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N [ 11  2 2015 N 3  PROGRESSUS INQUISITIONES DE MUTATIONE CLIMATISVol. 11 No. 2March 2015doi10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2015.02.0068 , g c ,  ,  . NŽ €X   v–Z [J]. N [ , 2015, 11 2 115-122NŽ €X  v–Z82g c3  4 3Ž z3  ‡3 g cZ‘U  p * zhangshanqing- 31260312 Ž € a  T\  MX201512N–ZN [116 2015 Nn 1 Ž €š  at„Fig. 1 The topography, geomorphology and distribution ofmeteorological stations in XinjiangYŽ € k ki 7[\ k  2 Xinjiang Agro-meteorological Observatory,Urumqi 830002, China; 3 Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, ChinaAbstract Based on the data of daily mean temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, duration of sunshine,from 101 meteorological stations in Xinjiang in 1961.2013, the fundamental spatial-temporal change characteristicof key climatic factors  15F days,  20F temperature-light index and mean range of daily temperature fromJune to August affecting melon-planting were analyzed by using the s of linear regression, accumulativeanomaly, guarantee rate analysis and mixed spatial interpolation technology based on ArcGIS. And the impacts ofclimate change on melon-planting zoning were studied by combining with the change characteristics of key climatefactors before and after mutation. The main results showed, spatial distribution of  15F days,  20F temperature-light index, and mean range of daily temperature from June to August had very obvious difference from place toplace in Xinjiang. Generally, they were more or higher in south and east than in north and west, in plain and basinthan in mountain regions. In the background of global warming, the  15F days,  20F temperature-light indexpresented significantly increasing trend with the rate of 2.493 d/10a and 0.06/10a, respectively, and they had mutationin 1997. But mean range of daily temperature from June to August had a significantly decreasing trend with the rateof .0.249/10a and had mutation in 1987 in 1961.2013. According to the climatic conditions of various maturingmelon growth and quality, melon-planting climatic zoning can be divided into 4 regions and 7 sub-regions in Xinjiang.Due to climate change, the best planting zone expanded significantly in terms of mid-maturing and late-maturingmelon, the second-best planting area of them decreased, the suitable planting area of early-maturing melon, unsuitableplanting area for melon decreased after 1997 in Xinjiang.Key words climate change;  15F days;  20F temperature-light index; mean range of daily temperature; melon-planting climatic division; XinjiangPu Zongchao1, Zhang Shanqing2, Ji Chunrong3, Li Jinglin2, Li Xinjian2,Wang Mingquan2, Zou Chen3[12][11] [17]• Y  ,  N,  . D ƒM m [M].  T k , 2001 79-82 , g c , 8 ,  . 50a Ž €  I cNt[J]. m v , 2013, 36 2 228-2378 , g c , ,  . 50a Ž € 0F • IcN [J]. m v , 2013, 30 5 781-788g c , 8 , ,  . N q 0Ž €  I cNt [J].  T , 2013, 35 9 1908-1916g c , 8 , ,  . 1961 2010 NŽ € 2  Lws 2 ZŒ [J]. c,s , 2013, 35 6 1419-14278 , g c .Ž €t I cNt [J]. c,s , 2012,34 4 802-812g c , 8 , . 50 NŽ € wI•I cNt [J].  , 2013, 68 11 1481-1492 , ‘XX Y , X 2, ,  . Ž €, U NZŒ [J].   , 2013, 68 5 708-720g c , 8 , ,  . NŽ €*  v–Z [J]. T4 k , 2014, 22 6 713-7218 , g c ,  z ,  . N qŽ € v  v–Z [J]. N [ , 2012, 8 4 257-264o u , T * . k  v [F [M].  T ,1987 70-72ˆ . D e ‘ 0 [M].  a , 200740-67[19][18][20][14][16][15] [21][13][10]


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