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81 Sumitomo Chemical Sustainability Data Book 2019 Environmental Protection 1. Appropriate Response to Laws and Regulations 1 By maintaining careful control of the cution and management of construction plans, we ensure appropriate response to notifications when changing the soil type of specified facilities that use hazardous substances and an expansion of opportunities for soil contamination surveys. Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act 2 We have enhanced the uation and management of environmental risks related to substances expected to become subject to PRTR Act surveys. PRTR Act 3 Regarding refrigeration units using CFCs and HCFCs, we are systematically upgrading to equipment that uses low- GWP HFCs or non-fluorocarbon refrigerants Ozone Layer Protection Law. We are also minimizing fluorocarbon leaks into the atmosphere from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Act for Rationalized Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons 4 We will systematically remove all electronic equipment that uses PCBs in storage or in operation by March 2025. Act on Special Measures against PCB Waste 2. Reducing Environmental Impact Going forward, we will keep working to achieve our medium- to long-term voluntary management targets in the fields of air, water, soil, and waste, focusing our response on production sites. Basic Stance Management System The Sumitomo Chemical Group is working in unison to reduce its environmental impact. Specifically, we have set out goals in each field, including protecting the atmosphere and aquatic environments, conserving resources and managing waste, properly managing chemical substances, protecting biodiversity, and protecting soil environments. Each worksite is striving to enhance its initiatives aimed at achieving these goals. During the three years of the previous medium-term Corporate Business Plan FY2016–2018 we emphasized initiatives to appropriately respond to laws and regulations and to reduce environmental impact and achieved some success. Over the course of the three years of the new medium-term Corporate Business Plan FY2019–2021 we aim to continue strengthening and enhancing our initiatives based on voluntary control and further enhance the level of activity undertaken by the consolidated Group. We also strive to more accurately and quickly disclose environmental perance indicators. We are focusing on the following specific measures. The president and the cutive officers in charge of Responsible Care serve as the coordinators of the Environment and Safety Group of the Responsible Care Department. This group is responsible for matters related to environmental protection for the Company as a whole and supports the environmental protection activities of Group companies. Our worksites head offices, Works, research laboratories have established sections in charge of environmental protection operations, appointed coordinators, and cute specific duties. Regarding the cution of duties, the corporate department Responsible Care Department ulates Company-wide annual policies and Company-wide medium-term three-year pol- icies every fiscal year. Then each worksite, in light of these policies and in consideration of its own characteristics and regional situation, ulates an action policy and launches specific activities from the new fiscal year. Regarding amendments to laws and regulations, the Responsible Care Department vigilantly pays attention to national trends and, as appropriate, provides feedback to the national governments. In this way we strive to ensure the situation details of the amendments, possible impacts, visualization of countermeasures, etc. is within the Company’s control. As for amendments that have a large impact, we access the necessary ination in advance and notify worksites to prepare for meeting compliance requirements. Note “Organization of Responsible Care” is detailed on page 56.


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