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RADIO STATION LICENSE OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (地面无线电业务) TERRESTRIAL SERVICES 执照编号 有效期 年 月 日 至 年 月 日LICENSE No. Validity FROM TO 根据中华人民共和国无线电管理条例 及其他法律、行政法规的规定 颁发本执照,准予设置 、 使用下述无线电台(站) In accordance with the Radio Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and other laws and administrative regulations, a license for establishment and operation of the radio station described below is hereby granted. 台(站)基本信息 General Ination of the Radio Station 台 ( 站 ) 名称 Name of the Station 无线电台识别码 Identification Code 台 ( 站 ) 设置使用人 Licensee 统一社会信用代码 或 身份证 明 号码 Unified Social Credit Code or Personal Identification No. 台址 /使用区域 Location/Service Area of the Station 地理坐标 Geographic Coordinate 东经 E 度 分 秒 Longitude 北纬 N 度 分 秒 Latitude 对应频率 使用 许可证 编号 Associated Frequency License No. 发射 /接收 参数 Transmitting / Receiving Parameters 序号 No 发射 TX 接收 RX 发射功率 Transmitting Power 必要带宽 Necessary Bandwidth 其他必要信息 Other Necessary Ination 频点 /频率范围 Frequencyies / Frequency Range 频点 /频率范围 Frequencyies / Frequency Range 1 2 3 4 5 其他事项载于背面。 Please turn the page for other parameters and requirements. 发证机关(签章) Issued by official seal 颁发日期 Date of Issue 二维码 发射设备及天线 Transmitting Equipment and Antenna 序号 No. 发射设备型号核准代码 Type Approval Certification ID for radio transmission equipment 序号 No. 天线增益 Antenna Gain 极化方式 Polarization 天线距地高度 Antenna Height above ground 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 特别规定事项 Specific Requirements 使用 要求 General Requirements 1.设置、使用本执照所列无线电台(站)的单位或个人必须遵守 中华人民共和国无线电管理条例及其他有关法律、行政法规 。 1. Entities or individuals establishing and operating the radio station described in this license shall abide by the Radio Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and other laws and administrative regulations. 2.无线电台(站)应当按照无线电台执照规定的许可事项和条件设置、使用,未经无线电管理机构许可,不得变更许可内容。 2. The radio station shall be established and operated in accordance with the licensed matters and conditions stipulated in this radio station license. Under no circumstances shall the license be changed without the permission of the radio regulatory agency. 3.使用无线电台(站)的单位或者个人应当对无线电台(站)进行定期维护,避免对其他依法设置、使用的无线电台(站)产生有害干扰;采取必要措施防止无线电波发射产生的电磁辐射污染环境。 3. Entities or individuals operating radio stations shall regularly maintain the radio stations, in order to avoid any harmful interference to any other radio station which is legally established and operated. Necessary measures shall be taken to prevent electromagnetic radiation generated by radio wave emissions from adversely affecting the environment. 4.使用无线电台(站)的单位或者个人,不得故意收发无线电台执照许可事项之外的无线电信号,不得传播、公布或者利用无意接收的信息。不得利用无线电台(站)进行违法犯罪活动。 4. Radio signals other than those licensed by this radio station license shall not be transmitted or received, and ination inadvertently received shall not be spread, published or utilized. The radio station shall not be operated for criminal activities. 5.设置、使用无线电台(站),应当接受无线电管理机构的监督检查。 5. The establishment and operation of the radio station shall be subject to the supervision and inspection of the radio regulatory agency. RADIO STATION LICENSE OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (地面无线电业务) TERRESTRIAL SERVICES 附 页 ATTACHMENT 执照编号 LICENSE No. 发射 /接收 参数 Transmitting / Receiving Parameters 序号 No 发射 TX 接收 RX 发射功率 Transmitting Power 必要带宽 Necessary Bandwidth 其他必要信息 Other Necessary Ination 频点 /频率范围 Frequencyies / Frequency Range 频点 /频率范围 Frequencyies / Frequency Range 1 2 3 4 5 发射设备及天线 Transmitting Equipment and Antenna 序号 No. 发射设备型号核准代码 Type Approval Certification ID for radio transmission equipment 序号 No. 天线增益 Antenna Gain 极化方式 Polarization 天线距地高度 Antenna Height above ground 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 其他事项载于背面。 Please turn the page for other parameters and requirements. 发证机关(签章) Issued by official seal 颁发日期 Date of Issue 特别规定事项 Specific Requirements


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