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pHyperconnect the World Version Draft English Last Updated Aug 15, 2017 ICON Foundation nbsp;Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 1-4 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5 1.1. Vision ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2. Background ..................................................................................................................... 5 2. ICON .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1. Hyperconnect the World ................................................................................................ 7 2.2. Hyperconnect Korea ...................................................................................................... 7 2.3. How to Design ................................................................................................................. 8 2.4. Components of the ICON Network .............................................................................. 8 2.5. How to Connect ............................................................................................................... 9 2.6. How to Operate ............................................................................................................. 10 2.7. What to Expect .............................................................................................................. 10 2.8. Implementation of loopchain ...................................................................................... 11 3. ICON Architecture ................................................................................................. 15 3.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 15 3.2. Conceptual Model ......................................................................................................... 15 3.3. Nexus .............................................................................................................................. 15 3.4. Portal ............................................................................................................................... 16 3.5. BTP Blockchain Transmission Protocol ................................................................ 16 3.6. DEX Decentralized Exchange .................................................................................. 18 3.7. Nexus Public Channel.................................................................................................. 19 3.8. Governance .................................................................................................................... 20 4. Inside ICON ............................................................................................................ 22 4.1. loopchain ........................................................................................................................ 22 4.2. Features .......................................................................................................................... 22 4.3. Consensus ..................................................................................................................... 23 nbsp;4.4. SCORE Smart Contract on Reliable Environment ............................................... 24 4.5. BSI Blockchain Signature Infrastructure ............................................................... 25 5. Roadmap ................................................................................................................ 26 5.1. Business Roadmap ...................................................................................................... 26 5.2. Technical Roadmap ...................................................................................................... 26 6. ICX token ................................................................................................................ 27 6.1. Term Summary .............................................................................................................. 27 6.2. Allocation ....................................................................................................................... 28 6.3. Use of Proceeds ............................................................................................................ 28 7. Issuance and Incentives ...................................................................................... 30 7.1. Issuance Policy ............................................................................................................. 30 7.2. Transaction Fee ............................................................................................................. 30 7.3. Public Treasury ............................................................................................................. 30 7.4. Incentives ....................................................................................................................... 30 7.5. Freezing Fee .................................................................................................................. 30 Appendix .......................................................................................................................... 32 A.1. nbsp;Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 32 A.2. nbsp;SCORE ............................................................................................................................... 33 A.3. nbsp;Integration of loopchain and Legacy Systems .......................................................... 34 A.4. nbsp;loopchain Multi-channel ................................................................................................. 35 A.5. nbsp;AI-driven Policy ................................................................................................................ 35 References ....................................................................................................................... 38 nbsp;A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo. The tree is filiation, but the rhizome is alliance, uniquely alliance. The tree imposes the verb quot;to bequot; but the fabric of the rhizome is the conjunction, quot;and ... and ...and...quot;This conjunction carries enough force to shake and uproot the verb quot;to be.quot; Where are you going Where are you coming from What are you heading for These are totally useless questions. - 『Mille Plateaux』, Gilles Deleuze amp; Felix Guattari Abstract The advent of the blockchain technology has introduced the world of decentralization and is challenging our preconceived perspectives of the current social, political, and economic systems, most notably, the central banking system. The rapid advancement of this technology has begun to blend world borders and statute, providing glimpses of an improved, alternative future. Yet, the technology is still at its infancy and is confronted with limitations in terms of perance, ease of use, and service quality. nbsp;Generally, the majority of blockchain projects place emphasis on their decentralization ology and lack evidence of adoption in the real world due to their technological and business limitations. The ICON Project “ICON”, “ICON Network”, “we”, “our”, “us” aims to overcome such challenges and help advance our society towards true hyperconnectivity. nbsp;This paper outlines our vision and philosophy of the ICON Project and details on the supporting proprietary technologies that have been in development over the past few years. More importantly, we discuss actual implementation with dozens of reputable institutions that are already in the ICON Network. This demonstrates our progress beyond the initial concept stage and validates our team’s strong cution ability; a major factor that differentiates ICON from the majority of blockchain projects today. nbsp; ICON is inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s rhizome – “the world with no center point and the world where any point is a mere connection to other points.” ICON is a connector of disparate cryptocurrencies with different blockchain governances, and furthermore, a connector of the crypto world to our real world. ICON embraces the new and the unfamiliar, the principle of radical inclusion – accept new ideas and decisions made by the new republic established by ever-changing crypto-to-real world connections. 