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WWW.VANIG.IO The Worlds first integrated E-Commerce and Supply Chain Ecosystem powered by Blockchain. WWW.VANIG.IO1 Table of Contents 1. cutive Summary 2. Introduction 2.1. Supply Chains Inefficiencies 2.2. E-commerce Shortcomings 2.3. Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain and e-commerce 3. The Vanig Project 3.1. Key Advantages Of The Vanig Ecosystem 3.2. Vanig e-commerce Features Comparison 4. Use Cases 4.1. Tracking and Tracing Toys 4.2. Logistics’ Universal Track And Trace 4.3. Counterfeit Product Detection For Delicate 3D Printing Raw Materials 5. Vanig e-commerce Plat 6. Vanig Token Sale 7. Token Demand 8. Team 9. Partners 10. Roadmap 11. Financial Projections 12. Conclusion 5 12 24 7 23 25 25 27 32 37 36 38 3 2 9 6 20 24 Notices and disclaimers 40 42 432 Notices and disclaimers Please read the following notice carefully before proceeding to read this Whitepaper document issued by Vanig International, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “Distributor”. This notice applies to any person hereinafter, “you”, “party”, “holder”, “entity, in possession of, and or who has reviewed this Whitepaper. Vanig International, Inc, hereinafter “Distributor”, “Company”. This notice and disclaimer is subject to amendment without notice. This Whitepaper is neither an offer, nor grants any rights of any kind to you. This Whitepaper does not represent in any way, nor extends any offer to establish any relationship between Vanig and you. Any participation with Vanig or Vanig tokens shall be established and accepted by you in the final Terms and Conditions of the token sale, hereinafter, “T the sharing economy could top 300 billion by 2025; more than 1.4 billion people purchased a product or service online in 2017; the gross total value of B2B e-commerce topped 20 trillion the same year. We are addressing a global market with potential outreach to emerging and established economies. E-commerce is quickly taking over in emerging markets and it’s predicted that this year the majority of large emerging markets will have more online buyers than offline. The message is clear e-commerce becomes the new channel in both developed and emerging markets. Despite the remarkable growth, the global e-commerce industry is still typified by two large and interrelated problems - supply chain inefficiencies and e-commerce shortcomings. We aim to solve these problems with Vanig. Source World Bank6 2.1 Supply chains inefficiencies Lack of transparent and fully visible supply chains At any point in time during a typical supply chain process, it would be ideal if participants, from manufacturers to consumers, can inspect and access real time ination about the status of their product or service. This is challenging in today’s supply chain as source and origin ination is often hidden in data silos, most times in incompatible or inappropriate ats non-digital s. Intermediation This is one of the unwanted necessities of supply chains on one hand, we have to find practical ways to cope with complex supply chains with multiple participants each, and with a different stake in the product lifecycle; and on the other hand, we have to find a way to reconcile disputes, make the flow of products and services as trustworthy as possible and reduce counterparty risk. Intermediaries, or in simple terms middleman, play that role. They are the custodians of trust on the supply chain ensuring that everybody plays by the rules and facilitate the flow. They can play different roles, from custody banks and clearance agents, to brokers and dealers. However, each of them charges a fee to offer their services. And for a long and complex supply chain these fees add up, to the point that the end consumer purchases a product that is marked up by a huge margin due to the intermediaries’ fees. Static or non-existent inventory management Real-time inventory management is more difficult to achieve. Especially for large, global supply chains, it’s challenging and expensive. It needs a whole re-design of existing IT systems and expensive retrofit solutions, which are not available or affordable by participants in the chain. For example, large manufacturers have the means to implement real-time inventory management systems, however, in a complex supply chain, just one node using legacy technology is enough to break the flow of ination and negate the benefits of implementation. A. B. C.7 2.2. E-commerce shortcomings Inefficient tracking of product or services This is an issue that affects producers, wholesalers, and retailers. Especially during a product recall, the track and trace mechanism needs to be fast, reliable and transparent. And cost is a key issue affecting everyone on the chain a manufacturer is keen to reduce recall cost while maintaining market status and reputation intact; a wholesaler is seeking to reduce unsold products and reimburse recall cost to their networks to maintain their position; a retailer wants to address recalls fast and effective, keeping their customers satisfied; and finally, the end consumer may want their defective product replaced at no cost and as fast as possible. Supply chain inefficiencies have a direct impact on e-commerce plats. Imagine if the sleek and intuitive shopping experience on Amazon wasn’t matched by a timely and effective shipping