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.nullnonmarkingreturn “.null9.null.null5.null2013.null9.nullPROGRESSUS INQUISITIONES DE MUTATIONE CLIMATISVo l. 9 No. 5September 2013doi10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2013.05.007.nullnonmarkingreturn, .nullnonmarkingreturn , .nullnonmarkingreturn , .null. .nullnonmarkingreturn “.nullnonmarkingreturn “ .nullnonmarkingreturn .null 2013-05-23.nullnonmarkingreturn .null.nullnonmarkingreturn “.nullnonmarkingreturn “ 2 The Administrative Center forChina’s Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, ChinaAbstract The issues of loss and damage became one of the key points during the Doha conference of UNFCCC in2012. This paper analyzed the positions and key problems of main negotiation groups, by reviewing the backgroundand process of negotiation, and revealed the fundamental reasons for slow progress on loss and damage talk are thatdeveloped countries hold a negative attitude for their historical responsibility and even attempt to transfer responsibilityto developing countries. If developing countries want to succeed in loss and damage talk during COP19, they shouldenhance their unity and ensure that international loss and damage mechanism possesses some key functions such asfinance, concrete actions, assessment and report.Key words climate change; negotiation; loss and damage; progressMa Xin1, Li Yu’e1, He Xiaojia2, Wang Wentao2, Liu Shuo1, Gao Qingzhu1[11][12][13][15][16][14]programme on loss and damage. Submissions from Parties and relevantorganizations. FCCC/SBI/2011/MISC8 [EB/OL]. 2011 [2011-09-21].http//unfccc.int/documentation/documents/advanced_search/items/6911.phppriref600006459EU. Views and ination on elements to be included in the workprogramme on loss and damage. Submissions from Parties and relevantorganizations. FCCC/SBI/2011/MISC8/add1[EB/OL]. 2011 [2011-11-14].http//unfccc.int/documentation/documents/advanced_search/items/6911.phppriref600006623Norway. Views and ination on elements to be included in the workprogramme on loss and damage. Submissions from Parties and relevantorganizations. FCCC/SBI/2011/MISC1 [EB/OL]. 2011 [2011-04-19].http//unfccc.int/documentation/documents/advanced_search/items/6911.phppriref600006238UNFCCC Secretariat. Synthesis report on views and ination on thethematic areas in the implementation of the work programme [EB/OL].2011 [2011-11-09]. http//unfccc.int/resource/docs/2011/sbi/eng/inf13.pdf.nullnonmarkingreturn . .nullnonmarkingreturn “[R/OL]. 1992 [1992-04-13]. http//unfccc.int/resource/ docs/convkp/convchin.pdfIPCC. Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advanceclimate change adaptaion [R/OL]. 2012 [2012-03-13]. http//www.ipcc.chUNFCCC Secretariat. Report on the expert meeting on assessing the riskof loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change[EB/OL]. 2012 [2012-05-14]. http//unfccc.int/documentation/documents/advanced_search/items/6911.php[17].nullnonmarkingreturn, .nullnonmarkingreturn , .nullnonmarkingreturn. .nullnonmarkingreturn “*.nullnonmarkingreturn “.nullnonmarkingreturn “[J]. .nullnonmarkingreturn “, 2012, 8 2 144-149WWF. Into unknown territory the limits to adaptation and reality of lossand damage from climate impacts [EB/OL]. 2012 [2012-05-15]. http//awsassets.panda.org/downloads/into_unknown_territory_the_limits_to_adaptation_and_reality_of_loss_and_damage_from_clim_3.pdfUNFCCC. Decision 1/CP.13. Bali Action Plan [EB/OL]. 2007 [2008-03-04]. http//unfccc.int/resource/docs/2007/cop13/eng/06a01.pdfpage3AOSIS submission. Multi-window mechanism to address loss and damagefrom climate change impacts [EB/OL]. 2010 [2013-03-15]. http//unfccc.int/files/kyoto_protocol/application/pdf/aosisinsurance061208.pdfUNFCCC. Decision1/CP.16. The Cancun Agreements [EB/OL]. 2010[2011-03-15]. http //unfccc.int/meetings/cop_16/cancun_agreements/items/6005.phpUNFCCC. Decision 2/CP.17. Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc WorkingGroup on long-term cooperative action under the convention [EB/OL].2011 [2012-03-15]. http//unfccc.int/resource/docs/2011/cop17/eng/09a01.pdfpage4UNFCCC. Decision 1/CP.18 . Agreed outcome pursuant to the Bali ActionPlan [EB/OL]. 2012 [2013-02-28]. http//unfccc.int/resource/docs/2012/cop18/eng/08a01.pdfpage3Havey F. Doha climate change deal clears way for damage aid to poornations [EB/OL]. 2012 [2012-12-08]. http//www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/dec/08/doha-climate-change-deal-nationsUSA. Views and ination on elements to be included in the work[4][3][6][8][7][5][10][9]


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