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欧盟营商 环境报告 2019/2020 Business Environment of the European Union 2019/2020 中国贸促会研究院 CCPIT Academy The ination contained in this report is for reference only and none of the contents of this report is to be used as a commercial or legal recommendation. The CCPIT Academy is not responsible for the accuracy or integrity of the ination contained in this report. All rights reserved. No person or organization may reproduce or print some or all of the contents of this report without written permission of the CCPIT Academy. 课 题 编 写 组 组 长赵 萍 中国贸促 会研究院 国际贸易 研究部主 任 、研究 员 成 员周晋竹 中 国 贸 促 会 研 究 院 国 际 贸 易 研 究 部 副 主 任 赵丽艳 中国贸促 会发展研 究部经济 研究处处 长 杨 挺 中国贸促 会发展研 究部投资 研究处处 长 张继行 中国贸促 会研究院 国际贸易 研究部博 士 张玉静 中国贸促 会研究院 国际贸易 研究部博 士 张庆波 中国贸促 会研究院 国际贸易 研究部博 士 周 磊 中国贸促 会发展研 究部经济 研究处 李荣祥 中国贸促 会发展研 究部经济 研究处 宫毓雯 安徽财经 大学国际 经济贸易 学院副教 授 李敬伟 对外经贸 大学国际 经济研究 院副教授 参 与 校 对 王晨、 王慧铭、 王鹏飞、 刘彧瑾 Research group Leader Zhao Ping Director and Research Fellow International Trade Research Department of the CCPIT Academy Members Zhou Jinzhu Deputy Director of International Trade Research Department of the CCPIT Academy Zhao Liyan Director of Economic Research Division, Department of Development Research of CCPIT Yang Ting Director of Investment Research Division, Department of Development Research of CCPIT Zhang Jixing PhD. of International Trade Research Department of the CCPIT Academy Zhang Yujing PhD. of International Trade Research Department of the CCPIT Academy Zhang Qingbo PhD. of International Trade Research Department of the CCPIT Academy Zhou Lei Economic Research Division, Department of Development Research of CCPIT Li Rongxiang Economic Research Division, Department of Development Research of CCPIT Gong Yuwen Associate Professor of Anhui University of Finance and Economics Li Jingwei Associate Professor of University of International Business and Economics Proofreaders Wang Chen, Wang Huiming, Wang Pengfei, Liu Yujin 目 录 前言 2 第一章 欧盟改革年度盘点 6 一 、多 重刺激 提振 经济效 应有 限 . 8 8 10 12 12 二 、欧 盟市场 一体 化推动 速度 慢 14 14 18 三 、欧 盟贸易 与投 资自由 化退 坡 20 20 22 第二章 营商环境总体问题 26 一 、欧 盟整体 营商 环境不 容乐 观 28 28 30 二 、欧 盟市场 准入 门槛持 续提 高 32 32 34 36 三 、过 度规制 增加 企业经 营风 险 36 38 38 38 40 42 四 、隐 性歧视 违反 公平公 正原 则 42 44 46 五 、政 治社会 环境 增加外 资忧 虑 48 48 50 六 、过 度保护 增加 企业运 营成 本 54 54 56 七 、外 资企业 对欧 投资信 心下 滑 58 58 60 第三章 总体建议书 62 一 、取 消不合 理的 市场保 护措 施 64 64 64 64 二 、减 少过度 规制 对经济 的影 响 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 三 、坚 决杜绝 各种 隐性歧 视行 为 70 70 70 四 、加 强政府 公共 服务体 系建 设 72 72 72 72 第四章 市场准入专题 74 一 、近 期发展 76 76 78 78 5G . 80 82 84 84 二 、问 题分析 86 86 88 90 三 、我 们建议 92 92 92 92 94 第五章 行政执法专题 96 一 、近 期发展 98 98 100 二 、问 题分析 . 100 100 102 102 102 三 、我 们建议 . 104 104 104 106 第六章 通用数据保护条例专题 108 一 、近 期发展 . 110 110 112 114 114 118 二 、问 题分析 . 118 118 120 122 124 124 三 、我 们建议 . 126 126 126 126 第七章 数字经济专题 128 一 、近 期发展 . 130 5G . 130 130 132 134 134 5G . 136 5G . 136 二 、问 题分析 . 138 138 138 三 、我 们建议 . 140 5G . 140 5G . 140 第八章 知识产权专题 142 一 、近 期发展 . 144 144 144 146 二 、问 题分析 . 146 146 148 150 150 三 、我 们建议 . 150 150 152 152 152 第九章 公共采购专题 154 一 、近 期发展 . 156 156 156 156 二 、问 题分析 . 158 158 158 160 三 、我 们建议 . 162 162 162 162 164 第十章 反垄断专题 166 一 、近 期发展 . 168 168 168 168 170 二 、问 题分析 . 170 170 170 172 172 三 、我 们建议 . 174 174 174 174 第十一章 标准认证专题 176 一 、近 期发展 . 178 RoHS 178 WEEE . 180 REACH 182 二 、问 题分析 . 182 182 184 184 186 186 三 、我 们建议 . 188 188 188 188 188 第十二章 税收专题 190 一 、近 期发展 . 192 192 192 192 194 二 、问 题分析 . 194 194 196 196 三 、我 们建议 . 198 198 198 198 198 第十三章 金融专题 200 一 、近 期发展 . 202 202 IPU . 204 204 二 、问 题分析 . 206 206 IPU . 206 206 208 三 、我 们建议 . 208 208 IPU 210 210 第十四章 物流专题 212 一 、近 期发展 . 214 214 214 216 二 、问 题分析 . 218 PSR 218 220 220 三 、我 们建议 . 222 222 PSR 222 第十五章 电子商务专题 224 一 、近 期发展 . 226 226 226 226 228 二 、问 题分析 . 228 228 228 230 230 三 、我 们建议 . 230 230 230 230 Table of Contents Preface 3 Chapter One Annual Review of EU Res 7 Ⅰ. Limited effect of the multiple stimulus measures in lifting the economy . 9 1. The Investment Plan for Europe supports small and medium-sized companies . 9 2. The InvestEU program promotes financial access 11 3. The Connecting Europe Facility supports infrastructure. 13 4. The EU economy is still mired in low growth 13 II. Slow progress in developing the Single Market of the Union. 15 1. Digital Single Market Strategy makes progress 15 2. Slow progress in implementing the capital markets union action plan . 19 III. The European Union’s backsliding on trade and investment liberalisation . 21 1. Tightening foreign security review policies 21 2. Market distortions run counter to World Trade Organisation rules . 23 Chapter Two General Issues with the Business Environment . 27 I. The overall business environment of the European Union is less than optimistic . 29 1. Companies reckon that the EU business environment has declined . 