process. Unfortunately, many manufacturers and vendors in the world lack the resources and expertise of Amazon. Building a truly global e-commerce system is expensive and exclusive. Most manufacturers can’t build or join one. Therefore, the following problems are inherent in the global e-commerce industry Lack of full visibility for an end-to-end customer journey Online e-commerce is fiercely competitive. Customers are used to nothing less than 100 satisfaction guarantees with their purchases and your competitor is always one click away – in such an environment is crucial to maintain and reward a customer using a multitude of ination gleaned from their online shopping experience and critically on what happens after someone placed an order. Most e-commerce plats lack that visibility to a customers’ end-to-end journey. Often, delays in shipping or other concerns customer may have post purchase is not captured in detail or integrated with other customer experience data. This is where integration with an efficient supply chain and an effective shipping experience can win back customers. D. A.8 Replenish inventory challenges Typically, most e-commerce stores don’t stockpile their full inventory of products displayed. It’s an ever-growing challenge to make the right decisions at the right time to meet peak demand during surge times e.g., festive season or discount overstock at downtimes to maintain a healthy balance sheet. On the consumer side, this is challenging too, as they don’t know how much is left in the shelves, or when will the replenishments arrive. And this often leads to missed cross selling opportunities or buying out of fear of missing out. Operating in a global ecosystem An e-commerce’s online store might be universally accessible. The challenge is that procurement and shipping channels need to accommodate different import and export tariffs, custom regulatory scrutiny, trade agreements, etc. And at the same time maintain a competitive price structure to stay relevant to their demanding clientele. Authenticity and reviews Social e-commerce is important and on the rise. People buy a product based on what their closed social network recommends. Today more consumers want to know the origins of a product and whether it was manufactured in ethical ways, if the consumer paid a fair and correct price, whether it has been damaged in any way during shipping or if it is authentic indeed We would also like to have a way to verify the authenticity of reviews or at least an authoritative verification that they actually bought and used that product. This is important in the era of fake news, viral marketing, or negative SEO. B. C. D.9 2.3 Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain and E-Commerce We believe that the problems outlined above are addressed using the latest in Blockchain technology and the Vanig Solution. Present day challenges/ inefficiency e-commerce inefficiency How Blockchain addresses it Tracking Static Inventory Management Transparent Supply Chains E2E Customer Journey Replenish Inventory Operating Globally Distributed nature of the ledger and chained blocks topology offers automatic track and trace at any point. Data hidden in vertical silos, no visibility to all parties Most ination relayed after the event, not in real time Origins and provenance ination is sparse Little ination available post purchase event Stockpiling resulting on overstock or understock Efficiency and cost- effectiveness problems Dynamic inventory management thanks to smart contracts self- cuting orders and connecting to IoT sensors e.g., oracles for real time ination relays. Public blockchain architecture with peer-to-peer topology and immutable nature, allows for transparency of transactions, and historic traces for all nodes at any time. Fully distributed ledger with real-time ination on product provenance providing peace-of-mind and visibility over purchased items. Effective track and trace providing valuable pattern data for planning and analytics to aid decision making for just-in-time replenishment of inventory. Configurable ledger with chain participants automatically transacting at the point of value exchange – customs, tariffs – providing the e-commerce owners with efficient management of operating capital.10 To understand the benefits distributed ledger technology brings to a supply chain, let us look at a very common supply chain scenario that e-commerce retailers handle day to day, managing and controlling a complex chain of third-party vendors, logistics carrier providers and suppliers. A customer places an order, the order is passed on by the manufacturer to the retailers who dropships the goods through a third-party logistics provider. The product is then transferred by a long-haul carrier who passes it to a local carrier for final delivery. This scenario is illustrated below, the green arrow depicts the flow of ination custom and successive purchase orders through the supply chain and the blue arrow shows the product flow. LONG AND UNNECESSARY PROCESS OF GOODS DELIVERY This long chain of delivering goods also include several parties, their commissions and negotiated shipping rates. This starts from ordering the goods, the tendering of the load, shipment tracking, delivery confirmation, and settlement of the extra charges in a heterogeneous environment.


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