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N [ 12  2 2016 N 3  CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCHVol. 12 No. 2March 2016” N doi10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2015.225 c , “ , lZ ,  . h t vm šI ctt [J]. N [ , 2016, 12 2 101-111h t vm šI ctt  c2 “2 lZ2-3„ 4gT S2 2 Ž2 2 \ 4j 9 ‡c7 Y  wv 2 —4eš\1 N6 21 X A  ‡ p6\2-3 —h   e ƒŸ2T Th  h  s CMj1 4721323 Fw z1 4731324T TŒ  211212L2  hž –Z0 v šI ctt h  W XU  \1 h 6 v ‘ v Oe •\ “–_* s •ZW z f vm  ™ƒœ vƒ OI  š UW 1 h9 Dmš w G  u 2003 N CO2‡c _ m  1.91  2013 N 7.44  v‡\  šWDƒI ctt,™ ‡1 hh z“9ž t  ž –Z0I ctt 72 — 5 {zh šI cN–Z WO   vƒ š „bŒ2ž  i ‡\    œh z“M mWh4œ ™ž z“‡ h t v2 pN m šh I ctt1 3\4-5 —8j 9 ‡c W 80 2h\6  h[ U  X2w j 9 j CO2i ‡B2Churkina\7 z h4e ƒ € Ph z ƒ Œ ” Z224 W–Zm  2015-12-16   2016-02-25\  T F2 — T  \  41371540 41201598 tP r5ew\ 30-Y30B13-9003-14/16 Ÿ z92 — T  U f   c 4qW 4 “Z‘U  4   2015J05086  bph T \  2013A10096 201401A1007007J3127 N U MD 7[ ” t [[ ‡[_ z“ T MDT, ”B _ TŸ*”  57I  h[ j 9 i ‡ bŒ N C  O“ ” N    iT WZ N t[LŽ UZŒT   M m q  J›   6 d ”h ™ h” ‡c2 h2 i ‡ hbŒ q6” N N [102 2016 Nh4eU[  v h4e‡–Z2WD‡cwt i| ‡ce i|‡c IPCC    9 ‡c c‡F\ NŒ•\8  i| ‡c i|G W0 ‡ce i|W ”m* W\  eG ioW CO2‡c2 mUh‡4e2G‡th \9-10 t\119\12 kC\134e4 Wh B–Zh2 —4e4 W Žh‡4  UM h‡4e š _ z hA   _h4  T*ZW h šR™h4 š š W šDa Sjj Pš „j B vt  T e4e .Y Fœ ‡ m ‡ Lw 20h ‡c CO2\14 yw e e4e m    CO2‡c  7 12 X   11 33\159 Ž 6T ”h„C2 ‡c2 7 .mn 1 1 h \ œ vnFig. 1 Location of Xiamen city and administrative divisions   ‡cW ‡ p N X hm c Xt 4z h 7  X  Ft o Nh[h–Z c XTƒ •wj ‡ p N4    W[“hžY l9‡T ”h‡ . U }mWh t vN W vmI ct ™*h 7 t vNh–Z j5NŒ6  }D . TU  h z“alife cycle approach [J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2012,104 2 220-229Bernal B, Mitsch W J. Comparing carbon sequestration in temperatefreshwater wetland communities [J]. Global Change Biology, 2012, 185 1636-1647Ceschia E, Beziat P, Dejoux J F, et al. Management effects on net ecosystemcarbon and GHG budgets at European crop sites [J]. AgricultureEcosystems 4 , ; ,  . G   4A [J]. 4 , 2008 4 1729-1735l 4 , s T , Xe ,  . TB4e 2 School of Architecture, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 362021, China;3 Institue of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, ChinaAbstract Studies on spatial-temporal differentiation of regional carbon imbalance based on urban functionalzoning will be beneficial in understanding the mechanism of urban function pattern affecting urban compoundecosystem carbon cycle. Xiamen city, with its 6 administrative districts, was taken as a study case and statisticaldata and land-use data processed by satellite image were adopted. Carbon emissions and carbon sinks were accountedfor each district in different historical periods by using simplified accounting models. The results showed aggravatingimbalance trend in overall carbon budget of Xiamen city, in 2013 CO2emissions were 7.44 times more than CO2sequestration, compared to 1.91 times in 2003, and carbon imbalance condition distribution has spatial-temporalheterogeneity. Combined with the main regional functions of city development planning, we discuss the mechanismand process of social economic indicators and landscape, which are most influenced by the main functions, affectingthe temporal and spatial change of regional carbon imbalance.We conclude that specific carbon abatement orcarbon offsetting policies should be considered to address the regional main functions based on individual currentcarbon imbalance condition. This highlights the importance of urban planning in maintaining regional carbonbalance. The aggravating climate change caused by urbanization will require reasonable urban functional zoningwith the consideration of urban ecological services.Key words carbon emissions/sinks; carbon balance; urban function; spatial-temporal differentiation; XiamencityGe Rubing1, Lin Tao1, Liu Xiaofang1, 2, Yin Kai3, Zhang Guoqin1, Ye Hong1, Li Xinhu1


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