Stephen Russell 2013 6 2 This guidance and associated spreadsheets have been prepared with a high degree of expertise and professionalism, and it is believed that the Spreadsheets provide a useful and accurate approach for cal- culating greenhouse gas emissions. However, the organizations involved in their development, including WRI, WBCSD, and any other organization involved, collectively and individually, do not warrant these Spreadsheets for any purpose, nor do they make any representations regarding their fitness for any use or purpose whatsoever. Each User agrees to decide if, when and how to use the Spreadsheets, and does so at his or her sole risk. When using the tools provided on the GHG Protocol website, you agree that you are not entitled to rely on any ination generated using these worksheets. You further agree to hold WRI, WBCSD, and any of their partners in the creation of the tools, harmless for loss you might suffer arising out of any inaccuracies in numbers generated by the worksheets or variation between predictions and your actual results. Under no circumstances shall WRI, WBCSD, or any of their partners that helped create the tools, be liable for any damages, including incidental, special or consequential damages, arising from the use of these Spreadsheets or an inability to use them. If you distribute these tools through any means other than the GHG Protocol website at www.ghg- protocol.org, you should check the website to ensure the tool being provided is the latest version avail- able, and provide ination to users on how to check for updates and revisions to the tools. Disclaimer This study is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Develop- ment USAID. The contents are the responsibility of World Resources Institute and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. with support from3 World Resources Institute Janet Ranganathan Pankaj Bahtia Hyacinth Billings David Rich Neelam Singh Mary Sotos Stacy Kotorac United States Agency for International Development Al- coa Foundation GE Foundation Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit Chapman, David Xcel Energy Davis, Paul Platte River Power Authority Diem, Art US Environmental Protection Agency Foran, Peggy The Climate Registry Langefeld, Lars Federal Environmental Agency German Emissions Trading Authority Qian, Song The University of Toledo Robyn, Camp The Climate Registry Schreifels, Jeremy US Environmental Protection Agency Vollaro, Bob US Environmental Protection Agency C A 4 2010 75 1 2010 48 2 3 2015 9.6 64 5 6 Like many other coal rich countries, China depends heavily on coal to meet its electricity and economic development needs. In 2010 coal combustion supplied 75 of the country’s electricity needs 3and accounted for 48 of its greenhouse gas GHG emissions from fossil fuel combustion 4 . This reliance on coal is a source of domestic and international environ- mental problems. In response, China has been diversifying its energy mix and increasing its renewable energy generation capacity. However, the dependence on coal will continue into the near future - an additional 300 GW of coal-fired genera- tion capacity is expected to be added to the power supply system throughout China’s 12 thFive Year Plan [2011 – 2015]. By 2015, the total capacity of coal-fired power generation units in China is expected to exceed 960 GW and account for 64 of overall generation capacity 5 . Effective measurement is an integral first step to managing emissions - GHG emissions inventories establish a basis for designing climate change policies and emissions reduction action plans. The accurate measurement of the GHG emis- sions from coal-fired power generation needs to play a crucial role in mitigating and managing China’s national emissions. Historically, though, inventories of China’s power sector emissions have represented rough estimates that did not sufficiently address the variances in generation efficiency and coal quality amongst power plants. The ologies used diverge from international accounting best practices, which has been facilitated by the absence of a Chinese sectoral guidance. The World Resources Institute WRI and China Electricity Council CEC partnered to develop technical resources for determining the emissions from Chinese coal-fired power plants through a collaborative, multi-stakeholder process. This includes a ology for measuring emissions, ined through analysis of international best practices and the current measuring and reporting practices related to GHG emissions accounting in China’s power sector. The new ology is the basis of impending GHG accounting standards for Chinese coal-fired power plants. Building on this ology, WRI and its partners also created an Excel-based Calculation Tool for Chinese Coal-fired Power Plants to help users quantify the GHG emissions from individual power generation facilities. This tool addresses data availability challenges specific to the Chinese coal-fired power sector, is applicable to combined heat and power CHP plants, and calculates perance inds. It also has user-friendly features, such as the built-in emissions factors of purchased electricity for scope 2 missions calculation, to make it easier to per the calculations. Target Users The resources can be used by any organization or individual, although they are specifically intended for Power companies Power companies can use these resources to understand the GHG emissions profile of their operations and assets, by plant and source. The resources will also enable companies to set and track progress toward emissions reduction targets over time as well as to report on their progress to key stakeholders. Policy-makers Policy makers, such as those in provincial development and re commissions, can refer to the tool and guide while designing Measurement, Reporting, and Verification MRV systems and other GHG management policies. For example, the resources can be used to in how individual power plants measure and report their GHG emissions un- der cap-and-trade schemes that are under development in China, such as those in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong. cutive Summary7 Overview of the Tool and Guide This guide outlines the tool’s development process, features and struc


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