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ACT(Achain Token)白皮书.pdf

1 / 18 Achain Blockchain Whitepaper Build to be boundless Table of Contents Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Background and Commitment .......................................................................................... 3 1.1 The history of network development .......................................................................... 3 1.2 Why do we need blockchain ..................................................................................... 3 1.3 Topics of unsolved problems ....................................................................................... 3 1.4 Why do we need Achain ............................................................................................ 4 2 Principle............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Stability ........................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Safety ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Scalability .................................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Easy-to-use .................................................................................................................. 6 3 Implementation ................................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Smart contract LVM ................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Consensus agreement ................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Account ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.4 Forking network ........................................................................................................ 10 3.5 Value Exchange Protocol ........................................................................................... 10 3.6 Event-driven .............................................................................................................. 12 4 Applications ..................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Supply Chain Finance ................................................................................................ 13 4.2 Authentication ........................................................................................................... 13 5 Development plan ........................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Plan ............................................................................................................................ 15 6 Program governance ....................................................................................................... 16 6.1 About Achain Foundation ......................................................................................... 16 6.2 Foundation governance ............................................................................................ 16 6.3 Contact us .................................................................................................................. 17 6.4 Open source .............................................................................................................. 17 7 Technical Team ................................................................................................................ 18 2 / 18 Abstract Achain Blockchain referred to as Achain is committed to building a boundless blockchain world, founded in 2015. Blockchain now is considered as one of the technological innovations of the greatest potential and creativity in the world. There were three key turning points in the human history The First Industrial Revolution, marked by machines replacing manual labor, the Second Industrial Revolution, followed by the inter-combustion engine and other mass production techniques, and the Third Industrial Revolution, driven by computer technology, nuclear energy, space technology and bioengineering. However, the foundation of our relations of production has remained the same it is still confined into a centralized, top-down, pyramid structure. The more complicated this structure gets and the more levels it generates, the more difficult it is to ensure efficiency. Blockchain, also known as “the value network”, is a decentralized and entrusted network that achieves peer-to-peer value exchanges. Achain believes that blockchain technology is the innovation to re the current relations of production and pave the way for the next long-awaited revolution in the history of mankind. With the help of Achain, we can create a world where people are directly connected, trusted, collaborative, peer-to-peer-exchanged and value-driven under social consensuses. Achain will accomplish this goal in three phases. First, we’ll build a secure and stable blockchain network with a modular design approach that will enable smart contracts and digital assets. Smart sandbox will also be used to create an environment for intellectual tests and monitors contractual cution. Sandbox ensures contracts are safe enough to avoid similar DAO incidents1before being uploaded officially to the chain. Second, we use forking to meet different business appeals such as insurance, document preservation, cryptocurrency, tracing, personal credit, and more. This phase will lead to an evolving, easy-to-use, low-cost, well-tailored blockchain network. Finally, through the Value Exchange Protocol VEP, we will connect these forked and active networks together, and even open up data exchange with other networks possibly non-blockchain to build a connected and multidimensional data interrelated internet world. Using multidimensional data such as personal credit, assets, production and consumption data, community consensus, individual behavior, and value exchange will be better integrated organically. The token, named ACT by Achain, holds the value of its ecosystem. Possessing ACT gives you access to all basic blockchain services such as smart contract release, network forking, and much more. Achain is designed to put safety, stability and scalability in the first place in order to create the ecosystem mentioned above. Achain, as a public chain, selects the more practical DPoS Delegated Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, which occupies less resource and creates a Result-delegated Proof of Stake hereinafter referred to as RDPoS consensus mechanism. Under the same security situation, RDPoS better improve the transaction perance of the entire network as well as other parameters of the network as a whole. Theoretically it has reached or even exceeded 1,000TPS Transaction Per Second. 