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The first peer-to-peer network connecting private and professional manu- facturers to their clients by mapping global manufacturing capacities. Version 1.0 01 March 2018     Productivist Disrupted Manufacturing2 Productivist White Paper Productivist Entering the manufacturing 4.0 Benjamin PESTEL 01 March 2018 “. La proprit au rebours est une puissance de dcentralisation.” Pierre Joseph Proudhon / Qu’est-ce que la proprit 3 Productivist White Paper T his document aims to introduce the concept of Productivist; decentralized production solution using blockchain technology. The white paper will outline the consumer and manufacturing advantages of the adoption of blockchain tech- nology in the 3D printing industry and other manufacturing industries and it will also present a development and implementation plan for it. Since blockchain was conceptualized in 2008, its enormous potential has become more and more apparent. Indeed its recent success is a silent acknowledgement that the world is ready to explore the opportunity for everyone to contribute to the management of the data stream which governs it. However, the full potential of this awakening has yet to be implemented across the industries. The Productivist solution comes in answer to the enormous power this technology can offer the manufacturing world in general. The Productivist blockchain project aims to create an open data stream where private individuals and companies of any scale can contribute to power the Indus- trial Revolution 4.0. The manufacturing world has reached a point where the only solution to prevail is heavy investments, relocations and aggressive management. We, at Productivist, wish to offer an open, free and global alternative thanks to technology. In 2016 we created F a collaborative network which connects 3D printing experts to potential clients. This strong and highly skilled network has rapidly grown over the past 2 years and it continues to grow every day. Today we have more than 3000 certified Freelabsters, both companies and individuals who offer their service to both the private and public sector. The Productivist Block- chain project will not only open the concept of Freelabster to all manufacturing technologies and give them access to a global map of manufacturing capacities but it will also provide security and privacy through its Smart Contract Protocol. Abstract4 Productivist White Paper It is clear that the IoT revolution has opened the way for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 making it possible for production to be handled more efficiently and locally us- ing smaller and smarter units. Our goal is to create a new standard to a multi-trillion market while maintaining at all times a guarantee of quality, fair pricing and efficiency.5 Productivist White Paper ABSTRACT 3 CONTENTS 5 1.WEAREFROMFREELABSTER 7 1.1 WHAT IS FREELABSTER 8 1.2 FROM FREELABSTER TO A BIGGER VISION PRODUCTIVIST 9 1.3 THE WORLD NEEDS PRODUCTIVIST - AND HERE’S WHY 10 1.4 HIGHLIGHTS OF PRODUCTIVIST AND FREELABSTER’S ONGOING BUSINESS 11 2.FACINGTHEISSUES 12 3.OURSOLUTION 14 3.1 A PUBLIC BLOCKCHAIN 14 3.2 A DEVICE TO CONNECT THEM ALL 16 4.FROM3DPRINTINGTOAMULTI-TECHNOLOGYSOLUTION 18 4.1 THE FIRST RETAIL BRICK FREELABSTER.COM 18 5.THEINDUSTRIALBRICKPRODUCTIVISTSOLUTION 22 5.1 THE DISTRIBUTED AND DECENTRALIZED PRODUCTION AT ITS BEST 22 6.PRODUCTIONSCORINGSYSTEM 26 7.THEPRODUCTIVISTBLOCKCHAINPROJECT 29 7.1 SPECIAL FEATURES PROVIDED BY THE BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY 30 8.WORKFLOW 32 9.PARTICIPANTSINPRODUCTIVIST’SBLOCKCHAINPROJECT 33 10.THEPRODUCTOKENPROD 34 11.TEAM 36 12.TOKENLAUNCH 38 12.1 TOKEN SALE OVERVIEW 39 12.2 BONUS FOR LARGE PURCHASERS 40 12.3 TOKEN SALE STRUCTURE 40 12.4 VESTING 41 12.5 BOUNTY becoming a European market leader in collab- orative 3D printing with an impressive alacrity. In the past year we have entered the UK, Italian and Spanish markets with success. Our emphasis on quality, at all times, has allowed us to develop a powerful, highly skilled network of over 3000 printing experts. These experts have all undergone a validation process prior to being listed on F ensuring a high standard of manufacturing, with short turnaround times on average 48h. We have over 10,000 3D printers listed and available on F. allowing us supply clients across Europe with cutting edge technology along with the latest printing s. Indeed our plat has paved the way to the next steps in industrial manufactur- ing, distribution and management. The goal of Productivist is to convert our current business model into a truly de- centralized ecosystem that will reduce the time and expense for everyone involved and provide the capital which will allow us to address the growing international demand for Productivists services. 1.2 From Freelabster to a Bigger Vision Productivist10 Productivist White Paper M anufacturing is currently metamorphosing as technology advances. In a world which has been clearly squeezed by a weakened economy over the last 10 years, large companies are rethinking their way to reach maximum profitability. Productivist is designed to meet such needs and provide the manufacturing in- dustry with an integrated, cost effective offer. Our customized service provides the client with a bespoke, “in-house” service, but at the same companies avoid delocalised outsourcing, ensuring that the required skill set remains local. Compa- nies are therefore no longer hampered with heavy manufacturing overheads and manpower costs. 