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.nullnonmarkingreturn “.null10.null.null6.null2014.null11 .null PROGRESSUS INQUISITIONES DE MUTATIONE CLIMATISVol. 10 No. 6November 2014doi10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2014.06.009.nullnonmarkingreturn, .nullnonmarkingreturn, .nullnonmarkingreturn.null. .nullnonmarkingreturn.nullnonmarkingreturn “2030.nullnonmarkingreturn “.nullnonmarkingreturn “[J]. .nullnonmarkingreturn “, 2014, 10 6 453-459.nullnonmarkingreturn.nullnonmarkingreturn “OMPM.nullnonmarkingreturn “.nullnonmarkingreturn “.null.nullN.null.null.nullO.null.nullnonmarkingreturn P.null.null.nullnonmarkingreturn “.nullnonmarkingreturn “2 Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing 100035, China;3 The University of ter, Devon EX44SB, UKAbstract The EU 2030 Policy Framework for Climate and Energy hereinafter to be referred as the frameworkproposes that EU will reduce 40 of GHG emissions in 2030 at the level of 1990 and will raise the portion ofrenewable energy in primary energy consumption up to 27. Although it has not been ratified yet, the frameworkhas been focused due to its possibility to become a basis for domestic legislations for its participation in the 2015international climate change negotiation. By identifying and analysing key elements, the framework shows that its2030 goal, in terms of targets of emissions reduction and renewable energy, is more positive than that in 2020. Interms of achievement, the target of renewable energy is more difficult than that of emissions reduction. Because ofinclusion of Eastern European countries, on the one hand, EU receives the surplus of emissions allowance, whichhelps EU achieve the target of emissions reduction, on the other hand, a growing disparity among member states ofEU constrains from positive environmental policies of EU and reduces the possibility of a great extent to which EUadjusts the target of emissions reduction. The emissions reduction target in the framework is likely to influence theprojection of demand of post-2020 international carbon market. The future international carbon market requires notonly an ambitious target set by developed countries outside EU, but also a higher target of emissions reduction forEU. Some ideas of the framework such as taking climate change as the driving force of economic development ratherthan resistance, various approaches to fulfil different type of goals, the transparency of setting goals, and a fullconsideration of disparities among member states, etc., are worth learning for China.Key words EU; climate change; energy policy; 2030Wang Mou1, Zhang Wen2, Wang Sidan3


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