1https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_DAO_organization 3 / 18 1 Background and Commitment 1.1 The history of network development On Oct 29th, 1969, two separate points, ARPANET University of California at Los Angeles UCLA and Stanford Research Institute SRI, successfully got connected through cable, signifying the arrival of the Age of Internet. In the last 50 years, with the emergent Internet based companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Alibaba, etc., the ination technology proved how it could change the world. On Oct 31st, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto presented the idea of Bitcoin in his essay, Bitcoin A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, declaring the arrival of value transfer network. Bitcoin impressed the world by its anti-fraud, distributed-ledge, anonymous, and reliable characteristics. However, its perance and PoW Proof-of-Work consensus are yet to be improved. In recent years, groups and individuals have engaged in technical innovation on blockchain as trading perance, consensus algorithm and secure anonymity. For example, the Graphene tech and Lightning Network upgraded its perance; Proof of Stake POS, Delegated Proof of Stake DPOS and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance PBFT were proposed to refine its consensus algorithm; Zero-knowledge proof ZKP and mixed-coin tech were expected to enhance security. 1.2 Why do we need blockchain Do we really need the blockchain As an early participant and witness, Achain believes that this innovation has an irreversible impact and will not be short-lived. This is based on two reasons. First, we need real, valued ination, that can reduce cost of trust. Computers and the Internet make ination sharing cheaper and more convenient. With ination technology, we can optimize the value chain and improve the efficiency of collaboration. However, we are aware of the faster and easier spreading of hazardous ination and will prioritize the security over the cost of building a trusted network. Secondly, we need a network to connect the social consensus, our behavior, and value incentives. We have witnessed only little changes in our relations of production It is still a centralized, top-down, pyramid structure. The more complicated this structure gets and the more levels it generates, the more difficult it is to ensure efficiency. Blockchain integrates distributed storage, encryption technology, P2P network and other technologies. It has the technological advantages of decentralization and trustworthiness, which is known as the value network. Blockchain will more efficiently solve problems of trust between people and create a new production network -- a peer-to-peer value exchange. 1.3 Topics of unsolved problems Since its invention in 2008, Bitcoin has derived blockchain technology, and countless 4 / 18 technology enthusiasts have been contributing to the blockchain development. There have been the Ethereum, which serves as a decentralized plat, Bitcoin and Lite Coin, which focus on the development of digital currency, Factom, which provides filing of notarization, Zcash and Dash, which protect user privacy, Bitshare, which functions as a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, and even Corda, R3CEV’s popular distributed bookkeeping plat. Despite the rapid development of the blockchain technology, there are still challenges ahead. 1 Security risks of smart contracts. Users might lose their digital assets during hacker attacks. 2 Difficulties of cooperations and interconnections of different blockchain plats of different fields of application. Although such ination interactions were already attempted, it is not sufficient to support the development of the whole blockchain ecosystem. 3 Difficulties of linking between the blockchain world and the non-blockchain based reality. Ideas cannot be easily put into application, such as tracking of commodity authentication. 4 At present, the blockchain industry still requires high technical qualifications, which leads to the high cost of large-scale business. 5 Low transaction perance compared to the centralized systems. 1.4 Why do we need Achain Achain prioritizes security, stability, extensibility. By introducing cutting-edge designs of virtual machines, smart sandbox, value exchange protocal, and forking mechanism, Achain creates an evolving, user-friendly, low-cost, and customizable blockchain network. The optimization of block interval, block volume and consensus algorithm also helps Achain reach a perance rate of up to 1000TPS. Achain believe that as the technological innovation creates a new production relation network, it will solve the problem of trust in interpersonal communications and organically integrate societal consensuses, individual behavior, and value exchange into an inseparable whole. 5 / 18 2 Principle 2.1 Stability Network stability is essential to the functioning of a blockchain solution. This is, however, increasingly challenged by potential uncertainties, given the plat’s decentralized nature and its ever-expanding number of applications. Achain, with its philosophy of modular design and simplification, developed LVM Lua Virtual Machine. The new VM, exclusively designated to smart contracts, offers two advantages. It has an upgraded perance rate powered by Lua language, effectively protecting against potential system coupling. And it also adopts a separately run and independently built structure to prevent the entire network quality from being affected by local hazards. 2.2 Safety PoW used to guard the security of the Bitcoin network, but due to the increasing mining demands and hashing force, a significant amount of power has gone into the hands of miners and mining pools, resulting in an unwanted centralized central server. If an entity controls 51 percent of the computing power, theoretically, it is possible to control the majority of Bitcoin transactions, which is known as DOS denial-of-service attack. Besides, high power consumption also generates a huge cost. Compared to the PoW model, the PoS Proof-of-Stake model aims for a higher level of security and a wider range of applications. PoS model contributes to the network security only when attracting enough holders for PoS mining. Based on PoS, DPoS was later released as an enhanced version; but Achain even invented a more commercial-friendly and universally-accepted version, the RDPoS consensus mechanism. When run just as securely as DPoS, RDPoS can increase the block response and improve the stability and security of the network. In addition, Achain proposed a smart sandbox mechanism. Any released contracts should be test-run in the smart sandbox in the first place to be automatically tested in case of health deteriorate or loopholes. The network determines by itself if the newly written contract qualifies to be uploaded to the Achain ecosystem. 2.3 Scalability Scalability is proposed to solve the problem of incompatibility of blocks in the blockchain. First of all, we believe that upgrading and forking are the effective ways of network evolution. After fork occurs, it will generate a main chain and a number of sub-chains. All chains are completely equivalent in structure, but each is given a different logo based on different community consensuses. Each sub-chain can be customized according to different applications by constructing 6 / 18 the VEP Value Exchange Protocol, which, like a gateway, allows ination sharing and value exchanges among chains This kind of collaboration s a multi-application network. Not only that, but the online data of non-blockchain based events will also be incorporated into the Achain ecosystem. It is supplemented with smart contracts to respond to events in the real world. 2.4 Easy


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