1.3 The World needs Productivist - And here’s Why11 Productivist White Paper Founded in 2016 Operational in 10 European countries Availablein7languages 3000TestedandCertifiedFreelabsters3Dprinters 100003DprinterslistedandavailableonF 100000itemsprintedandshippedfromthebeginning 3minutesistheaveragetimetoreceive3Dprintingoffers 48hAverageTurnaroundTime Wesigned5majorpartnershipincludingBoulangeroneofthebiggestfrenchretailchain An amazing team of 16 people HeadquartersNice,France/Dubai,UnitedArabEmirates 1.4 Highlights of Productivist and Freelabster’s ongoing Business PRODUCTIVIST FZ LLC Boulevard Plaza Tower 1 Downtown Dubai, UAE12 Productivist White Paper F acing the Industrial Revolution 4.0, manufacturing companies are challenged to find more efficient ways to handle a global demand with limited invest- ments to stay competitive while buyers demand better sourcing, fairer prices and more transparency in the solutions they’re offered. 2. Facing the Issues INEFFICIENCY Managing production capacities for global companies or smaller actors is the main issue of manufacturing. The complex orders, multiple clients, geographically dis- tant production sites combined with price competition and emerging markets’ new actors force heavy investments does not leave room nor time for improvement. SOURCING COSTS Sourcing materials or manufacturers requires the use of an internal or external bro- ker. The diversity of offers and the multitude of solutions make the selection pro- cess a complex one. The result of this is the inevitable increase in production costs. MINIMUM ORDERS Negotiating with a new manufacturer means trusting them with quality and de- livery deadlines, while on the manufacturer side, negotiating with a new client requires securing payment. This complex process often results in high minimum orders quantity to secure quality from one side and payment security from the other. This assessment of counterproductivity illustrates the difficulties for small actors with a limited network and track record. TRACK RECORDS When searching for the right counterpart, obtaining proof of past work or past transactions is the key to a secured transaction but can rarely be achieved. The opacity of some providers and lack of history of newcomers limit choices and encourage companies to give preference to expensive historic actors. While this 13 Productivist White Paper might be a solution to ensure quality, recent history demonstrates that old actors such as Kobe Steel Ltd est. 1905 could still falsify quality and specification reports. TRACKING PROGRESS As a purchaser, order tracking is vital to monitoring the supply chain and adapt- ing it to meet client needs. As a manufacturer, managing assembly lines, allows for the optimization of production capacities and achieving rapid client response. Unfortunately, transparency is not always possible when purchasing and one is often forced to trust the provider to honour delivery deadlines. For manufacturers, the more sites or machines owned, the more difficult and complex it is to monitor production capacities. IP PROTECTION Protecting Intellectual assets is a top priority for industrial companies. Maintain- ing an advantage over competitors is the key to growth. Trusting manufacturers with sensitive blueprints and important financial transactions can open a potential threat to most operations. The highest levels of security are reserved for top com- panies with dedicated internal services, while smaller operators are often exposed to trust and security issues. SOURCING EXPERTS Purchasers often lack the technical understanding to contact the right manufac- turer for their product. Often the result of this is both financial and time loss. Lack of technical knowledge within a company is a factor which makes it highly difficult for a company to manage its supply chain efficiently. However most companies cannot afford full-time experts. Unfortunately, finding manpower with sufficient technical knowledge for a product is a highly costly and time consuming task for both big and small players. 14 Productivist White Paper T he Productivist Blockchain Project wishes to create a new standard for any manufacturing technology. Thanks to the Blockchain technology, we will be able to build an open system that will manage the chain of command of manufacturing 4.0 by decentralizing production a remote and effective solution for manufacturers and their cli- ents with secured data and transactions but also transparency 3.1 A Public Blockchain 3. Our Solution15 Productivist White Paper DIGITAL Transferring a file with its technical ination. For example, the .stl file is the list of coordinates provided by a slicer a stereolithography soft- ware or Gcode. With such a file we can guar- antee the authorship, safeguarding, and des- tinationofthisfile when it travels through the blockchain. HARDWARE Connecting a manufacturing machine to our blockchain makes it “smart” and enables the re- al-time monitoring of the production from the secured file transfer without human interven- tion to monitoring production until validation at the end of the manufacturing process. LOGISTICS By connecting all these machines to our trust- ed network, we can detect production time availability and send instructions to available machines. In addition, by means of Real-time monitoring the actual production level we can balance efforts between machines and set up a real solution for production schedule.


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