1. Introduction Copyright 2017 ICON Foundation nbsp;5 1. Introduction 1.1. Vision The vision of the ICON Project is to introduce the new era of decentralization by redefining the meaning of communities and creating a new world by connecting such communities. Communities today are commonly defined by its social and political functions and limited to the economic boundaries set forth by world nations. Through ICON, communities can go beyond and be free from traditional economic system and promote frictionless value exchanges with other communities, eventually resulting in maximum total utility of society. ICON is not limited to the real world, but it directly connects and communicates with the crypto world creating the most robust network that can scale without limits. nbsp;The ICON Project aims to build a decentralized network that allows independent blockchains with different governances to transact with one another without intermediaries. Anyone can create a new blockchain project and join the network. A new blockchain project is free to connect with existing projects and create new unique worlds, or blockchain multiverse. ICON itself can be viewed as both a living organism and an ecosystem. nbsp;ICON is a vision with a proven track record and has progressed beyond the initial concept stage. ICON already boasts communities comprised of reputable institutions – banks, securities, insurance, hospitals, universities, and more. A future with faster money remittance and frictionless value exchange of securities, medical records, academic data, insurance fees is within our reach. nbsp;With ICON, we now enter into a world of true hyperconnectivity. 1.2. Background Overview The advent of the blockchain technology has introduced the world of decentralization and is challenging our preconceived perspectives of the current social, political, and economic systems, most notably, the central banking system. The rapid advancement of this technology has begun to blend the world borders and statute, providing glimpses of an improved, alternative future. Yet, the technology is still at its infancy and is plagued with shortcomings in terms of perance, ease of use, and service quality. nbsp;Generally, the majority of blockchain projects place emphasis on their decentralization ology and lack evidence of adoption in the real world. There are fascinating projects such as Steem that operates a crypto world, a virtual service on top of its own blockchain. However, other projects that attempt to connect to the real-world are feeling perance limitations, and hence, realizing the need for more research and development. To overcome such limitation of connecting the real world to crypto world, ICON was started. Ethereum1 Launched in 2015, Ethereum was the first project to introduce the concept of ‘Smart Contract’ in the blockchain world opening the unforeseen possibilities of Decentralized applicationsDAPPs. Ethereum is widely considered the greatest milestone in blockchain technology since the first introduction of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto; therefore, is referred to as Blockchain 2.0. It paved blockchain application beyond simple cryptocurrency transaction to a wider use of the technology including in the financial services industry. nbsp;1. Introduction Copyright 2017 ICON Foundation nbsp;6 Various DAPPs have been developed, most notably a USD170 million decentralized and autonomous venture capital fund called the DAO project. Unfortunately, DAO was hacked in June 2016 and Ethereum went through hard-fork to restore the stolen funds. Many issues, particularly on Proof-of-Stake consensus, are still under discussion among the Ethereum developers, which includes the founder Vitalik Buterin, and miners. nbsp;Despite the facts above, Ethereum is gaining popularity as a ICO plat due to the simplicity of ERC20 Token generation. But ironically, the popularity of certain ICOs such as Status.im has resulted in overload of the entire Ethereum network. Bancor2 Bancor provides Decentralized Exchange DEX that allows real-time cryptocurrency transactions based on fair price deriving algorithm that uses Ethereum reserves. With the concept of exchanging Ether and Bancor TokenBNT via DEX, Bancor raised over USD150 million in ICO. nbsp;Bancor has succeeded in supporting different business models such as ETFs, by exchanging cryptocurrencies based on reserves. However, we believe it faces significant challenges due to the high transaction fees and perance limits when running on Ethereum. Transaction fees and speed limits when running on Ethereum. EOS3 EOS is a blockchain plat that primarily focuses on scalability issues of Ethereum. It is a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm that generates blocks in every 3 seconds and removes the transaction fees to invigorate DAPPs. nbsp;EOS, even at its current developmental stage, is anticipated by many for its potential to replace Ethereum. But so far, there appears to be no substantial difference from Ethereum other than the consensus algorithm. Furthermore, its smart contract plat is based on virtual machines like Ethereum; therefore, we need to see if EOS is capable of handling massive, real-time transactions. 2. ICON Copyright 2017 ICON Foundation nbsp;7 2. ICON 2.1. Hyperconnect the World The ICON Project began with the goal to enrich our everyday lives through “connection”. The history of mankind’s technological innovation is related to our history of connection. The creation of postal service made it possible to connect each other39;s thoughts without having to physically meet. Telephones made it possible to connect each other in real time regardless of the distance, and wireless communication added freedom of mobility. And with the advent of the Internet, real-time connection to everything, not just people, has become possible anywhere in the world. Despite these breakthrough innovations, today’s level of connection is still not perfect. With the ICON Project, we are now moving closer to a more seamless connection. We live in a world where it is possible to buy a cup of latte at Starbucks with one swipe of a credit card. But in fact, there is/p


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