29 2. Major Member States have poor business environment rankings . 31 II. Rising market access thresholds in the European Union . 33 1. Barriers to foreign investment access impede foreign investment growth 33 2. Abuse of trade remedy measures increases business costs 35 3. Frequent changes in standards prevent market entry 37 III. Overregulation increases business risks . 39 1. Excessive regulatory intervention disrupts daily operations . 39 2. Excessive government power increases rent-seeking opportunities . 39 3. Visa restrictions impairs reasonable personnel mobility . 41 4. Complex regulations increase compliance costs . 43 5. Long-arm jurisdiction undermines the sovereignty of other nations . 43 IV. Implicit discrimination runs counter to the principle of justice and fairness 45 1. The European Union fails to adhere to the principle of competitive neutrality for state-owned enterprises . 45 2. Discriminatory law enforcement weakens foreign companies’ competitiveness 49 V. The political and social environment adds to foreign investor concerns . 51 1. Low government efficiency adds to business costs . 51 2. Deterioration of public security affects everyday life . 53 VI. Over-protection adding to business operating cost 57 1. Labour system rigidity boosts labour costs . 57 2. Cognitive bias increases financing difficulties for foreign enterprises . 59 VII. Foreign investor confidence in the European Union declines . 59 1. Significant reduction in the number of enterprises choosing the European Union as their top investment destination. 61 2. Mergers and acquisitions by Chinese-funded enterprises may suffer the largest decline. 61 Chapter Three General Recommendations . 63 I. Eliminate unreasonable market protection measures 65 1. ulate fair and reasonable rules for foreign direct investment screening . 65 2. Strictly regulate the use of trade remedy measures . 65 3. Ensure that standard certification is fair and predictable 65 II. Mitigate the impact of overregulation on the economy 67 1. Avoid excessive government intervention in the market . 67 2. Regulate emerging business types in an inclusive and prudent manner 67 3. Promote free movement of the human resources of foreign-invested enterprises 69 4. Fully solicit the opinions and suggestions of foreign-invested enterprises . 69 5. Promote the European Union’s labour re 69 6. rcise long-arm jurisdiction reasonably 69 III. Stop all types of discriminatory behaviours . 71 1. Treat foreign-invested enterprises of all ownerships equally 71 2. Enforce laws in strict accordance with standard operation procedures . 71 IV. Strengthen the government public service system . 73 1. Improve the capacity of government workers to provide public services . 73 2. Increase investment in public security management . 73 3. Effectively meet the reasonable demands of foreign-invested enterprises 73 Chapter Four The Market Access Section . 75 I. Recent developments . 77 1. The first EU regulation on foreign direct investment screening came into force 77 2. The European Union’s strategic document on China targets Chinese-funded enterprises 79 3. Germany expanded the scope and raised the standard for reviews. 79 4. Italy extended the screening scope to cover 5G 81 5. France tightened control of foreign investment in strategic areas . 83 6. The Netherlands took a more critical attitude towards China . 85 7. Hungary published a security review list 85 II. Analysis of problems 87 1. The foreign direct investment screening list of the European Union continues to grow 87 2. Time costs and uncertainty increased 89 3. The concept of national security was abused in the review 91 III. Our recommendations 93 1. Develop a stable and exhaustive review list 93 2. Clarify review authority and improve efficiency 93 3. Define the specific scope of national security review . 95 4. Treat enterprises of all ownerships equally . 95 Chapter Five The Administrative Enforcement Section 97 I. Recent developments . 99 1. The eGovernment Action Plan has made progress 99 2. The eIDAS Regulation entered into force . 101 II. Analysis of problems 101 1. The implementation of the Once-Only-Principle has been less than effective . 101 2. Transparency in public service delivery needs to be enhanced . 103 3. Credibility of some Member State governments needs to be improved 103 4. Service capacity of Member State governments needs to be improved 105 III. Our recommendations 105 1. Modernise government service capacity . 105 2. Speed up the integration of public services in the European Union 107 3. Vigorously raise the government’s credibility . 107 Chapter Six The General Data Protection Regulation Section 109 I. Rec


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