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www.oeko.de交通运输业政策组合欧盟排放交易体系在在道路运输领域发挥何种作用  2015 M 2 17 作者Peter Kasten Katja Schumacher Wiebke Zimmer 弗莱堡总部P.O. Box 17 71 79017 Freiburg  Merzhauser Strasse 173 79100 Freiburg  49 761 45295-0 柏林办公室Schicklerstrasse 5-7 10179 Berlin  49 30 405085-0 达姆施塔特办公室Rheinstrasse 95 64295 Darmstadt  49 6151 8191-0 infooeko.dewww.oeko.de SS†T *;†TS †bŒ8 y [  3 ŒY { 2yhn€ { ]byN|  n 1MV {i‚  Tb支持交通运输业结构变化ŒY {|v†s 3 x [“ u  †b , b能源税|  { , x †bŒ8 |9FB[[TŒY {4 , x †bŒ8  › 2 •nr  ]‹’L MŒ  W  3Ÿ , x †bŒ8 ™ i 8 †b  Ÿ ln |T  n  FrbŒY { 2b LCr‹›•Y O‚ [ SŸ x †bŒ8 [ SŒY {FrbyN|ŒY {, x †bŒ8 L›9‹CŸ€b1ŒY {CŸ 9„ ‚ x †bŒ8d [ SE|‚ii ŒY {iih † S 3h•YbŒY {r  7‹|Cn   9T5 Y[a’ fƒ/‹‰zS , › 3•Yn b6. 参考文献 1. Cambridge Econometrics 2014. The Impact of Including the Road Transport Sector in the EU ETS - a report for the European Climate Foundation. Cambridge. 2. Capros, P.; Mantzos, L.; Papandreou, V. Tasios, N. 2008. 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