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cI|1000-0747201006-0743-05 “CO2 5G V›Ÿs沈忠厚, 王海柱, 李根生中国石油大学北京油气资源与探测国家重点实验室[ “国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目2010CB226704;国家自然科学基金重点项目51034007K1超临界 CO2 流体具有接近于气体的低黏度和高扩散系数,同时具有接近于液体的高密度。与氮气、空气、液体、充气液、泡沫等钻井流体相比,超临界CO2 流体的密度变化范围较宽,这一特性使得超临界 CO2 为井下马达提供足够扭矩的同时,还能保证井底的欠平衡状态。即使超临界CO2 流体侵入储集层,也不会对其造成伤害,相反还能进一步增大储集层孔隙度和渗透率,降低流动阻力,提高采收率。同时超临界CO2 射流破岩速度较水射流快得多,而且破岩门限压力也非常低,在利用连续油管进行超临界CO2 喷射钻井时,可大大降低连续油管钻井系统的压力,扩大连续油管的作业范围,更适合小井眼、微小井眼、超短半径水平井、复杂结构井等钻井。超临界CO2 连续油管钻井将为钻井带来一次全新的技术创新,也将成为特殊油气藏开发的高效钻井技术。图10表1参151oM连续油管;钻井;超临界CO2 ;可行性分析ms |TE242.9 DS M ’AFeasibility analysis of coiled tubing drilling with supercritical carbon dioxideShen Zhonghou, Wang Haizhu, Li GenshengState Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting, ChinaUniversity of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, ChinaAbstractSupercritical CO2SC-CO2fluid has the properties of low viscosity and high diffusion capacity near to gas, andhigher density near to liquid.Compared with nitrogen, air, liquid, aerated fluid, foam and other drilling fluids, thesupercritical CO2 fluid has a wide range of density which can not only make it to generate enough torque to run a downholemotor, but also ensure the downhole in an underbalanced state while drilling.Even if the supercritical CO2 fluid invadesinto reservoir, the reservoir will not be polluted, on the contrary, it can increase the reservoir porosity and permeabilityfurther more, reduce flow resistance, and enhance production and recovery.Meanwhile, the rock broken speed ofsupercritical CO2 jet is faster than that of water jet and thethreshold pressureis loweralso.When the coiled tubing drillingwith supercritical CO2 takes place, it can significantly decrease the coiled tubing drilling system pressure and expand thecoiled tubing operating range, it is more suitable for slim hole, micro-hole, short radius horizontal wells, complexstructures wells and so on.The coiled tubing drilling with SC-CO2 will bring an innovation in the drilling technology, andwill become an efficient drilling technique for special reservoir development.Key wordscoiled tubing;drilling;supercritical carbon dioxide;feasibility analysis0„5G/ Œ 20 W90 M} Z ŸB[、r qG/ Œ, “ -X‹ G、F 、G[l、 4 ™、V ™„ GGT 7 ,Bt yŸ Ÿ、 j Ÿ 7G4 1 p,   e5。20 W C “CO2G/ Œ,  “CO2   K 、   y,7 O “CO2 8 M ,  e,1 ‚‚ ™“,MQ “ 9v“ 1iq,4 l q[3, 4] ,yN/ Œž    7 2010 M12 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol.37 No.6m1 CO2M m[ 6] “ 8;‚] 8,9‚]A8,  Ÿ。 “ 8 A8, „ dLŸ1“,  679v,  67hl,] H * 8, ” “”1A8v,yN . 、.   7 Z,  7/Œ1 p 9,ƒ 8G‚ 1 p,ƒ f ƒ/,20 W  “CO2G/ Œ‹73。 i LV , “CO2   K 、  y、1   、€   ‹ F81l,ƒt„  G 7 F Vol.37 No.6  M9‚ 。7CO2 8, “  6, ‚ A   “ , *M d A, V  MA H*ClMnm5。’ “ H, “  6CO2  M “ , *9v9v, O M, vl  „A W。CO2 „*Ÿ V, “CO2 8*1‹ „ b *v, O v, z。ŒGAM1, *l, l /L Vrž  , z, O *Ÿ9 †{,V7† „/ 1 p。3 “CO2G ] “CO2 8 、*、 ” Ÿ yŸ, “CO2G / Œ ]。3.1   y, K   T1 b T、   T、   T、   € T[ sT, VƒtT V] H 39 V  3B [[ 8] 。 “CO2  T    ,Œ  “CO2*、 ” Ÿ, P  sTZ Fl。m7 Vn,   H, T/_  † ,Œ’ vMN H, * v、 ” Ÿ9 l, 5 T/LT_- ,  9E.ž  †,   ‚LE  F。 –7 “CO2 Ÿ , “CO2*“l 8, ” Ÿ9 v,7 OV f  ,,‚i 5T, “CO2 8  ž  v s0 bW,   žr.。yN “CO2  H, “CO2 8   1 ž  †, P  † 8  8 YdB 8,9vT F  V  ,V7†  K ,] H4  。m7   “CO2  1Koll„MarvinT]“9 ƒB[ 3,4] 。 “CO2   K v “   K 2/3,1/2l。N“,lj G LTV , O   “CO2TGAG  H3.3,  1  G H20[4] 。m8 q100 kW、50 mmG 、‚] G1 LT, G F O 。 124MPa H,  ‚ ,7 “CO2  r  V55 MPa[ 3] 。m8 ‚] G1 LTm[ 3]3.2r “,4 l qY GAcv M R ,u 7“ H, “ d,] HGA rA9 S ž , *r €†,745 2010 M12  “CO2 5G V›Ÿs*r n,B„  d,†“ 1i q[9] 。 “CO2 8;M9‚cAM,V E   ] 3。MQCO2 1iž“, B„9v“ d„ 1i q,† E,4 l q① “CO2 8 v,“ 7 F Vol.37 No.6 r4 ] H  c 4 ™。€, “CO2 8*1GA*, 9 l,yN V[hl 5j] H Gh  q,] H, “CO28*Ÿ V[ P b 8 / , z[14,15] 。8 , “CO2 5G a†l、l、  、G,|1 1、  、 6 7N  Ÿ4G/ Œ›, v、H 、 ‰、 j 4 7 Ÿ 74r/ Œ p。5 ‚ “CO2 8;‚ 89‚ A8, Ÿ 8„A8W, ] H  8*Ÿ、A8 Ÿ[ ”  yŸ。 “CO2 MS v,d  GA  eS, a‹Ÿ 7, 2008, 352239-243.Li Gensheng, Shi Huaizhong, Shen Zhonghou, et al.Mechanisms and tests for hydraulic pulsed cavitating jet assisteddrilling[ J] .Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2008, 352239-243.[ 9] IŸ,Z,u ,.B B 1iŸ ] / Œ[ J] . 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